A Blessed Wife At Home Chapter 255: Idea

Remember in one second【】

He didn’t want to cause trouble to Sister-in-law Fang and the others, but in this situation, if anyone else was really willing to help them, it would probably be the Shao family.

Sister-in-law Fang is kind-hearted, and the eldest brother of the Shao family is also capable of helping. Seeing how poor they are now, other families can give them some vegetables and a bowl or two of rice, but borrow money… who is willing?

When Mrs. Fang heard what he said, she was shocked, and sure enough, she immediately borrowed fifty coins.

Ding Erzhu wiped his eyes and thanked him, and went to the neighboring village to ask for a doctor that night.

Fortunately, the child was not seriously ill. He boiled the herbal medicine and drank it twice. By noon the next day, the temperature dropped. Although it rose slightly later, he continued to drink the medicine. After another day, the temperature dropped. It’s getting better.

The couple have been guarding their child nervously for the past two days, not daring to leave even an inch, feeling as if the sky was about to fall.

Fang and Qiao Xuan came yesterday and again today, bringing them a lot of food. In addition to vegetables, there was also a pheasant that Shao Xiaoqi hunted.

Qiao Xuan also specially brought a big watermelon, saying that she wanted the children to try it. They would probably like it, but they could not eat more at one time.

Ding Erzhu and Zhou were so moved that they didn’t know what to say. Ding Erzhu, a grown man, wanted to kneel down and kowtow to Fang on the spot. Fang was so frightened that he asked Zhou to pull him up.

Ding Erzhu wiped his eyes and said: “Sister-in-law Fang, your family are all good people and have been so kind and kind. We will never be able to repay them in this life! If you can use us for anything in the future, sister-in-law, just ask. We don’t have The rest is just a bit of effort… and the rest will be returned to you in the next life!”

Ms. Fang sighed, “Don’t say that, it’s not like you are from the same village. You two are both hard-working people, and your life will be easy in the future.”

Ding Erzhu and Zhou nodded reluctantly, accepting Fang’s kindness.

However, they hardly dare to think about the future…

Will it be okay? At least they see no hope.

Mr. Fang and Qiao Xuan’s mother-in-law and daughter-in-law exchanged glances. Ms. Fang coughed and said, “It’s not an option for you to be like this now. The child is too young to be separated from others, and you have nothing. When winter comes, it will be even more difficult. I have an idea, but I wonder if you will agree?”

Fang’s words touched the hearts of Ding Erzhu and Zhou. Isn’t this what they are worried about now?

When they heard Fang’s last words, both of them were in a low and gloomy mood. Their eyes flashed with light. Zhou hurriedly said: “Sister-in-law Fang, you are a good person. If you have any good ideas, just tell us. Come on! We are only grateful if you are willing to help us!”

Ding Erzhu also nodded repeatedly.

The two looked at Fang with expectant faces. ~IndoMTL.com~ Qiao Xuan also knew about the farmland in Zhangjia Village. It was Qiao Xuan who proposed the idea and asked her if it was suitable? As soon as she thought about it, this was a good idea.

These two people are honest people, she knows it.

It’s pitiful to have such a small child.

If they can help Qiao Xuan guard the farmland, they themselves will be better off, so why not?

Fang told them about it and asked them to keep it secret.

Qiao Xuan is the daughter of the county magistrate after all. Ding Erzhu and Zhou didn’t think it was strange when they heard that she had a farm of more than 200 acres. They just thought it was a dowry given to her by the county magistrate.

As for asking them to keep it secret and not reveal their wealth, they also understand this.

Besides, the Shao family also has the same difficulties as the Shao family. The second and third bedrooms are eyeing each other, so doesn’t Qiao Xuan have to keep it a secret?


Dear, this chapter is finished, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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