A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 251: Lovely

Chapter 251 Deep Love (Sixth Explosion!)

Old Xu glanced at Chen Feng appreciatively and said, “You asked this question very well.”

He said slowly: “Hiding the spirit of the future development is good or bad, naturally manpower can intervene and manpower can influence it. It’s like a seed. If you fertilize well and water, you will definitely develop better. , If you leave it there and leave it alone, he may also emerge from the ground, but it will definitely not grow so well.”

“The old man traveled to Qingzhou, and even left Qingzhou. He went to the capital of the Qin Dynasty. Of course, he walked hundreds of thousands of miles. He has heard of many strange things, and even witnessed many great things. Powerful and powerful. When I was in the capital of the Qin Dynasty, I heard that some aristocratic families who have passed on for thousands of years not only have many ways to intervene and influence the martial soul before awakening, but even have secret methods. The hidden martial soul can be stripped directly out of life and implanted in another person’s body to create a strong dual martial soul.”

“What?” Chen Feng couldn’t help being shocked when he heard it. There is such a vicious way, which is really shocking.

He was vaguely aware of it, but he was still not clear in his heart, so he set his sights on Old Xu.

Elder Xu nodded and said: “Yes, as you think, hiding the martial arts is very, very rare. There may be only one hidden martial arts among the 100,000 martial artists who have awakened the martial arts. If When they encounter a conscientious sect, they will carefully cultivate the people with hidden martial arts as the key seedlings, and if they encounter such insidious people, they may directly dig out the hidden martial arts!”

“So you two must remember, don’t let people know that this girl is a hidden martial soul.”

Chen Feng and Han Yuer both felt awe-inspiring, and quickly nodded in agreement. This kind of thing really must not be leaked, otherwise it will easily lead to murder.

Chen Feng was a little embarrassed and said: “Old Xu, if Senior Sister wants to fight with others, will the martial arts suddenly appear? Or if the sect asks, what is the martial soul of Senior Sister’s awakening? Say it? Is there any way to disguise it?”

Old Xu nodded with satisfaction: “I’m very pleased that you can think of this.”

He pondered for a moment and said: “In this way, you claim to the public that what he awakens is not a martial soul, but a bloodline. It is a high-level spiritual plant, the bloodline of the green jade vine.”

“This plant has an extremely hard skin, so if you awaken this bloodline, when you encounter danger, a turquoise body mask will form on the surface.”

As he said, he took out a jade-colored jade charm from the mustard bag and gave it to Han Yu’er, saying, “This jade charm can be stimulated when you are in danger. After being stimulated, the body will become blue. Green mask. It looks, its appearance, and the blood of Awakening Qingyuvine, there is no difference, unless you provoke the attention of others. If you conduct an in-depth investigation of you, you can use this jade talisman to cover it up. You Don’t do it easily. Once you do it, if you lose, you will immediately admit defeat.”

Han Yuer repeatedly thanked.

Farewell to Mr. Xu, Chen Feng and Han Yuer walked towards the dormitory area.

Along the way, Chen Feng told Han Yu’er what happened during this period, including what happened to him. Han Yu’er was just aside, listening quietly, and nodding from time to time.

No matter how thrilling, exciting and dangerous Chen Feng’s experience is, she listens quietly, elegantly and quietly, like an orchid in an empty valley.

Chen Feng smiled and joked: “Senior Sister, what’s the matter with you? Why is it so quiet today? It makes me feel a little uncomfortable, aren’t you a fiery temper?”

“This…” Han Yuer was a little embarrassed suddenly~ IndoMTL.com~ lowered her head, her face was a little blush, and she said softly: “This time, at that moment, I really thought I was going to die, I thought a lot. I also understood a lot, such as what is the most important thing to me. At that time, I thought, if I can get better, I can get along with you again, let me do anything I want, and let me change my temper. Yes, don’t you like my temperament now?”

Chen Feng was stunned. What Han Yuer said was nothing more than a confession.

Han Yu’er looked up at him very quickly, and then quickly lowered her head. She was too shy to look at her, but she was very worried.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, looked at Han Yu’er, and said softly: “Sister, I still prefer the real you. I don’t want you to change because of me, and I don’t want you to become unhappy because of this change. I think If you are yourself, do whatever you want, be true, live voluntarily, and I will be happier.”

“Is that so?” Han Yue’er stared at him blankly, her expression changed. Suddenly, she exhaled a long breath, smiled heartily, patted Chen Feng on the shoulder hard, and laughed haha. “Junior brother, you said earlier, you said earlier that I don’t need to pretend, you know? I was almost suffocated just now!”

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