A Clash of Gods Chapter 398: Things

Qi Feng said at once: “Hou Ye said that the assassins who were busy in Chengdu recently?”

Qing Ning is slightly engraved, and Eve is a little puzzled, and asks: “Hou Ye, what assassin?”

Qining did not conceal it. He said what Li Hongxin said about it now, that is, the concubine Feiqiong, the king of Shu, was killed. He also said that after listening to a few people, they were a little surprised. Qi Feng frowned: “It turned out that it was all killed in the King’s Mansion, Lord Hou, this assassin is really serious, and the guards in the King’s Mansion are also eating rice. Net”

Qing Ning gave him a white glance, thinking that when I was in Jinyihou Mansion, he was not often sneaked into Hou Mansion. Your fellows are not ignorant.

“So, does Chengdu really have sting throat passengers?”

Qi Feng nodded and said: “We have been wandering around the city for a few days, but we also heard some rumors in the marketplace that some assassins were doing bad things in Chengdu, killing many officials. Some people also said that the assassin was in Get rid of harm for the people.”

Guardian Li Tang finally said: “Listening to the people’s tone, it seems that they have a good impression on the assassin. They said that the assassin killed the corrupt officials and was angry for the people.”

Qining thought that since ancient times, officials and people have always been opposites. In the eyes of the people, as long as they are officials, few are good things. The officials are killed, and it is quite common for the people to be happy.

“Hou Ye, do you think there is a problem?” Qi Feng lowered his voice.

Qing Ning thoughtfully, shook her head, and then smiled: “Yes, you have been here for a few days, you will never find nothing, but I have some useful information to inquire, preferably about the King Shu and The news of Xi Chuan Shi Wei Shutong.”

Qi Feng smiled and said: “We knew that Hou Ye would have to ask about these, so we haven’t been idle these days.” Slightly lowered his voice: “As far as I know, King Shu is not easy to leave the palace, and People say that he is eating fast and studying Buddha now, and he has no dispute with the world.” After a pause, he said: “But it is said that King Shu will go to Mount Qingcheng to worship Buddha every month.”

“Worship Buddha?” Qi Ning wondered: “Is Qingcheng Mountain not a Taoist place?”

Qi Feng smiled and said: “Qingcheng Mountain does have a view of Qingcheng, but King Shu donated a Buddhist temple in Mount Qingcheng. He is King Shu, who dares to stop? I heard that the temple was very beautifully built, and King Shu asked The monk sits in the temple, the incense is very rich, and the King of Shu often goes to Qingcheng Mountain to worship Buddha.”

“Qingcheng Mountain……” Qi Ning thoughtfully.

He knows that Mount Qingcheng is not far from Chengdu, and the horse will whip, and it can be reached in half a day.

“What about Wei Shutong?” Qi Ning asked, touching his chin: “How is this Wei Tingshi’s criticism in Xichuan?”

Qi Fengdao said: “The people praised Master Wei’s officialness quite well. Master Wei was incorrupt in Xichuan all these years, and his administration is quite generous.” He lowered his voice and said: “But there is one thing, the people It seems to be a bit reproachful to him.”

“What’s the matter?” Qi Ning raised his ears immediately.

Qi Feng whispered: “Master Wei last year paid a house concubine, very low-key, no one knows the origin, originally expensive Xichuan thorn history, Na Yifang concubine is nothing, but the strange thing is that After a concubine entered Shifu, only a month later, the original wife of Master Wei died suddenly.”

Qining was surprised, wondering: “Is the original wife dead?”

Qi Feng nodded and said: “This is indeed the case, but what is going on is not clear to the people in the city. Everyone only knows that after the death of the original wife, Master Wei did not solemnly perform funerals, just Jane. It’s a simple one, but it was buried in a few days.”

Eve frowned: “There must be something weird in this.”

Qing Ning is also slightly awkward. If he is thoughtful, he will say a moment later: “Qi Feng, we may be staying in Chengdu for a few days. You ask in secret to see if you can find out more about Wei Shutong. News, if it is possible, check the origin of Wei Shu and the concubine.”

Qi Feng said: “Yes.”

“Li Tang, you secretly leave the city tomorrow, go to the Qingcheng Mountain, and check what is the situation of the temple where the king of Shu often passes.” Qi Ning said softly: “Do not be too reluctant, check if you have the opportunity, try not to Exposed whereabouts. We are now in Chengdu, it is inevitable that people have been stared at, everything must be cautious.”

Qi Feng et al.

Qining asked him again, and when he saw that it was getting late, he ordered several people to retreat, but he let Eve stay.

When there were only two people left in the room, Eve was a little embarrassed and nervous. Although Qi Ning didn’t do anything, Eve still felt his heart beating and asked softly, “What else do you have?”

Qining poured the tea himself, and there were still delicate snacks prepared on the table. He stretched his hands over Eve and sat down at the table with a smile: “I don’t think you might eat at night. Full, just I didn’t eat anything at night. You accompany me to have some snacks.” I took a piece of pastry and delivered it. Eve reached out to pick it up. Qi Ning shook his head and said softly: “You don’t need to do it, I’ll feed you .”

Efu was stunned. When Qi Ning brought the cake to her lips, her cheeks suddenly turned red. Under the lights, she looked more charming and charming.

