A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 314: Exit the mouth

Chapter Three Hundred and Fourteen Mighty Mouth

But these beggars are at the bottom of society. They don’t know how much shock and impact this sentence will cause if it spreads in Daning City.

After they listened, there was no change in their expressions.

Seeing their reaction, the strange man nodded. He needs these ignorant and fearless people.

He put this low-grade spirit stone in the hands of the leader, and a cunning flashed in the eyes of the leader beggar, and said in his heart: “We took your money and ran away, not doing things for you, you How can you find me?”

As soon as this thought came to him, the weird man said indifferently: “Your family has 37 people, old and young, living in an abandoned mountain temple ten miles away. There is a beggar’s den and a residence that you have run for a long time.”

“I will go there and wait. If the news is not heard in my ears within a day, then I will kill all the people in it. You should know that I have this strength.”

After many beggars heard this, they were like falling into an ice cellar, and they were cold all over.

The head of the beggar was stunned. He didn’t expect the weird person in front of him to understand them so clearly. They have no doubt that this weird person who killed them all in a joke room will fulfill his promise. If they really didn’t spread it, the family would really die.

At this time, the weird laughed like a night owl, and another bag appeared in his hand.

He opened the bag, and there was a bag full of low-grade spirit stones. These low-grade spirit stones were worth hundreds of dollars and could be exchanged for thousands of taels. If they were divided, every family could even be here. I bought a house in the slums of Daning City, and each left a certain amount of money to live a stable life ever since.

The weird man said with a gloomy smile: “Needless to say, you all know the price of the lower-grade spirit stones in this bag. As long as you successfully spread the news, this evening, these spirit stones will be yours.”

“If you want a good life to spread, you can find more people to do it!”

Seeing the spirit stones, the eyes of the beggars burst out with a stronger color of greed, and they can’t wait to **** these low-grade spirit stones directly, but they also know that they are definitely not the opponent of this strange man.

The strange man snorted coldly: “Don’t hurry up and spread it.”

When these beggars heard this, they nodded and bowed, then turned and left.

This time, they were not only forced, but full of motivation.

The next day, they worked very hard to spread in the city of Daning. Not only did they spread it by themselves, but they also used their unique network to let others help them spread it.

Almost overnight, this rumor spread in the lower part of Daning City.

And the major forces do not have eyeliners in the lower ranks. After the news spread, the upper ranks of the major forces also learned the news through various channels.

The maids in the big families, the little servants who buy vegetables, the cooks, and even the gardeners who water the flowers, they all have various ways to pass this news to the young ladies and wives of the big families.

After the news spread, the high-level people in Daning City, those who are interested, quickly realized the value and opportunities behind the news.

In the evening, these beggars who had worked hard all day returned to their den in the mountain temple.

Sure enough, after they entered the door, they saw the weird man in a felt hat standing on the steps in front of the door.

Seeing them, the hoarse voice of the weirdo sounded: “Has everything been done?”

The beggar leader hurriedly laughed, walked forward, and said flatly: “We have done everything in response to this adult, and each of us has hired at least fifty people to spread the news. Now the whole The lower levels of Daning City should all know this news.”

Behind him, the beggars also nodded in agreement.

Their eyes are fixed on the linen bag that the strange man is holding on his right hand. Inside this bag are the low-grade spirit stones, which represent the silver they dream of, and the good life they are looking forward to in the future.

But at this moment, some sharp-eyed people~IndoMTL.com~ found that the surface of the bag was faintly red, as if it were blood stains.

At this time, the beggar leader also noticed something unusual.

There are 30 or 40 families living in this mountain temple. There are old people and children. Usually when they come back, it is very lively. The children’s cries and laughter, the old man’s yelling and scolding, rang together, but here it was quiet and quiet, with no sound.

No, there is still a little noise.

The ticking sound is like the sound of water dripping from under the eaves after a rainy day.

At this moment, this voice is more like the sound of blood dripping from the body after death.

The head beggar raised his head in amazement, just to meet the wrinkled but cruel face of the weirdo. The strange man’s lips were as sharp as a blade, and he said lightly: “The thing is done, then you should also be on the road.”

While speaking, he patted it with a light palm, patted it on the chest of the beggar leader, directly shattered his heart, and died without humming.

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