I [Imperial] Am Not This Kind of Man: 162. Good news and bad news

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Three days later

After eating Meimei, Qin Nuo washed it again and went to the study first.

Although it only took a short period of time, Dong Bo has taken the people to tidy up the room Qin Nuo uses every day. Looking around, the utensils in the study are strictly in accordance with his old habits. The only difference is that the room is more spacious and brighter, and the furnishings are more elegant and rich. And the people who served in the study.

The two new-faced maids are both fifteen and sixteen-year-old flowers, one is delicate and pretty, the figure is exquisite and graceful, the other is elegant and moving, especially the slender waist, which does not hold a full grip.

“The two maids specially sent by the inner government, the roster indicated that they were replacing the green lotus.” Seeing Qin Nuo’s eyes fell on the two maids, Dongbo explained with a stern face, “put it in the study room. , In the future, the prince will study, and there will be a red-sleeved sweetheart.”

Qin Nuo’s mouth twitched, “What the red sleeves add fragrance, one green lotus is enough trouble, now it has become two.”

“How does the prince plan to deal with these two?” Dongbo asked. As an old man in the palace for many years, Dongbo naturally understood the nature of these two maids.

“They are all poor children. Just arrange a simple job for them, and you don’t have to in the study.” Qin Nuo rubbed his forehead, “Just take care of everything.”

I was only thirteen years old, and even called the older maid a child. Dongbo’s serious face disintegrated a bit, he quickly converged, and continued: “If this is the case, it will be dealt with by the servants.”

Qin Nuo nodded, watching Dong Bo’s expression finally ease, he couldn’t help but want to laugh.

Dongbo was a palace man who had been transferred from Qin Nuo when he was a teenager. He has been taking care of the study room. Because of his ordinary appearance and taciturn, he was not conspicuous among the dozens of palace ladies in the east hall. She was promoted from the crowd. Will choose to reuse her, not only because she found that she is literate and capable of hyphenation, but also because of her unyielding spirit. No matter how respectful you are to your master, you will not blindly follow.

Qin Nuo quickly adapted to these idle days.

On the third day, when it was time to go to the Yamen Yingmao, after all, there was still the position of inspector of the Shence camp forbidden army above his head.

The Prime Minister’s Yamen of the Shence Camp is located in the west of the city. Among the five guards of the Forbidden Army in the capital, the Shence Battalion commands the defense of the two gates in the west and the north. It has a heavy responsibility and is one of the elite soldiers and horses of the Great Zhou arch guarding the capital.

Before arriving at the Yamen, Li Wan delivered the paperwork, and immediately there was a young man with an ape-armed bee waist and a guard greeted him. He was twenty-seven or eighteen years old, dressed in silver-white light armor, with a strong face and a calm demeanor. .

“Zhao Pingyi, deputy commander of the Shence Camp, sees His Royal Highness Chunjun King.” The visitor greeted him with a smile.

“Commander Zhao is polite. You and I will be colleagues in the future. In the barracks, you don’t need to call it that way.” Qin Nuo nodded and got up to get out of the car.

Zhao Pingyi immediately stepped forward and personally helped Qin Nuo get out of the carriage. For the prince, Shence Camp maintained at least the superficial etiquette.

Since he has been appointed to work for the Shence Camp, Qin Nuo has done his homework beforehand, knowing that Zhao Pingyi is one of the three deputy commanders of the Shence Camp, and he can serve as a general from the fourth rank when he is less than 30 years old. In the court of the Great Zhou dynasty, it is absolutely worthy of being young.

I, the Inspector of the Forbidden Army, also belonged to Rank 4, and was equal to him, so Qin Nuo didn’t put on the prestige of the clan king in every move, and entered the Yamen side by side with Zhao Ping.

His actions gave Zhao Ping a sigh of relief. The clan couldn’t cope with it. This time the new emperor packed two princes and county kings into their camp, which really caused them a headache for a while.

“I wonder if General Jia is available?” Qin Nuo asked as he walked. Jia Pi is the president of the Shence Camp and a full-fledged general of Zhengsanpin.

“General Jia is now in the yamen, accompanying…” Before Zhao Ping finished speaking, Qin Nuo heard a loud voice in the main hall.

“General Jia, you can’t use those third-rate goods to prevaricate the lonely king, what kind of friendship do we have.”

Sure enough, the first time he entered the door, he saw the familiar figure of his Seventh Brother, Qin Xun was sticking to Jia Pi, his face wringing around something familiarly.

Japi frowned with a headache, and when Qin Nuo came in, he got up and greeted him.

