A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 3460: Come on! Teach me!

Chapter three thousand four hundred and sixty is here! Teach me! (Second explosion)

Chen Feng smiled and said: “Why can’t I admit what I did?”

Bai Jingwan looked at Chen Feng and was stunned.

The next moment, boundless ecstasy and excitement poured into his heart.

Suddenly, she squatted directly on the ground and cried.

But it is not sad, but excitement and joy!

Chen Feng looked at her, touched her head, and squatted down beside her.

At this time, it was dusk, and the dim sunlight poured down through the gaps in the leaves, and it was mottled.

Chen Feng turned his head and looked at the endless classics in this Tianya Ancient Books Museum, and couldn’t help feeling emotional.

“Those books have been piled up here since they were written. No one has taken care of them, let alone read them. If you really read them, then you will have something.”

“Now, it’s cheaper for me.”

After Chen Feng went back, he immediately couldn’t wait to open the fragments of the Shaking White Sun’s Book.

Then, take a closer look.

At first glance, Chen Feng sighed:

“Sure enough, it is very mysterious! The subtle words are great, and in every sentence, there are inexplicable truths and extremely powerful forces.”

Many more are methods handed down from ancient times. At first glance, they are extremely crude, barbaric, and primitive, but when you look carefully, you can feel the beauty of them, and the mystery is hard to say.

However, when Chen Feng continued to look down, suddenly, blood surged and a mouthful of blood spurted out!

It turned out that the following was suddenly cut off, and a lot of space was missing.

Chen Feng felt his brain dizzy, his body swayed, and he almost couldn’t help falling directly to the ground.

Chen Feng knows what’s going on.

When he was reading, he was instinctively understanding and practicing instinctively, and the power in his body worked for it.

At this moment, it stopped abruptly, as if the practice was directly interrupted!

After a while, he recovered.

Then, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“This class of mysterious art, the level is not weaker than that of my idol, stepping innocent vitality, I am afraid that it has reached the ninth level of the wilderness level or even higher.”

“If you want to practice, you must proceed step by step, and there must be no interruption!”

“The fragment of this fragment was originally copied from the fragment, and some breaks are normal.”

Next, Chen Feng looked down.

Sure enough, after a long period of time, I saw the new text again.

But this time, Chen Feng didn’t dare to go deep.

He shook his head: “The Yaoguang Bairi Fairy Book of the Beidou Sword School is about one-third of the original one. One part.”

“That is, I only have one twelfth of the full version here.”

“The fragments of the Shake Guang Bairi Fairy Score of the Beidou Sword Sect, although only one-third, but not less.”

“Moreover, after so many years, the wisdom of the sages has been polished, and their power has been reduced, but they can be cultivated, and there is not much harm.”

“However, this fragmented volume is different!”

“If I am cultivating now, I’m afraid it would be light to get into trouble!”

Chen Feng shook his head, put the fragments away, and no longer looked at it carefully.

“We still have to wait until we go to the green mountains and secret caves, and hold the real Yaoguang Bairixian spectrum in your hands.”

On the third day, Chen Feng went to the Beidou Sword Sect as usual.

This time he made a special trip to leave early, instead of waiting to go to the Tianya Ancient Books Museum after class was over, instead he went to the Tianya Ancient Books Museum early.

After two days of cleaning up, there are not many unorganized books left in the Tianya Ancient Books Museum.

Chen Feng wants to finish it today.

Although he has gotten great benefits in it now, Chen Feng wanted to sort it out this time. It’s not about getting benefits again, but about starting and ending well.

After all, after these two days, he actually has so much affection for this place.

This time, without any help, Chen Feng transported these ancient scrolls bit by bit.

His expression is calm and plain, so he seems to be doing things more quickly.

It only took about three hours. Before the class, Chen Feng had already transported all these classics.

The old man looked at Chen Feng with a smile on his mouth, then raised his brows and said:

“Young man! I have stayed here for decades, and I have never seen someone as calm and peaceful as you!”

“The first day other people came here, they were reluctant and unwilling. On the second day, they shouted furiously. After the third and fourth days, some even just quit.”

“Such as you, really rare!”

Chen Feng smiled slightly, said no more, and left.

The old man looked at Chen Feng’s back, a thought flashed in his eyes.

Soon, Chen Feng arrived at the Inferior Jingshu Hall.

Although he came early, after the hard work just now, when he came here now, the class was already full of people.

Wei Bailian and Zhou Yanbin are also here.

It’s just that after Chen Feng watched it, he couldn’t help but stunned slightly.

It turned out that these two people were extremely embarrassed at this time.

Wei Bailian’s nose and face are blue and swollen, and there is a deep palm print on her face. At first glance, she was slapped with a big slap in the face.

And Zhou Yanbin was torn to ragged clothes, just like a beggar.

Where else was the romantic son half a minute ago?

They both sat there with a gloomy expression!

Chen Feng knew at a glance that the two of them must have been ruthlessly cleaned up in the Houshan Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Not only didn’t get any benefit, but ended up so miserably.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng’s mouth and shook his head.

He doesn’t have the slightest concern for the Houshan Tibetan Scripture Pavilion now. To him, there is no value there.

When Wei Bailian came in from Chen Feng, she stared at Chen Feng.

At this moment, when she saw Chen Feng shaking her head, she was even more furious.

Stand up, walked to Chen Feng, stared at him, and said coldly:

“Chen Feng, what did you smile just now?”

Chen Feng looked up and looked at her, feeling crooked in his heart.

Obviously~IndoMTL.com~Wei Bailian is looking for something now!

Chen Feng said lightly: “I laughed at me, what is it to you?”

Wei Bailian’s expression even sternly roared: “You untouchable, dare you to speak to me in this tone?”

Chen Feng lazily said: “Why don’t I dare?”

Now, Chen Feng is completely fed up with them.

The most important thing is that Chen Feng has already obtained the information of Shaoguang Bairi Xianpu.

For him, it doesn’t make much sense for him to stay in the Lower Jingshutang now, and he doesn’t have any scruples.

Wei Bailian stared at Chen Feng and didn’t seem to expect his reaction like this, and sneered: “Okay, very good, you are fine.”

“How dare you talk to me like this? I will teach you a severe lesson now!”

Chen Feng didn’t even look at him, just lowered his head and rubbed his fingers, then raised his head, raised his eyebrows and smiled: “Okay! Come, teach me!”

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