A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 2201: Desire!

The latest website: Chapter 2201: Fight hard!

The two men came forward and went straight towards Uncle Dao.

The cultivation base of the two of them is not weaker than that of Uncle Dao. With the two of them joining forces, Uncle Dao is immediately at a disadvantage.

However, Chen Feng saw clearly that although Uncle Dao was not his opponent, he would definitely not lose quickly, and there would be no problem in sustaining it for at least an hour or two.

Although Uncle Dao relied on elixirs to improve, he has been fighting in the Colosseum for so many years. That is the battle experience gained from countless blood and fire. The experience is extremely rich and he can still hold on.

The golden wolf king came directly towards Chen Feng to kill him.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and raised the blood-stained giant sword in his hand, “Come on!”

The golden wolf king let out a powerful roar, and his figure flashed forward, and his huge fangs bit Chen Feng fiercely.

His speed and strength are beyond Chen Feng’s current level. They are beyond Chen Feng’s understanding, let alone resistable.

So, after just a face-to-face encounter, a huge wound was opened on Chen Feng’s chest, and the internal organs and Chen Feng’s golden bones could even be seen.

Chen Feng was hit and retreated a hundred meters, spurting out blood. He was seriously injured after just one encounter.

But Chen Feng didn’t even hum. He just gritted his teeth and shouted, “Come again!”

As he spoke, he held the blood-stained giant sword and killed the Golden Wolf King directly.

At this time, there was a joking smile on the face of the Golden Wolf King, and he laughed and said, “Little bastard, I will weaken the offensive later, and I will make you less injured, because I want you to die more.” Pain will make your death longer.”

“I won’t let you die so simply. I will play with you to my heart’s content, and wait until I get sick of you before I kill you!”

Then, his huge claws scratched Chen Feng’s body, but this time he deliberately saved his strength and only made a few wounds on Chen Feng’s body.

If he tried his best, this one blow would be enough to kill Chen Feng.

The wound on Chen Feng’s body was huge, and blood spurted out wildly on the blood-stained giant sword.

At this time, the blood-stained giant sword suddenly made a buzzing sound.

It was as if something had awakened within him, and then, a burst of black energy condensed on the surface of the blood-stained giant sword, forming a face that was so ferocious that it was indescribable.

This face looked at Chen Feng and let out a weird smile, “Hahahaha, I didn’t expect your blood level to be so high!”

“I didn’t expect that your blood would have such power. Your blood sprayed on my body would wake me up from **** in advance!”

“In that case, kid, use your soul as a sacrifice to let me come back to this world!”

When Chen Feng saw this scene, his eyes narrowed. He immediately realized that this face was definitely the demon inhabiting the blood-stained giant sword.

It should be said that it is someone from hell.

The next moment, Chen Feng was directly enveloped in this black energy.

He suddenly felt that everything in front of him went dark and he lost consciousness.

In reality, in the eyes of the Golden Wolf King, Uncle Dao and others, they saw that Chen Feng’s face was completely glazed over, his body was stiff, and he fell directly to the ground with a plop.

He still breathes, but his soul is actually no longer in this body.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, with the blood-stained giant sword next to him.

Chen Feng’s eyes were dull. The Golden Wolf King looked at Chen Feng’s trembling body and the intertwined black and golden gases on his face, and suddenly thought of something.

He laughed and said, “So, you little brat, the knife in your hand is clearly a magic knife!”

“Hahahaha, now this magic knife is starting to bite back. He is devouring your soul. Now you are suffering all the pain, your soul is being whipped, and you are in great pain!”

“If I kill you now, wouldn’t you be freed immediately? That would be too cheap for you.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. I even thought that I would maintain your body for you so that your soul can endure torture for as long as it takes!”

As he spoke, he burst into a vengeful laugh, full of pleasure.

He is indeed a well-informed person, and he has already guessed a bit about Chen Feng’s current situation.

So, he actually stood there motionless, just looking at Chen Feng with interest.

At this time, Uncle Dao was already trapped in a bitter battle.

It’s just that at this time, Chen Feng no longer knew anything about what was going on outside.

In fact, just as the Golden Wolf King had guessed, at this time, Chen Feng was already in boundless pain.

When Chen Feng woke up and came back to his senses, he felt that he had entered a world.

The first feeling that this world gave Chen Feng was that of hell.

Chen Feng can guarantee that he has never heard of the word **** before, but when he saw the world and everything in front of him, the word **** immediately came to his mind involuntarily. It emerged from Chen Feng’s heart.

At this time, he was on a plain.

On this plain, there are huge cracks everywhere.

In the cracks, lava is flowing, and even pours out directly from the cracks, forming rivers of lava on the ground.

There are huge potholes everywhere, with green smoke and toxic gases rising from the potholes. Humans can lose their lives just by smelling them.

Looking further into the distance, you can see the continuous volcanoes.

These volcanoes erupt one after another, and streams of blue-gray gas spurt out from them.

At the same time, there were countless cracks on the earth, and black gas spurted out from them, and then the blue-gray gas condensed with the black gas.

They were like two giant dragons~IndoMTL.com~ entwined in the air and twisted into a ball, forming a thick breath that reached directly into the sky, forming a thick lead cloud in the sky.

These lead clouds are stacked in layers, as if they are piled up in the sky!

There is not a trace of sunshine here, and from time to time there are shrill roars coming from the lead clouds, which makes people feel scared.

The sky here is extremely low, the color is extremely dark, and there is a light of blood and fire everywhere.

Standing here, an extremely depressing feeling arises spontaneously.

Chen Feng felt that if he stayed here for a long time, the weather alone would make him go crazy.

The next moment, suddenly, the lead clouds in the sky condensed, and then formed a huge and ferocious face.

This is like the head of a demon, indescribably ferocious and ferocious, with horns like sheep’s horns growing on top of its head.

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