A Blessed Wife At Home Chapter 48: Go home

For one tael of silver and 80 wen, five qian and 40 wen should be handed over to Fang, and the remaining money should be divided equally between Shao Xiaoqi and Taotao.

Taotao was not polite to her brother, and accepted it happily, saying smoothly: “Brother Qi, I will keep it for you. Don’t forget to ask me when you want to use it!”

A few people laughed.

Shao Taotao curled his lips and said: “We have gained so much today, I will definitely ask my second uncle and third uncle to deliver it to them again! Alas…”

Uncle Shao is easy to talk about other things, but he is so stubborn on the matter of “eldest brother is like father”. After so many years, everyone in the big house has long been numb because resistance is powerless and ineffective.

The reason why the big house has the rule that half of the money earned by each person belongs to the individual and only half of the personal property needs to be handed over to the public. This was also established decisively by Fang, in order to keep some money.

As a father, Uncle Shao would naturally not treat his children as human beings. As a mother, Mrs. Fang was considerate of her children, and he did not object to this approach.

On the other hand, Uncle Shao and Uncle Shao had gossiped about how they “spoiled their children and grandchildren”, “it is easy to learn bad things when you have money in your hands”, “why do this if the family is not separated”, etc., but Fang’s attitude was firm and he also Just let it go.

It was already numb at first, but now that Qiao Xuan came, the second and third bedrooms lost their armor and retreated in succession, which inevitably aroused the thoughts of Shao Xiaoqi, Shao Taotao and others.

Actually, Qiao Xuan’s arrival is just an opportunity. The second and third bedrooms are always so excessive. Over time, the grievances are deep and will break out sooner or later.

Qiao Xuan then smiled and said: “This is easy to handle. If we don’t take it all out and don’t let them see it, how will they know how much we have harvested?”

Shao Taotao couldn’t help but said: “Fifth sister-in-law, you don’t know that the second and third aunts will rummage through our things.”

Qiao Xuan’s eyes were slightly cold: “Then don’t let them fall over. You can’t get used to this kind of problem!”

Shao Xiaoqi’s eyes lit up and he nodded: “Sister-in-law Wu is right!”

So, out of thirteen pheasants and six hares, only two pheasants and one hare were hunted.

When I got home, I immediately hid the others.

How can anyone hide anything in the village?

Everyone knows that Shao Xiaoqi often likes to go into the mountains to get some game. Niu and Ma have always tasted the sweetness, and they will subconsciously inquire about Shao Xiaoqi’s whereabouts every day.

As long as Shao Xiaoqi goes into the mountain, when he comes back, they will definitely come and take a look around.

Today is certainly no exception.

Two pheasants and a hare, of course they have to share.

“Xiao Qi has gained a lot today!”

“Hey, this pheasant is quite fat! This hare is not bad either!”

Qiao Xuan curled her lips and told her not to give a single hair to these greedy guys. Unfortunately, the Shao family couldn’t do such a thing.

Everything must be done slowly.

Qiao Xuan snatched the fatter pheasant and said with a smile: “We, Xiaoqi, have worked hard today. Our family will keep this pheasant for dinner. There is also a pheasant, a hare, the second aunt, Let’s divide it between the three aunts.”

A smile flashed across Shao Yunduan’s eyes. His wife was so wilted.

The one who contributed was Shao Xiaoqi, who felt confident in keeping a fat pheasant at home.

After all, the fatter and meatier hares have all been given away, right?

Niu and Ma were stunned for a moment, and then they reached out to catch the hare in unison.

“Oh, third brother and sister, what are you doing? I got this first!”

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