A Blessed Wife At Home Chapter 395: I regret it so much

Remember in one second【】

Shao Liulang didn’t feel anything.

He has always been extremely confident in himself, greeting me with a reserved smile: “Auntie!”

As if he asked casually: “A visitor came to my aunt’s house last night. He looked like Mr. Le’s servant. Are you leaving now?”

Of course many people in the village saw Qu Shan coming to the village yesterday, and Shao Liulang also took a peek.

But later he found out that he was just a servant from Qushan. His master didn’t come, so he was no longer interested, and he didn’t come over last night.

I couldn’t help but feel a little curious this morning, so I stopped by to take a look.

Unexpectedly, when I arrived, I found that the carriage was missing and the people were also missing.

Fang said “Ah”.

Shao Liulang smiled and said: “I’ll go talk to my fifth cousin!”

Fang stopped him: “Your fifth cousin is not at home, he left with Qushan!”

“What!” Shao Liulang’s expression changed: “Naqushan is here to pick him up as a guest??”

Fang gave him a strange look, not understanding why he was so excited all of a sudden, and nodded: “Yes!”

Shao Liulang was so regretful that his intestines were almost green!

“This, this – I had a very pleasant chat with Mr. Le last time. Why, why didn’t the fifth cousin invite me when he came to his house as a guest?”

Why didn’t he come over last night? Why don’t you come over and ask more?

Such a good opportunity was missed in vain.

Mr. Fang was speechless. Since Mr. Yue Zheng and Mr. Xie fell in love with their son, there was no way they could get along with Liu Lang like this.

She said: “But Qushan didn’t say that Mr. Le wanted to invite you.”

Shao Liulang choked and his face turned even uglier.

“My fifth cousin and I are brothers. Isn’t it obvious? Where, where does it need to be mentioned…”

Not to mention, Fang felt that she really couldn’t refute Shao Liulang’s forceful explanation, so she said “Oh” and stopped talking.

Shao Liulang was speechless.

Now that the carriages are gone, what can he do?

Can he gallop to catch up? He would be happy to, but he couldn’t catch up!

Can he scold his aunt? He wanted to, but he didn’t dare!

Shao Liulang was so anxious that he quickly asked: “Auntie, where does Mr. Le live?”

As soon as Ms. Fang heard this, she knew what he wanted to do and smiled: “I don’t know either!”

Shao Liulang: “…”

Shao Liulang felt that Fang was lying, but he had no evidence.

“Does Auntie really not know?”

“I don’t know.”

Shao Liulang’s nose was almost crooked with anger: “Auntie, do you dare to swear?”

Mrs. Fang looked at him: “What’s wrong with you? I swear on this, I’m crazy! Go, go, don’t stop me from doing things! You said that you are a scholar and can’t lift your hands or shoulders, so be fine You are studying at home. If you can’t read well, what else can you do in the future?”

This really hurt his heart. ~IndoMTL.com~Shao Liulang: “…”

Even more angry!

Shao Liulang regretted and wilted and returned home. When Ma saw this, he felt distressed and asked him what was going on?

Shao Liulang didn’t want to say it at first, but he was really in a bad mood and couldn’t help complaining to Ma.

Ma did not understand his regret, but was just angry and spat: “What are they showing off? They are the only ones who have rich men as friends? Don’t you have the same? We will ignore them! If you If you’re bored, why not go to Mr. Zhao’s house and have some fun!”

Shao Liulang was startled.

He is not purely stupid. In fact, deep down in his heart, he vaguely understands that his relationship with Zhao Guanghua is different from the relationship between Shao Yunduan and the two young masters Xie and Le, but he is not willing to admit it.

I like the spring warmth of Nongmen: I have a lucky wife at home

Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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