A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 172: Men in Black

Chapter 172 The Man in Black

Thundermaster knife is divided into three moves. Each trick is divided into three realms: first glimpse of the doorway, small success, great success.

The first move, violent thunder cut!

After Kuang Lei Zhan reached the level of the ‘first glimpse of the doorway’, it was able to slash three knives in an instant, one more powerful than one, and one more powerful than one.

And if it is a great success, you can cut out nine knives!

Chen Feng threw the wooden knife aside, took a deep breath, and then began to practice the golden and broken fingers.

The gold on the index finger of the right hand is much stronger than it was at the beginning, and the color has become golden. Before, it was just pale gold!

This shows that Chen Feng’s golden and jade fingers have greatly improved.

The index finger of the right hand burst out, and a one-foot-long golden qi appeared at the tip of the finger, which was extremely sharp. Chen Feng pointed out and hit the cliff three meters away.

A deep hole with the thickness of a finger suddenly appeared on the rock wall.

“My current golden and broken jade fingers are in the golden stage, and the fingers are condensed into a golden color, and they can shoot the golden qi up three meters away. When the color gets deeper and deeper, the qi can be farther away from the body!”

This is already the fifth day since Chen Feng met Lu Yuxuan.

That night, he went deep into the Aomori Mountains and found a very secret place to practice swordsmanship. This is on a platform protruding from the cliff. There are cliffs of ten thousand feet up and down, which is very hidden.

There is a mountain spring next to it for drinking and bathing.

Chen Feng hunted and killed a monster, and then he meditated here for two days.

During the day, he practiced Thunder Tyrant’s sword and hole gold and broken jade fingers, while at night, he went out to hunt monsters, draw essence and blood, refining into blood-red qi, condensing cyclones in Dadunqiao acupoint .

Chen Feng went out and wandered around, and with a single finger, he pierced a giant wolf at the nine-fold peak of the acquired day, and drew his blood. Then he hunted down a few more and waited until the feeling of fullness appeared before returning to the cliff platform.

The blood-red Gang Qi enters the Dadunqiao Point, completing the ninth cyclone that has been formed.

Nine blood-red cyclones spin together, generating mysterious power. This force gushes from Dadunqiao point, and along with the liver meridian of Foot Jueyin, it arrives at the second orifice point on the meridian: Xingjianqiao point.

The acupuncture point between the lines was cleaned, and the blood red Gang Qi in Chen Feng’s body directly condensed into two acupuncture points in the acupuncture point between the lines!

Chen Feng was shocked, and a faint light emerged.

He opened his eyes and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He clearly felt that the total amount of qi in his body had increased by at least one layer, becoming more vigorous and condensed.

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly moved his ears.

He faintly heard screams for help and the sound of weapons colliding.

Chen Feng was very surprised.

Here, it can be said that it is in the middle of the Aomori Mountain Range, and not far ahead is the mysterious and unpredictable depths of the Aomori Mountain Range where ferocious beasts are infested. It is very dangerous. And it was late at night, how could anyone fight here?

Chen Feng listened carefully and found that the sound seemed to be coming from under the cliff.

He moved in his heart and decided to take a look.

There are many huge wild vines growing on the cliff. I don’t know how many years they have grown here. They are extremely huge, strong, and very strong at the same time.

Chen Feng followed the wild vine and quickly slipped down.

The night is quiet, and the more you climb down, the more clear the clash of swords and the screams, and it also covers up the noise of Chen Feng sliding down the wild vines.

Soon, Chen Feng slid for a kilometer, and reached the ground after more than 30 meters.

Under the moonlight, Chen Feng was able to see the following situation clearly.

It turned out to be five men in black who were besieging a man. The man was covered in blood and couldn’t see his looks clearly, but he should be young, in his twenties.

Chen Feng frowned, because he saw that the man under siege turned out to be dressed as a disciple of Qian Yuanzong.

The young man was injured in many places, and his body was covered in blood completely falling down the wind. He held a long knife-like weapon in his hand, constantly waving, and uttering the desperate howling before the beast was hunted.

Five people in black form a circle~IndoMTL.com~ Not in a hurry, they approached the middle, like playing with him, making a burst of triumphant laughter from time to time.

They are obviously relaxed, and they have obviously regarded this young man as something in their pockets.

“Run, run again!” A joking voice sounded: “Aren’t you quite capable of running?”

His voice suddenly became fierce and scorching: “My mother, you little beast, who ran for two thousand miles in three days, causing our brothers to track them for thousands of miles, and tried their best to catch up with you here! You know! Along the way, how much have your brothers suffered and suffered?”

“I stole the owner’s treasure and want to run?”

The voice of the man in black next to him was light and fluttering, full of triumph: “Slave, do you want to run back to Qian Yuanzong? Haha, now Qian Yuanzong is dozens of miles away from you. Are you running? You? It’s running! As long as you run in, our brothers can’t do what about you! Haha, I’m so scared!”

“It’s okay, I’m all silent.”

A hoarse and low voice sounded, this person should be their leader.

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