A Clash of Gods Chapter 1420: Leaves

The man who came in from outside the door turned out to be Zhuo Qingyang who had been missing for a long time.

Zhuo Qingyang is a great Confucian scholar of the Chu Kingdom. He has unparalleled prestige in the hearts of the scholars of Chu. The Qionglin Academy that she founded with her own hands broke the tradition of women who do not know books.

For anyone else, it is impossible to create Qionglin Academy. Only Zhuo Qingyang can do this incredible thing in this world.

Qionglin Academy flourished once, and it has existed for decades.

The existence of Qionglin Academy is contrary to tradition, so it has always been in a rather difficult environment. Only by the maintenance of Zhuo Qingyang can the Academy survive.

After Zhuo Qingyang’s disappearance, Qionglin Academy quickly closed its doors, and now it is also a deserted gate.

Zhuo Qingyang was killed by a group of people that night. When Qi Ning found him, he was already seriously injured. When Qi Ning wanted to find something to heal Zhuo Qingyang, Zhuo Qingyang had already lost Traces, since then, this literary Taishan Beidou has lost the news.

The Shenhou Mansion secretly investigated the matter, but there was no result.

The scroll of the underground Tibet, which has always made Qi Ning feel full of doubts, was obtained from Zhuo Qingyang’s guidance behind a plaque in the academy. The scroll is full of mysteries, and Zhuo Qingyang is naturally full of mysteries.

Before that night, Qi Ning thought Zhuo Qingyang was a great Confucian, but after that night, he realized that Zhuo Qingyang was a brilliant swordsman, and his bone-shaped sword was even more famous in the world. One of the swords.

The disappearance of Zhuo Qingyang once worried Qi Ning. He even speculated whether Zhuo Qingyang was captured by the enemy and his life and death were unclear.

However, Zhuo Qingyang suddenly appeared in front of him, which shocked Qi Ning. Facing Zhuo Qingyang, he didn’t know what to say.

Zhuo Qingyang stepped forward slowly. His face was ruddy and his qi was very good. It seemed that his body was very healthy. With a light smile on his face, he nodded slightly to Qi Ning and said gently: “I know you have There’s a lot to say, don’t worry, sit down and say slowly!” Raising his hand to signal Qi Ning to sit down, he moves freely, obviously the master here is Master Kongzang, but Zhuo Qingyang is like anti-guest.

Qining hesitated to suppress the shock of his heart and hesitated for a while. Finally he sat down, still sitting opposite Master Kongzang, and Zhuo Qingyang sat down on the other side.

“Mr. Zhuo, why are you here…?” Qi Ning calmed down and finally asked.

Zhuo Qingyang and Master Kongzang looked at each other and raised their hands to caress: “Do you remember that assassins sneaked into the academy that night, and the old man was injured by them?”

“Naturally remember.” Qi Ning sighed: “That night, Mr. suddenly disappeared and his whereabouts are unknown. I have always been worried.”

“Then you know who the assassin was that night?”

Qining frowned slightly, thinking that Jiang Suiyun also appeared in the academy that night, and asked: “But Jiang Suiyun’s people? Sir, did you know that Jiang Suiyun also sneaked into the academy that night?”

Zhuo Qingyang nodded slightly and said, “Jiang Suiyun approached the old man’s purpose. The old man knew very well that from the beginning, he came to hide the scroll.”

Qining’s body was slightly trembling. Zhuo Qingyang mentioned the underground scrolls when he saw it, and there was no obscurity. This made Qining quite surprised.

“It’s just that the assassin that sneaked in that night was not something Jiang Suiyun could instruct.” Zhuo Qingyang said: “Jiang Suiyun secretly has

A master from Baiyun Island in the East China Sea…..! “

“Moying?” Qi Ning blurted out.

Zhuo Qingyang bowed his head and said: “Yes. Qi has been planning ahead for many years, and secretly had contact with the East China Sea family, and it is Mo Ying who is leading the matter. Qi is in the gap between the two great powers. Going on the lingering panic, weak self-knowledge, and always worrying about the destruction of the country, so it can make the two countries internally chaotic, thereby weakening the power of the two countries, and even leading the two countries to separate their territories, which is naturally the dream of Qi.” /

“Jiang Suiyun entered Beijing as an official, and Mr. recommended to the court.” Qi Ning frowned: “Did Mr. Jiang Suiyun know his plot after he came to Beijing, or did he know it long ago?”

Zhuo Qingyang Fusu smiled and said: “In fact, his plot was originally caused by the old man’s seduction.”

“Lure?” Qi Ning stunned.

“Fathers and sons of the Jiang family know that the scroll of the underground possession is in my hands, only because I mentioned them to them many years ago.” Zhuo Qingyang thought for a while and then said: “That should have been more than ten years ago. Something happened. I went to the East China Sea that year and lived in the Jiang family for a few days. I received the warm hospitality from Jiang Mantian.”

Qing Ning has long known that Zhuo Qingyang has a deep relationship with the Jiangjia in the East China Sea. Jiang Suiyun was also instructed by Zhuo Qingyang when he was young.

“Jiang Mantian has an excellent amount of wine, and he and I sang poems and wine one night, they were both drunk and drunk.” Zhuo Qingyang said: “That is, that night, I said the thing about the underground scroll.”

Qining glanced at Master Kongzang and saw that Master Kongzhang folded his hands together, and the **** was calm.

“So when Moying knows from them that the scroll of the underground possession is in my hands, he will inevitably do everything possible to take it away.” Zhuo Qingyang said: “After more than ten years, as I planned, Moying really shot.”

