A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 3548: Shenjia

Chapter 3548: The Shen Family

The mansion where the Shen family is located is huge and extremely luxurious, but in some places, it is already a little run-down, and it feels like it is in decline.

However, the courtyard at the core has been refurbished, even more luxurious than before.

It means that this family has moved from decline to ZTE again.

But it can be seen that there are not many people in this family, which is far less prosperous, but it maintains the vitality of the core and the tyrannical strength of the core.

Time goes back one day!

It was after Chen Feng taught Shenyang Xu a lesson at the private auction of the God of War Chamber of Commerce.

With a squeak, a luxurious floating tank suddenly stopped at the gate of Shen’s house.

Then, three or four servants came down from above in a panic.

Hurry up and dragged a person out of the carriage. It was Shenyang Xu.

At this time, Shen Yangxu was bloodstained, breathing weak, dying, where is the half-arrogant appearance before?

The guard at the door of Shen’s house was shocked to see this scene, and hurriedly shouted:

“Who beat Young Master Yang Xu like this?”

“God, what happened to Young Master Yang Xu?”

They swarmed up, ready to help.

At this moment, a violent roar came from the door: “Get out of here!”

Everyone was taken aback, looked towards the door quickly, and then fell silent, bowing their heads and stepping aside.

I saw a person walking out of the door.

About fifty years old, but his hair is still pitch black, his beard is very neatly trimmed and his clothes are quite luxurious.

The whole person feels calm and sophisticated.

It’s just the look in the eyes, which flickers from time to time, giving people a strange feeling.

He walked to the front quickly, and when he saw Shen Yangxu’s appearance, he trembled all over, and the circles under his eyes were red.

He directly hugged Shen Yang Xu and shouted: “Sixth brother, sixth brother, what’s wrong with you? Who hurt you like this?”

He suddenly raised his head, staring at the surrounding Shen family servants with extremely cold eyes, and said sharply:

“Are you dogs dead?”

“Just watched others beat the sixth brother like this? Who did it?”

Those people were so frightened that their lips trembled, and they couldn’t even say a word.

Looking at him, there was a deep fear in his eyes.

They are all very clear, this eldest man has a cold temper and is extremely cruel.

One answer is wrong, there is really only a dead end.

At this moment, Shen Yangxu in this person’s arms suddenly moved and woke up.

He opened his eyes and looked at him, his lips moved twice, and faintly uttered two words: “It’s Chen Feng, it’s Chen Feng, he’s here for revenge!”

When he said this, his eyes were still confused and lacklustre.

“Chen Feng? The Xuanyuan family’s Chen Feng? The most recently named Chen Feng of Tianlongcheng?”

The middle-aged man suddenly showed a shocked expression on his face: “Why does he want to deal with you?”

At this time, Shen Yangxu’s head was already tilted, and he fainted again.

The middle-aged man wrinkled his brows and walked into Shen’s house with Shen Yangxu in his arms, but coldly left a sentence: “Follow me!”

“For today’s matter, you are not allowed to miss a sentence!”


Everyone shouted.

After that, they all followed him in.

Soon, this middle-aged man came to Shen’s backyard with Shen Yangxu in his arms.

After that, he took out a treasured pill and fed it to him.

After swallowing the pill, Shenyang Xu instantly felt a refreshing feeling all over his body.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, he sat up, vomiting a few mouthfuls of black bruise, and a layer of black stinky sweat came out all over his body.

Suddenly, he woke up and felt much better.

Although he is still seriously injured, it is definitely not the way he might die at any time.

He looked at the middle-aged man with a worried face beside him, sighed lightly, smiled and said, “Big brother, I’m much better, thank you big brother!”

It turns out that this middle-aged man is the leader of the Shen family, Shen Qingyu.

Shen Qingyu gave him a strange look and said, “My brother, what are you doing with this.”

Shen Yangxu was about to speak, but Shen Qingyu suddenly waved his hand to stop him.

He said in a deep voice: “Yang Xu, you should take a break, take a bath, and change your clothes.”

“I’m waiting for you in the family hall, and our brothers are all there. Then you can tell everyone about this matter.”


Shen Yangxu nodded.

Half an hour later, the Shen family was extremely luxurious, all in the family hall built with white boulders.

It was empty, with only about four or five people sitting.

These four or five people are between 20 and 50 years old.

Of course, it just seems that the real age does not know how old it is.

The oldest is Shen Qingyu, sitting in the first seat at this time.

There were two people sitting on his left and right.

All of them are quite powerful and look similar. They are obviously brothers of the Shen family.

These people are also the power that the Shen family can re-emerge!

There are nine brothers in the Shen family, three of whom have died or died due to various reasons.

These six people are left, and the strongest among the six is ​​Shen Qingyu, who has reached the pinnacle of the three-star martial emperor.

The weakest is Shenyang Xu.

When Shen Yangxu walked in, everyone stood up and looked at him with concern.

The relationship between their brothers is quite deep.

Shen Yangxu slowly moved to the last seat and sat down, and then said with a wry smile: “Brothers, I’m sorry, this time I shame our Shen family.”

“Hey, sixth brother, where are you talking!”

“That is, what do we from the Shen family say to embarrass the Shen family? It is normal to be planted in the hands of others.”

“Yes, who doesn’t plant a few times? Just live!”

Shen Qingyu said slowly: “Okay, don’t say anything, let Yang Xu say it!”

Everyone turned their attention to Shenyang Xu~IndoMTL.com~Shenyang Xu sorted out the language, and then said the process of the matter again.

After listening, everyone was in an uproar.

“Chen Feng actually knew what happened to the Shen family that day, did he come to take revenge?”

Someone lost his voice: “He is coming to our Shen’s house to avenge the descendants of Thunder?”

As soon as the words of the descendants of Thunder were mentioned, the hall immediately became quiet.

Everyone looked at him.

The person knew that he had made a mistake, and he closed his mouth quickly.

It seems that these four words, descendants of Thunder, are taboos in their family.

Everyone was plunged into silence. In their eyes, there was fear, shock, and anxiety.

A whisper sounded.

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