A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 3658: Leave

Chapter 3658, Departure (Second Explosion)

The nine red dots are extremely shining, with a long tail flame behind them, like fragments of stars falling that day.

Below the crystal is a barren world.

Chen Feng fought all over, almost sinking into it, and then he broke free with a muffled roar.

Shang Zixin has lingering fears!

He felt that this crystal actually gave him a reaction when he heard the words “Desolate Ancient Ruins” that day.

In a crystal, there is actually a world sealed!

Chen Feng was even more shocked.

But then, the shock turned into ecstasy.

A martial arts crystal can be so powerful, so how terrifying it would be to release it!

Chen Feng laughed loudly: “Huang-level Sixth-Rank Peak Martial Skill, Skyfire Meteor!”

“The Heavenly Fire Meteor Martial Skill Crystal, which has reached 50% of its completeness, and 50% of its power reached its peak, has been successfully cast!”

“This blow is even stronger than my full blow!”

“Almost comparable to a five-star Wudi’s full blow!”

Chen Feng laughed: “With this thing, you have a life-saving capital.”

“It can play a great role in times of crisis, not only to save my life, but also to kill the opponent.”

Chen Fengzhen put away this martial arts crystal seriously.


After looking at the giant bronze cauldron, he sighed slightly.

Although I got this powerful martial arts crystal, the cost is huge enough!

Soon, Chen Feng put these Xu regrets behind him, and resumed training other martial arts fragments.

Another hour later, the Wilderness Rank 6 martial arts, the Six Sun Zhutian Killing Array, is also finished!

It is half the size of a palm, and there are countless different rays of light in it, and the breath is mysterious and unpredictable.

At this time, the power of this giant bronze cauldron is only forty and a half left!

Another hour later, with a light pop, a thick black smoke came out, but no martial arts crystal appeared.

It turned out that another barren rank fifth-rank martial skill failed in the exercise.

It’s gone.

Chen Feng didn’t have time to be sad, but his expression was solemn and determined.

A pair of slender and white hands are extremely stable, sending some other martial arts fragments into them!

In the mirror valley of Chen Feng, the buzzing of the big bronze cauldron and the circulation of the five colors lasted for two days and two nights!

Finally, in the early morning of the third day, with another hum of the large bronze cauldron, a light cyan light spit out from it.

Chen Feng slowly took it in his hand.

This cyan light is a martial arts crystal, but the size of half a child’s fist.

Moreover, the colors are quite mixed, and the aura inside is not very powerful.

This is also expected by Chen Feng, because this is only a barren grade two martial skill crystal.

As the martial arts crystal was spit out, on the big bronze cauldron, there was a sound like a human scream of pain, and countless cracks burst out instantly, and the breath quickly decayed.

It’s as if a person is old and sick.

Chen Feng knew that this bronze cauldron probably had about 10% of its strength left.

It can still be used, but if you continue to use it, it may be completely damaged.

Chen Feng patted the body of the large bronze cauldron, and said softly: “Old man, I have wronged you this time, but you can rest assured.”

“Waiting for me to clean up the grandson Gaoge, and grab those pieces of martial arts techniques from him, I will definitely give you a good time.”

After all, I just accepted this great tripod.

He stretched out his hand and shook, and suddenly, more than a hundred rays of light appeared in front of him. This was the result of these two days.

About 30% of the martial arts fragments were touched, and they completely failed and disappeared.

However, almost 70% of them were successfully smelted out.

Chen Feng now has more than 40% completeness on hand, and there are dozens of martial arts crystals that have a level exceeding the second-rank barren level!

There are more than twenty pieces of those above the third rank of the Wilderness level.

There are those two extremely terrifying existences.

Chen Feng smiled to himself: “Elder Xuanyuan Xiaoyue told me to smelt more martial arts crystals before entering the deserted ancient ruins.”

“Now that we have these, it should be enough!”

He put away these martial arts crystals and looked down.

At this time, the night is dark and the sky is full of stars.

Qingmu and Wuling are already sound asleep.

The two of them didn’t sleep like people, but showed their own identity at night.

Two huge spiritual plants with a radius of several tens of meters, stretched out their trunks, branches and leaves, facing the moonlight in the sky, absorbing the essence of the moonlight.

Bloodwind is still asleep, somehow, it has been sleeping a lot recently, and it seems to be lacking sleep.

Chen Feng looked at him with soft eyes.

After a long time, I just got up.

Lao Qi and Chu Ci are still casting the huge magic weapon there.

Both of them are already a little confused, and even their cheeks are somewhat collapsed.

Obviously, in the past few days, they have consumed a huge amount of mind, and the whole person has become a lot haggard.

But their eyes are bright and scary, full of concentration.

Chen Feng watched it, and didn’t bother them.

Chen Feng sighed softly: “It shouldn’t be too late, I should leave now. As for goodbye, forget it!”

Chen Feng didn’t intend to tell him about this. Telling them was just to make them worry in vain.

Chen Feng took a deep look at them, then resolutely turned around and walked towards the entrance of Jinggu.

This trip is extremely dangerous for him.

Even Chen Feng is not sure that he will get out of his body, nor is he sure when he will come back.

This is a great challenge for him.

In the past, no matter how difficult and dangerous it was, it was still within the limits of the Dragon Vein Continent.

And this time, this desolate ancient ruin can almost be said to be outside this world.

But Chen Feng will never back down.

Soon, Chen Feng came outside Xuanyuan Xiaoyue’s residence.

Seems to sense his arrival.

With a bang~IndoMTL.com~ Where Xuanyuan Xiaoyue lived, the two doors suddenly opened.

Chen Feng stepped into it slowly.

Xuanyuan Xiaoyue turned her back to him at this time, as if she was reading a scroll in her hand.

The scriptures are already yellowing, I don’t know how many years have passed.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Xuanyuan Xiaoyue sighed softly: “Are you all ready?”

Chen Feng nodded slowly: “Do my best.”

“Everything that should be prepared is ready, and there are some things that I can’t prepare. I can’t do it. After all, time is short.”

“It seems that you have other things to do.”


Chen Feng nodded, without any concealment, and revealed his plan and account:

“I need to return from the deserted ruins within a month.”

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