A Blessed Wife At Home Chapter 1468: Why did you put her in?

Because the road is flat, it is not friendly to those who want to ambush. As long as you are a little more careful and vigilant, it is almost impossible for the other party to succeed.

Their entire mission has a large number of people, with 200 guards among the more than 300 people.

Thirty of them were carefully selected and dispatched under the orders of the Crown Prince. They usually remain inconspicuous and blend in with the entire army without being conspicuous. However, they have only one purpose, which is to protect Shao Yunduan and Qiao Xuan. .

Black Tiger Forest is such an easy place for ambush, so naturally they have long thought of being on guard.

If thirty masters cannot protect Shao Yunduan and Qiao Xuan Zhouquan, it will be unless the other party mobilizes troops.

Qiao Xuan felt secretly regretful that there was no big difference between overhearing and not overhearing.

Obviously, Qiao Wei is just a chess piece. People who want to plot against her husband and wife don’t take her seriously at all. She doesn’t know anything, and she doesn’t even know as much as Qiu He.

And it is obvious that Qiu He served her as a maid, but in fact she was not a maid at all. Qiu He refused to tell Qiao Wei many things.

But when the other party placed someone like Qiu He under his and Shao Yunduan’s noses, he couldn’t have thought that they would suspect her. To put it bluntly, Qiu He was also a small role. Even if he caught her and tortured her, there would be no other way than to arouse suspicion. , and won’t ask too many valuable things.

In addition, both Qiu He and Qiao Wei entered the wedding procession through official channels, and their names were recorded in the papers. It is against the rules to arrest people without definite evidence.

If he really does this, Shao Yunduan will definitely be punished by Ginseng for acting recklessly and domineeringly when he returns to the capital.

This is why they haven’t touched her.

Although the news she heard was better than nothing, Qiao Xuan still mentioned Black Tiger Forest to Shao Yunduan when she went to bed at night.

Shao Yunduan smiled and said: “Don’t worry, Sun Bai and Sun Qian will make arrangements.”

Qiao Xuan smiled and said thoughtfully: “Mr., tell me, someone put Qiao Wei into our team just to disgust me, right? There must be a purpose. But people like Qiao Wei, What can I do to help people? I really can’t think of it!”

Qiu Wei didn’t even know as much as Qiu He, but Qiu He was arranged to be her maid, and judging from the information she obtained through monitoring from time to time, Qiao Wei did nothing and didn’t even pass the news to anyone. Once, then, what’s the use of having her?

Why put her in the team?

Shao Yunduan also pondered ~IndoMTL.com~ I also feel weird when the lady said this…”

If you think about it carefully, it’s not quite right.

The fourth prince and the Tian family would not put such a person in just to make them feel sick. Qiao Wei is now in no way comparable to Qiao Xuan. Even if she wants to be disgusted, she is not qualified.

“They won’t do anything useless. Putting Qiao Wei in this team will definitely be useful!”

The two discussed for a long time, but could not come up with a reason. They raised their eyes and looked at each other, and both laughed in unison.

“That’s all,” Shao Yunduan said with a smile: “If you think about it slowly, I have people keeping an eye on their masters and servants. No matter what their intentions are, they will be exposed one day. Let’s rest.”

Qiao Xuan couldn’t think of a better way for a while, so she nodded and said “yes”, then gave up and fell asleep hugging Shao Yunduan.

In the distance ahead, a dense forest appeared.

Please remember the first domain name of this book:. :

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