A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 3657: Refining!

The third thousand six hundred and fifty-seventh chapter refining! (First burst)

This little guy is round and round with his feet up and his belly facing up.

With his breathing, his round belly buckled together.

There was a slight snoring in his throat, and there was even a nasal bubble in his nose, which bulged as he breathed.

It’s so cute.

Chen Feng looked at it and couldn’t help laughing.

He was full of thoughts, but when he saw this little guy, his heart suddenly became soft and warm.

Chen Feng sighed softly and sat down beside the blood wind.

Bloodwind seemed to feel that he was back. Although his eyes were still closed, his chubby body rolled a few times, rubbing and rubbing, and got into Chen Feng’s arms.

After that, he arched in Chen Feng’s arms, found a comfortable posture, and went to sleep again.

After a while, the snoring sound was louder, but he slept more soundly.

Chen Feng looked at him with a smile, only to feel happy and peaceful.

After a while, he just got up, erratic, and came to the big bronze cauldron.

After that, he sighed softly, without hesitation, he just took out a golden thread kit from his arms.

Open the golden thread kit, and throw those martial arts fragments as many as a hill toward the sky.

Suddenly, those fragments belonging to the same martial arts technique gathered together, forming a group after another in the air.

At a glance, there are hundreds of groups.

Of course, there are about dozens of brilliance among them, which are particularly bright.

Among them, there are three more groups, which are almost as bright as the sun in the sky.

At the same time, the body exudes extremely powerful fluctuations of power.

This kind of brilliance and incomparable strength made the old Qi Chuci below all be moved by it.

However, they quickly turned their attention to the weapon they were forging.

Besides these splendid martial arts fragments, there are tens of thousands of pieces scattered on the side, looking rather dimly splendid.

Actually, their brilliance is not dim, and the aura of strength is not weak, but compared with those high-level martial arts fragments, it is far inferior.

Chen Feng sighed lightly, without any hesitation, directly throwing all the tens of thousands of scattered fragments into the large bronze cauldron.

Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound on the large bronze cauldron.

And inside the big bronze cauldron, there seemed to be a loud and domineering roar that burst out suddenly.

It’s as if some monster has quietly awakened.

Next, the big bronze cauldron actually bulged.

Then, fiercely, the red light expanded violently, absorbing all the tens of thousands of martial arts fragments into it.

The next moment, there was an instant silence, and there was no more movement in the whole.

It’s just that, on the surface of the large bronze cauldron, there are some tremors that ordinary people can hardly notice.

Chen Feng was not in a hurry, just waiting there quietly.

And after he waited for half an hour, suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the whole bronze cauldron suddenly bulged up in his belly.

It’s like a person’s stomach bulges after eating too much.

The next moment, the mouth of the large bronze cauldron suddenly opened, and a strong, colorful breath came out from it.

This breath is very strong, and Chen Feng feels that it is all useless waste.

There was a slight smile at the corner of his mouth: “This time, the bronze cauldron seems to be full, and even burped.”

Next, Chen Feng felt a very satisfying breath on the big bronze cauldron.

Even the big bronze cauldron took the initiative to fly over and rubbed against Chen Feng.

Of course, his so-called rubbing, that huge force, if he were to be an ordinary person, he would be directly smashed into meat sauce.

Chen Feng laughed and patted the bronze cauldron.

This is the first time that the bronze cauldron has shown such intimacy.

This thing is so spiritual!

Chen Feng felt it carefully, and the expression on his face became more satisfied.

At this time, this large bronze cauldron has recovered to about 60%, and there are many fine cracks in it that have not been bridged before, and now they have been made up for perfection.

The outside of it is even more mellow and flawless.

If you look at it from the surface, it’s intact!

Next, Chen Feng gradually lost the relatively complete pieces of martial arts techniques.

At this time, he has only the martial arts fragments of Grade 2 or above of the Wilderness level on hand, and the completeness is above 40%.

Others, Chen Feng didn’t look good, they had been thrown in and made tonics for the bronze cauldron.

There are hundreds of martial arts techniques like this.

However, Chen Feng threw in first, not the lower level ones.

Because Chen Feng knows very well that the later, the greater the wear and tear of this giant bronze cauldron, the higher the probability of failure.

So, the ones he had to cast in advance were the ones with the highest rank.

Chen Feng threw it in first, and it was indeed the martial arts fragments of the bolide that day.

And the meteors on this day are really extraordinary.

Chen Feng just put these martial arts fragments into the giant bronze cauldron, and the giant bronze cauldron was shocked.

An extremely solemn emotion was conveyed.

And in that emotion, there is another unspeakable excitement.

It seems that being able to cast this level of martial arts skills makes him quite happy!

Time passed, and the large bronze cauldron vibrated slightly, making a muffled roar from time to time.

And above the big bronze cauldron, from time to time, a bright golden red brilliance burst out.

It cut through the sky and fell in the distance, shocking a huge shock.

Obviously, this is the miscellaneous power that was expelled when the skyfire meteor martial arts crystal was cast.

However, even these miscellaneous powers are already so terrifying, it is even harder to imagine how strong the true power of the bolide will be this day.

This is a wild six-rank martial art!

Know that ~IndoMTL.com~Chen Feng’s life, let alone practice, has never even seen the power of the peak martial arts of the Wild Grade Six.

Chen Feng was not asked to wait for too long. About an hour later, the giant bronze cauldron suddenly shook wildly.

The aura above the giant bronze cauldron dropped rapidly, seeming to groan with pain.

The surface also clicked, cracking a few cracks.

But at this moment, in the big bronze cauldron, there was a loud bang, and a gold-red object was spit out.

When Chen Feng’s figure flashed, he held it in his hand.

When I touched it, I only felt extremely hot in my hands and almost burned.

Hurry up and use enough strength to wrap it up and hold it firmly.

Chen Feng looked down and saw that it was a crystal about the size of a fist, and the whole body was transparent.

In that crystal, there are nine red dots sealed.

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