A Blessed Wife At Home Chapter 412: Curious

Remember in one second【】

Chapter 412 Curiosity

Fortunately, the master woke up on time the next day and seemed to be in better spirits than yesterday.

It just so happened that the doctor came to see me today. After taking my pulse, I was extremely shocked: “Master, madam, have you invited another doctor to see you? Did you take some medicine, acupuncture, or something else?” What?”



Both the master and his wife were confused.

“What do you mean by what Dr. Tang said? We, sir, only have Dr. Tang for medical treatment. We use and take medicines according to Dr. Tang’s instructions. There is nothing else.” Ah!”

“Ma’am, are you serious about this?”

“Of course, how dare you joke about something like this!” the lady said seriously.

Dr. Tang saw this and said hurriedly: “Please forgive me, madam. I don’t have any other intentions. It’s just that I just examined the master, and the master’s condition has improved quite obviously, so I am confused.”

Doctor Tang said, “I’m sorry!” and pinched the master’s left calf hard.

The master screamed “Ah”, “It hurts, it hurts!”

The madam froze, and Granny Hua and everyone else’s eyes widened suddenly, they were all dumbfounded!

“Master, what did you say!”

The lady’s voice was shaking unseemly.

“It hurts! Doctor Tang, can’t you be gentler? You——”

The master himself also reacted, with a look of surprise on his face, dumbfounded, and murmured: “I, am I dreaming…Quickly, pinch me again! Quickly!”

His legs have long lost feeling, let alone pinching, even if they are pricked with a needle or cut with a knife, they will not feel anything.

However, when Doctor Tang pinched him just now, he felt pain.

He couldn’t believe this was true…

Doctor Tang followed the good advice and pinched it again.

“His! Ouch!”

The old man bared his teeth and gasped, “I said, Doctor Tang, can’t you be gentler!”

Everyone laughed.

Nanny Hua supported Madam and said happily: “This is a great thing, Madam!”

Everyone in the crowd congratulated him with great eyes.

The eldest lady smiled from ear to ear: “Okay, great, great, great! Everyone will be rewarded! Doctor Tang, what on earth is going on? This is all your credit!”

Doctor Tang shook his hands: “No, no, madam, this has nothing to do with me! If I had such great ability, I would have cured my leg long ago! Not only has my leg improved, but the blockage before There are signs of smoothness in the muscles and veins of the body, and the injuries in the internal organs have also improved. This is definitely not my fault! I also want to know who is so capable!”

Doctor Tang yearned endlessly.

The master and madam looked at each other.


“Master, madam~IndoMTL.com~ think carefully, have you seen anyone during this time? What have you taken or done?”

Master and Madam are thinking hard.


“Our master is recuperating in this village. Except for his son and daughter-in-law who come to visit regularly, there are no outsiders…”

Nanny Hua smiled and said: “No, it’s quiet here. I’m recuperating here just because it’s quiet and undisturbed. If I have to talk about outsiders, it’s only Mrs. Qiao and her sister-in-law yesterday. Miss Shao, yesterday you helped me bring my wife back.”

Doctor Tang’s eyes lit up and he said hurriedly: “Then the aunt and sister-in-law really didn’t diagnose and treat the master?”

This was said without any reason, but Doctor Tang was really curious and wanted to know the truth, and he was unwilling to let go of even the slightest possibility.

(End of this chapter)

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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