Qing Ning was a bit confused, but vaguely felt that it was an extremely complicated plan. He asked: “Mr. means that you went to the East China Sea more than ten years ago, and you were drunk and leaked. , But …. intentionally?”

Zhuo Qingyang nodded slightly: “At that time, I already knew that the Jiang family had secretly communicated with the East Sea Moying, so I only revealed vaguely about the zodiacal scrolls. Although there was no direct statement, Jiang Mantian was smart, It’s natural to guess that I’m talking about underground scrolls.”

“Mr. Would you like to tell Mo Ying about the whereabouts of the underground scrolls?” Qi Ning faintly understood, but immediately shook his head: “It’s not Mo Ying, it’s…it’s the East Island Master!”

Zhuo Qingyang smiled slightly, and Qi Ning was even more surprised: “Why did Mr. Jiang think that the Jiang family would definitely tell Moying? And the husband revealed this message more than ten years ago, but why did Moying not start until last year?” Confounding Dou Congsheng in his heart: “What is the purpose of Moying to get the Scroll of Gezo?”

“Do you know the origin of the underground scrolls?” Zhuo Qingyang stared at Qi Ning and asked.

When Qi Ning immediately remembered that when he was the emissary of Dong Qi, the minister of the Eastern Qi Dynasty, Ling Huxu, once mentioned to himself the origin of the underground scroll. He knew that Master Zhuo Qingyang and Master Kongzang were the next best today. In front of the two, wise figures, there is no need to play tricks, and nodded slightly: “When I was in Dongqi, I heard that Dongqi State Minister Linghuxu had mentioned it. Sir, Linghuxu seems to have an old friendship with you!”

Zhuo Qingyang smiled and said: “He and I went out together in the same year and were brothers and sisters.”

“He said to me that this Tibetan scroll is written by a duckweed layman. The duckweed layman is a longitudinal wizard. He has four volumes of books, four volumes for the ghosts of heaven, earth, and people. Its source and Hetu Luo

The book has a lot of ties, and can penetrate the circulation of the earth and the earth, and gain insight into the past and future generations of people and ghosts. “Qing Ning said:” Duckweed priests boasted that the number of days in this place is comparable to the proverbial meaning of the king of gossip. The whereabouts of the Dizang Tianshu are hidden in the Dizang scroll. “

Zhuo Qingyang laughed: “What secrets can you find after you get the Scroll of Gizmo?”

“This…!” Qi Ning smiled bitterly: “Sir, the underground scroll is esoteric. It’s hard to understand whether it is the whereabouts of the underground Tibetan scriptures. I haven’t seen it at all.”

“Because there is no mention of the Dizang Tianshu.” Zhuo Qingyang sighed: “Whether the Dizang Tianshu exists in the world is still a big mystery, although the legendary Duckweed book 4 Volume, but there are four volumes of books about heaven, earth, and ghost. No one has seen any of them, let alone someone knows where it is.”

Qing Ning was taken aback, and said in horror: “Then… there’s no whereabouts of the underground book?”

“It is a question whether or not there are any underground books in the world, and how can the scroll be indicated in the scroll?” Zhuo Qingyang said with a smile: “Even when I said to Jiang Mantian, I never mentioned it. Dizang Tianshu…!”

“It turns out that way.” Qi Ning sighed: “Since there is no mention of the whereabouts of the Heavenly Script in the scroll, why does Linghu Xu tell that there is a clue?”

Zhuo Qingyang said: “Because he was worried that you could not see the mystery of the underground scrolls for a while, and would give up on them, so he told him to use the scrolls to find the underground scrolls. I hope you think the underground scrolls are Invaluable treasure, it must be properly protected.”

Qining said in amazement: “He was afraid that I would discard the underground scroll, so he made a story to deceive me?”

Zhuo Qingyang sighed: “Mr. Linghu is discreet in nature. Although I know you will never do that, he is still not at ease.”

“Wait a minute.” Qi Ning raised his hand and thought of the key point: “The Dizang scroll was instructed by me to be found by my husband and handed over to me. Linghu Xu was far from Dongqi. How do I know about it? And also specially made up a story?” Staring at Zhuo Qingyang’s eyes, he felt that there was a mystery in it: “Mr. Has he always been in contact with Ling Huxu?” There was a flash of light in his mind~IndoMTL.com~ What did he think of: “Sir… Did you deliberately hand over the Tibetan scrolls to me?”

“Although there is no mention of the whereabouts of the Heavenly Script in the Scroll of Dizang, it is indeed from the hands of the duckweed dwellers, which is undoubtedly true.” Zhuo Qingyang said: “It is invaluable, but it is not actually Hypothesis.” Speaking of this, he slowly reached out a hand, and slowly opened his hand when he got under Qining’s eyelids. Qi Ning didn’t know what Zhuo Qingyang intended to do, looked down, but saw Zhuo Qingyang In his hand, there is a yellowed leaf, the leaf is not big, it looks like a very ordinary thin leaf, Qi Ning is a bit strange, thinking Zhuo Qingyang put a leaf in his palm to do?

But soon he felt something was wrong, the leaves at first glance seemed to be yellow leaves picked from the forest, but when the lights were shining, the sèze was obviously wrong, exuding a faint halo, even There is a metallic texture.

At this moment, Master Kongzang suddenly reached out and spread his hand. There was also a leaf in his palm. The shape was almost the same as the leaf in Zhuo Qingyang’s palm, but it was pure white and Qi Ning. Can be considered as well-informed, but never seen the leaves of the white sè.

One yellow and one white, two leaves, Qi Ning froze for a moment, unknown.

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