A Paragon of Wuhun Chapter 1633: Killed!

Latest website: Chapter 1633 Killed!

However, just hundreds of thousands of years ago, it was affected by the war between two powerful men.

Those two strong men were extremely tyrannical and could destroy thousands of miles around with every move they made.

As a result, this area was directly reduced to a scorched earth, and now the ground is full of large and small gravels and gravel.

At first glance, it is desolate.

The sun hangs high in the sky, the scorching sunlight shines down, and bursts of smoke rise from the ground.

Because the temperature is too high, the air close to the ground becomes a little distorted. When a gust of wind comes, it is a heat wave.

This place is inaccessible, and you may not be able to see a single person even if you walk hundreds of miles.

But at this time, an army was slowly moving forward on this desert rock.

This army has about four to five hundred people, all riding monsters.

The armors they wore were not very exquisite, and were even a little bit broken. Many of their armors and weapons were stained with blood, and after a long period of precipitation, they had turned brown.

They even look a little ragged, but the awe-inspiring murderous aura exuding from them is something that only a strong military with hundreds of battles can possess!

The knight riding the monster beast at the front held a large flag in his hand, and the flag was flapping in the strong wind.

There are three big characters above that clearly show the invincible army!

This is the invincible army under Chen Feng, which is the size of a thousand-man team.

After finding the treasure, Chen Feng needed time to absorb it and regain his strength. In order to prevent Tian Bujiu from seeing through his idea, Chen Feng even bluffed.

He dispatched almost half of his invincible army, dispersed it into thousands of troops, and marched toward the east, entering the border area between Qin and Qi.

The purpose was to completely scare Tian Bujiu, and his plan was almost successful.

He has received the news. After Tian Bujiu learned that the Invincible Army was advancing in a large scale, he retreated hundreds of miles!

Obviously, he couldn’t figure out Chen Feng’s strength, let alone Chen Feng’s thoughts, so to be on the safe side, he decided to retreat.

Although the weather was hot and all these invincible soldiers were sweating profusely, their spirits were very high.

A general dressed as a centurion took out a kettle, raised his neck, drank the water in the kettle, wiped his mouth, laughed and said, “It’s so happy, so happy!”

“It’s such a joy to follow a commander like Mr. Chen Feng. Fight when you want, kill when you want, rush forward, thousands of miles a day, it’s really fun!”

“Haha, that’s right!” An invincible soldier next to him also laughed and said, “Ever since we followed Mr. Chen Feng, we have always only advanced and never retreated. Thinking about those days in front, it is really frustrating.”

“At that time, we could only tolerate others blindly, but now we let others tolerate it. This feeling is so good.”

“Hahaha…” The surrounding Invincible Army sergeants also burst out laughing.

As they moved forward, they talked loudly and their emotions were very high.

At the front, Liu Yunsong turned back and glared at them, laughing and scolding, “You brats are really happy now.”

He was also in a very good mood. The tolerance he had shown to the rebels in the past few months, as well as all the grievances he suffered from the Bloody Guard incident, were almost gone.

Suddenly, his expression changed, he turned around and shouted, “Stop, stop everyone!”

As soon as they saw their captain’s face changed drastically, these Invincible Army sergeants immediately realized that something was wrong. They quickly ordered the monsters to stop, then they all held their weapons in their hands and looked ahead warily.

Just now, Liu Yunsong felt an extremely fierce murderous aura coming from the front, heading towards him.

At this moment, the hairs on his body stood up.

As soon as he stopped now, he immediately felt that the murderous aura was getting closer and closer, rushing directly towards them.

Obviously, the other party’s target is very clear, it’s them!

At this time, even the ordinary sergeants of the Invincible Army felt the overwhelming murderous intent.

Then they saw dozens of figures rushing towards them.

Almost instantly, he came close.

These dozens of figures are almost all young people in their twenties, and the oldest is only around thirty. There are men and women among them.

They all wore white clothes with purple ripples embroidered on their bodies.

There are many purple ripples, but most of them only have one purple ripple embroidered!

They stood there, looking at Liu Yunsong and others with cold eyes, their faces full of undisguised contempt. Obviously, they did not take Liu Yunsong and others into consideration at all.

And there is a hint of cold and murderous intent in their eyes, and the murderous intent comes from them!

Suddenly, a twenty-seven-year-old young man at the front sneered, looked at Liu Yunsong, and shouted proudly, “Why did you and the untouchables under you break into our territory?”

“Your territory?” Liu Yunsong frowned and said, “Who are you? This is the border between Qin and Qi. How come it is your territory?”

The young man was very arrogant and overbearing and shouted unreasonably, “I said this is our territory, this is our territory!”

As he spoke, a bloodthirsty and cold smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he walked slowly towards Liu Yunsong.

While walking, he slowly pulled out the knife in his hand.

His sword is very strange, about five feet long, with a thick back and a wide blade. It is like a long sword with the tip and one edge cut off. It looks very heavy and powerful!

Following him, the twenty-odd young men and women also drew their swords one after another.

Their weapons are basically knives, but they vary in size and shape.

Liu Yunsong looked at their weapons and suddenly thought of an extremely terrifying possibility, shouting “You, who are you?”

The young man at the front showed a ferocious smile, “That’s right~ IndoMTL.com~ We are!”

As he spoke, he suddenly jumped into the air and shouted loudly, “Remember my name, my name is Jiang Tao!”

“The person who slaughtered you is named Jiang Tao!”

With a flash of lightning, he came directly in front of Liu Yunsong and slashed hard with his sword.

Liu Yunsong had an extremely angry look on his face and shouted, “This is not your territory at all. Besides, even if we accidentally break into your territory, you can’t just kill people like this!”

Jiang Tao laughed loudly and said, “Do you want to ask me the reason for killing? It’s simple. I’m not in a good mood today! So I’m going to kill you!”

A knife struck fiercely.

Liu Yunsong is also a strong man at the eighth level of the Wujun Realm, so he quickly resisted.

But Jiang Tao’s strength was indeed extremely tyrannical. In front of Jiang Tao, Liu Yunsong didn’t even have the strength to fight back, and was directly cut in half with a knife!

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