Although the girls of the Miao family have a clear love and hatred, women are women, after all, they always have a shy heart.

Although Efu is not young and looks beautiful, she is after all the sister of Heiyan Cave Master. Although she is the goddess in the minds of many Miao people, Efu has a high spirit and has not been fancy before Although the man was forced to give Qi Ning helplessly, before that, he had never had too close contact with any man, let alone ambiguous.

Although I already have a husband and wife relationship with Qi Ning, there have been such intimate scenes before. When I saw Qi Ning staring at myself with a smile, his face was a little hot, but Qi Ning said softly: ” I taste it and see what you eat, I am happy.”

Yifu saw him with tenderness and gentleness, and finally took a soft bite. Qi Ning smiled, took the pastry, and bit down at the place where Yifu had bitten.

Eve even burned her face. She didn’t know what to say for a while.

Qing Ning took the pastry in one hand and took Yifu’s hand in one hand, and said softly: “Sister Yifu, you now know my identity. Wouldn’t that count what you said?”

“What… what do you mean?”

Qining leaned forward and pressed closer to Eve. The two of them were close to each other on their legs. They could smell the other person’s body. Although Eve felt a little embarrassed, she didn’t hide. Open, compared to Han women who like to refuse to welcome, Yi Fu was born in Miao family, obviously more real, do not know how.

“You said, if you solve the plight of Heiyanling, you will… you will repay me well.” Qi Ning gently rubbed Eve’s hand with one hand, cheeky: “You Do you speak words?”

Evry immediately understood the meaning of Qi Ning. His body was trembling slightly, and his breathing became slightly more rapid. The two enveloped peaks and tremblings fluctuated with the breathing. Although he was a little shy, he still said: “I speak. …. Speaking, not… I won’t lie to you.”

“Sister Yifu is better.” Qi Ning laughed, “Sister Yifu, you said that after the matter is over, you will give me an explanation, what is the explanation?”

After thinking about it for a while, I said: “I… I didn’t know you were Jinyihou before, so…!” After a pause, I finally said: “I ask you a word, You have to be honest, don’t lie to me.”

“No, I am honest and reliable, and never lie to people.” Qi Ning promised.

Eve couldn’t help but be a little funny, she thought she was a few years older than Qi Ning, and she was even more nervous in front of him. She calmed down and said, “You and me… With me…, then you… what are you going to do in the future?”

When I asked this sentence, I was a little serious.

Qing Ning’s expression immediately became solemn, and said softly: “Sister Yifu, are you worried that I am a playboy, after I get you, will you not care about you in the future?”

Eve lowered his head and muttered: “I… I don’t know.”

In fact, after she knew that Qi Ning was Jin Yihou, her mood was particularly complicated. These days it seemed calm, but her heart was not calm.

If Qi Ning is just an ordinary person, Eve and he have a married couple, and they don’t hate him. According to the rules of the Miao family, of course, they agree with each other.

But Qi Ning is a dazzling brothel.

Although Yifu is only a Miao girl living in the mountains, she also knows what Jinyihou represents.

Payali is the master of the Black Rock Cave, but Eve is very clear that although the status of Paya Li in the Black Rock Cave is very high, but I really want to say that its status cannot be compared with a small county magistrate. , Not to mention that she is just the sister of the cave master.

Jinyihou is one of the four marquises of the empire and one of the most glorious families in the Dachu empire. Its high status is the leader of the Miao family’s seventy-two caves, Miaowang, which is also to be respected. .

Yifu knows that her status with Qi Ning is really very different, and the Jinyihou Qi family has always been kind to the Black Rock Cave. She knows very well that she can’t say that her body was obtained by Jinyihou, even if it is her own life Jinyi When you want to take it away, you can’t have anything to say.

Because of this~IndoMTL.com~ After she knew Qi Ning’s identity, she was very embarrassed.

Although the girls of the Miao family dare to love and hate, they are extremely loyal to love. Once they give up their bodies, that is, if they give up the whole person’s life, although the situation is forced by Qi Ning, Body, but that night, Yifu knew in his heart that unless he would not marry for life, otherwise he could only give himself to Qi Ning.

But since Qining is Jinyihou, how honorable is his status, and how can he really marry a Miao daughter back to Houfu? At least as far as she knows, those Han officials and dignitaries have never put Miao’s daughters in their eyes. Even if they have contact, they only treat Miao’s girls as playthings.

In the past few days, she was very upset, although it was also because of these days, Qi Ning did what she did, but she gave birth to a heart of love. What’s more important is that if she doesn’t marry Qi Ning, she waits if she breaks. In view of the tradition of the Miao family, he was upset whenever he thought of this place.

Qining is not a fool, and he is even smarter than most people. According to Efu’s heart, he naturally understood it, and his expression became very serious. Putting down the cakes in his hands, he held Eve’s hands in both hands, soft Voice said: “If you want, from now on, you will be my wife, I will marry you into the Houfu, and then protect you for a lifetime!”

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ps: Everyone’s firepower is really sharp, we are still very strong, still occupying the top three positions, let us unite together, fight a protracted battle, let the bull ghost snake **** show its original shape!

The monthly ticket is very close to the number of tickets in front, you can go up with more effort. Everyone has a monthly ticket, please support some, thanks!

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