A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 3450: Jingshutang

The latest website: Chapter 3450 Sutra Book Hall

But they don’t know what to do, and no one tells them what to do.

Everyone was wandering around there very boredly. Suddenly, a figure passed by and soon came close.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then became excited!

It turned out that what the figure was stepping on was a ten-meter-long giant sword.

On the giant sword, there are several star points carved on it.

The stars are dotted with thin lines connecting them among the mottled spots. From a distance, they look like stars in the sky.

This kind of giant sword is the symbol of the Beidou Sword Sect.

Beidou Sword Sect, all strong men use this kind of giant sword.

Then, the giant sword hovered above the square.

Then, everyone saw a person standing on top of the giant sword, an old man with white hair.

It looks like he is of unknown age, but his aura is very powerful and thick.

His eyes swept over everyone’s faces, and everyone felt like they had been seen through by him.

His gaze didn’t even linger on most people, but just passed by.

Obviously, these people are of low strength and poor talent, and are simply not worthy of his gaze.

He only stayed above a few people for a moment!

Obviously, these people are all very talented people.

Soon, his eyes stayed on someone for a long time, and many people noticed it.

“His eyes have stayed on this person for such a long time. Could it be that this person is extremely talented?”

Everyone looked at him, and then they saw a tall woman standing there.

Wearing a blue dress, her eyebrows lowered and her head lowered, she remained silent, just like an orchid in an empty valley.

Chen Feng also looked there, and then saw Bai Jingwan.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, “Bai Jingwan’s talent is really not bad!”

Suddenly, he felt a chill in his heart. He quickly took a deep breath, then contracted his talent and his strength.

Sure enough, the next moment, the white-haired elder’s eyes fell on Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng is even more powerful than him, so it would be too easy to hide him!

He deliberately pretended to be a disciple with decent strength and talent.

Neither good nor bad, just the least noticeable kind.

Sure enough, the white-haired elder did not notice anything unusual about Chen Feng and glanced directly at him.

His eyes glanced around for about as long as a cup of tea, and they stayed on Bai Jingwan the longest.

In addition, there are several others.

What surprised Chen Feng was that Qi Wenxia and Gui Qingwen were not bad in talent and were able to stay for a while.

Then, the white-haired elder coughed lightly and said, “Now, in this session, you have a total of two hundred and forty new disciples.”

“It just so happens that our Beidou Sword Sect is divided into six branches.”

“Six branches?” Chen Feng raised his eyebrows.

He had already understood it before he came.

This Beidou Sword Sect is different from any sect family he has been to before.

The Beidou Sword Sect is not divided into internal and external, but is divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower.

In each level, all disciples are divided into six branches.

They are the Jing Shu Hall, the Martial Arts Hall…and so on.

Each branch you enter is different, so the martial arts skills you practice are also different. However, there is generally no distinction between high and low. It is just that the characteristics are different and the direction of practice is different.

The number of people in each branch is about forty.

Of course, these forty people refer to the number of people in a branch hall of a level.

Take the martial arts hall as an example. There are three martial arts halls in the entire Beidou Sword Sect.

They are the superior martial arts hall, the intermediate martial arts hall, and the inferior martial arts hall.

All new disciples, as soon as they enter the sect, if they want to enter the martial arts hall, they must enter the lower martial arts hall.

After one year of training in the inferior martial arts hall, an assessment will be conducted.

Those who pass the assessment will enter the intermediate martial arts hall, practice stronger martial arts and martial arts, and receive guidance from stronger elders!

If you are not promoted, you will continue to stay in the lower martial arts hall, together with the new disciples who have just entered the sect.

In other words, in the lower level martial arts hall, there will be disciples who stayed from the upper level.

This elimination system is quite interesting.

Then. The white-haired elder pointed to the end of the square and said, “Now, come here to see the introduction of each branch, and then sign up for which branch you want to join.”

Suddenly, a disciple in the crowd shouted loudly, “May I ask, Mr. Elder, can I go to any branch hall I want to go to?”

“Isn’t this nonsense?”

The elder said impatiently, “Of course it is. Our Beidou Sword Sect will not suppress the cultivation of any disciple.”

“You can go to the branch church you want to go to, no matter how crowded it is.”

“If you are the only one in the branch you want to go to, that’s okay!”

When everyone heard this, they all cheered loudly.

“Of course! The elder suddenly laughed and said, “If it is a separate hall with many people, then the assessment must be stricter. ”

“If it is a separate class with fewer people, then the assessment may be more relaxed. It depends on your own choice.”

This is also what it should be. When there are more people, competition will naturally increase.

Then, the elder waved his hand and said, “Okay, stop talking nonsense and go see it quickly!”

Then everyone rushed over.

At the end of the square, on the stone wall, six huge stone tablets are carved.

On each stone tablet is written the name of a branch hall, Jingshu Hall, Yanwu Hall…

The following is an introduction.

For example, the Jingshu Hall focuses on reading a lot of books and knowing things about the Dragon Vein Continent.

At the same time, it focuses more on the cultivation of the realm of skills.

The Yanwu Hall focuses more on martial arts and actual combat training.

Chen Feng also squeezed in the crowd to look ~IndoMTL.com~ At this time, someone suddenly shouted, “One of the responsibilities of the Scripture Hall is to take care of the forbidden area of ​​the Back Mountain Scripture Pavilion!”

Someone laughed and said, “If we add the Sutra Book Hall, then can we read the secret books in the sect at will?”

At this time, someone in the crowd let out a low laugh, “Tsk, it’s beautiful if you want it.”

“The only people who casually enter the forbidden area of ​​the Sutra Pavilion to read are the strong men in the sect and those with extremely high status. You? Who do you think you are?”

“Remember, you are allowed to enter the Sutra Hall, not the forbidden area of ​​the Sutra Pavilion!”

“The forbidden area of ​​the Sutra Pavilion contains countless scriptures, which contain endless martial arts techniques. The disciples of the Sutra Pavilion are only responsible for cleaning the forbidden area of ​​the Sutra Pavilion.”

“In fact, the only thing you can clean is the outside of the forbidden area of ​​​​Zangjing Pavilion, and you cannot even enter the main part of the forbidden area of ​​​​Zangjing Pavilion.”

“You still want to read those martial arts secrets? Stop dreaming!”

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