A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 3711: Swallow!

The third thousand seven hundred and eleventh chapter swallow! (First burst)

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly heard a muffled thunder in the distant sky.

He quickly left the cave and looked up to the sky, but he didn’t see anything unusual.

Then, his eyes turned to the ground, and then he saw the extreme distance of the mountain range, at the end of the horizon, there was a bang, and a violent red light exploded.

It’s like having a volcanic eruption!

But Chen Feng knew that this was not a volcanic eruption, but a warrior striving for a blow on the ground!

With this blast, a figure, like a stone, swept toward the sky at an extremely fast speed.

In a blink of an eye, I was already above the tens of thousands of meters above the sky.

For the Longmai Continent, the altitude of tens of thousands of meters is not particularly high.

After all, the gas layer of the Dragon Vein Continent is located more than 10,000 miles above the ground!

Ten thousand miles, that’s more than five million meters!

It should be noted that the height of the southern barren tree that Chen Feng went to was as high as ten thousand li.

However, it just pierced the clouds, but did not pierce the gas layer.

It is extremely difficult to reach the gas layer of the Dragon Vein Continent, even outside the gas layer.

But here, after reaching a height of about 10,000 meters, it has already reached a very high altitude.

Because, there is no gas layer here, only an extremely thin and ethereal vitality, floating above the height of about 10,000 meters.

So, it is easy for this person to pass through this layer of vitality and face the cosmic void without any blemish, any obscuration!

Chen Feng doesn’t know what he wants to do, he is very strange to everything here.

But the next moment, Chen Feng knew.

It turned out that in the next instant, this person stood high in the void of the universe, and suddenly exhaled!

A huge sound wave like the roar of a tiger came from far away!

Even though it is hundreds of miles away, Chen Feng can hear it really.

The next moment, the light on his body flickered, as if some powerful technique was activated.

Extremely huge suction power from both hands.

The emptiness of the universe is actually sucked out of ripples.

Then, all of a sudden, a huge force passed in his direction.

Chen Feng feels very familiar with this power!

Extremely huge and extremely tyrannical, but Chen Feng knew that there was a similar force in his body!

Because, this is actually a god!

An extremely complete, can be absorbed, a **** that greatly enhances one’s own power!

Although Chen Feng is far away, he can still feel the extremely terrifying aura coming from this divine essence!

Chen Feng carefully observed for a while, and then whispered to himself: “This divine essence should be full of the hot power of the sun, which is considered to be of the light system.”

“It is extremely bright and smooth, just like cutting a piece of sunlight abruptly, it is most suitable for me to absorb.”

“Moreover, this divine essence is purer and stronger than any one I have absorbed before.”

“After I absorbed it, it was at least equivalent to the power of the original two gods!”

At this moment, Chen Feng almost became greedy in his heart, and he couldn’t wait to violently violently, in the hands of this person, grabbed this god.

However, Chen Feng is still sensible after all.

He knows that this is far from the time to snatch.

Moreover, this person is very strong, but he can’t grab it, but it’s still a matter of two!

At the same time, Chen Feng felt that there was also a few breaths in the far distance.

Obviously, they are all spying on the person who absorbed the gods from the nine heavens.

However, none of them moved.

Chen Feng’s heart moved: “I am a newcomer to this place, so it’s only necessary to be cautious, why didn’t they move anything or grabbed it?”

“Could it be that…”

Chen Feng suddenly thought of a little.

So, he immediately held his breath, condensed his mind, and began to perceive carefully.

Chen Feng’s mental power was originally very powerful, and his perception was much stronger than that of warriors of the same level.

As soon as this perception radiated, it suddenly stretched up like thin needles, and hit the sky.

Then, it condenses into a big net again.

Everything in this big net is invisible in Chen Feng’s perception.

The next moment, Chen Feng was shocked!

There was an expression of extreme shock on his face, and after that shock, there was boundless ecstasy:

“God, there are so many, how can there be so many gods!”

It turned out that under his careful perception, he was shocked to discover that in this seemingly incomparable cosmic void, a little bit of perception is that he can perceive that there are many gods floating here!

These gods have different colors, different natures, strong and weak.

But without exception, it is very close to the desolate ancient ruins, and it is quite easy to absorb it!

Of course, you need to have enough strength.

If one’s own strength is not enough, even if it can’t contain the gods, then nothing is mentioned.

At this time, above the sky, the strong man has already begun to absorb the divine essence full of the power of the scorching sun at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, above his head, a huge Shenyuan battle body appeared, the body length reached a giant of fifty meters!

It looks like a huge golden leopard.

However, this huge golden leopard has three pairs of huge wings on both sides of its body.

The wings spread out, but it was not the kind of bare fleshy wings, but like a phoenix divine bird, covered with bright golden feathers.

It spread out softly, like clouds spreading.

The wings spread out, and they have a wingspan of about 100 meters!

It swallowed almost one-fifth of the huge and brilliant light gods in one bite!

Then, after a while, it was another bite!

Then, another bite~IndoMTL.com~ swallowed one after another. It took about a cup of tea, and this **** was absorbed cleanly.

At this time, that huge golden leopard with brilliant and gorgeous wings, a long roar, shocked the world!

It is mixed with indescribable satisfaction, it seems to be full and satisfied.

Then the strong man put away this golden giant leopard with huge gorgeous wings.

The next moment, his body shape flashed and disappeared directly.

The whole process took less than half an hour!

Chen Feng was stunned!

He took a breath: “Is it absorbed? It is absorbed?”

“It’s just a short cup of tea time, it adds a whole magical energy!”

At this time, Chen Feng’s eyes flashed with horror.

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