“His Royal Highness Chunjun King is also here.”

Sure enough, the martial artist looks younger than his actual age. The leader of the Shenceying Camp is clearly forty-five years old, but he looks only thirty-seven-eight years old. He has a long face, silky eyebrows, and his eyes are introverted. The tolerance is extraordinary.

“General Jia.” Qin Nuo simply replied.

After the two met Pingli, Qin Nuo turned his head to look at Qin Xun again, and smiled: “Brother thought he came early enough. I didn’t expect Brother Seven that you came earlier than me.”

Qin Xun shook the fat on his face, revealing a subtle smile, “Nine brothers. I was talking about the key points with General Jia, and you just happened to be here, and we brothers chatted with General Jia.” /

Leaving the court, everyone is different. Qin Xun had never spoken so loudly in the palace before his eyes. Qin Nuo secretly sighed and smiled: “I don’t know what major issues Seventh Brother discussed with General Jia?”

“Of course it’s the treatment of our brothers!” Qin Xun raised his eyebrows, then turned to look at Jia Pi, “General Jia, it happens that both of our brothers are here. It’s better to hit the sun if you choose another day. , The guards will let our brothers choose today.”

Jia Pi nodded and said: “Just follow the Lord’s meaning.”

A bright light flashed across Qin Xun’s face: “Then you don’t want that third-rate stuff to prevaricate our brother.”

Japi shook his head helplessly: “Look at what Prince Shu said, the emperor’s arrangement of the two princes in our divine strategy camp is trust and glory. If I use a third-rate prevarication, wouldn’t I betray the emperor’s trust? , Said to Qingli, our friendship is still ignored.”

After listening to them for a long time, Qin Nuo finally realized that Qin Xun’s object was Wu Wei.

No wonder he had been wondering before that the two were treated according to their ranks, and the king’s salary was generous, and he didn’t have to rely on that little warlord’s money to make a living.

According to the usual practice, the Inspector of the Forbidden Army, as a rank four general, has fifty guards. Qin Xun was pestering the other party and asked to dispatch a few masters.

Taking advantage of Jia Pi and Zhao Ping’s effort to get people out, Qin Nuo couldn’t help but lower his voice and asked: “Seven brothers, aren’t there two hundred military guards dispatched by the Ministry of Internal Affairs in our house?” The king of the county has a guard, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs also dispatches staff to the mansion when allocating property. In addition, you can also take the money to recruit privately, as long as it does not exceed a certain scale, no one will mind.

Qin Xun gave him an idiotic look, “Can the people allocated to us by the Office of Internal Affairs be used? It is a group of waste snacks, martial arts are not popular, even looking at the gate, I feel shabby, at most I can only run errands. , Slap a hand, a strong momentum. Really fight, compared to a master, a hundred can not beat anyone.”

Qin Nuo nodded, but didn’t agree with it in his heart: You are an idle clan, are you going to fight against the world, do you need expert protection and not waste it?

Qin Xun immediately noticed his abnormality and snorted coldly, “Nine brothers, you are less knowledgeable. Don’t think that if we are idle in the clan, there are no three long and two short. You don’t know, two months ago, An Wang’s young In front of the gate of Chunfeng Tower, the brat got into a dispute with others for the first card. Hey, he got the first card that night. I don’t know how I slept. I knew that after staying in the middle of the night, he was covered with a cloth bag and stripped out after he went out. I took the clothes and threw them on the street, hum, I still can’t find who did it. Six months ago, the old man of Chengjun Wang…”

Qin Xun said in a whisper that he was talking about gossip incidents involving the fights and fights of the wealthy children of the capital clan, and Qin Nuo was amazed.

The clan of gangsters and dogs is too noisy!

Think about it, too, a bunch of high-ranking dudes, rich and free, with nothing to do, they will inevitably make trouble. Moreover, the Great Zhou Dynasty was no better than the previous dynasty. Except for special circumstances, the princes of the clan were not released. They were all kept in the capital, which inevitably caused more troubles.

In the end, he could only sigh with emotion: “The chivalrous banned by martial arts is really true!”

The two said few words, Zhao Ping returned to the main hall and smiled: “Everyone has been summoned, waiting for the two princes to choose.”

Qin Xun jumped three feet high and couldn’t wait to run outside.

Qin Nuo arched his hand and said with a smile: “Thank you Zhao for the leadership. It’s just that you and I are in the Yamen. As colleagues, you can be worthy of your position.”

A strange color flashed in Zhao Ping’s eyes, and he smiled: “The prince is polite.”

The other party didn’t seem to agree, Qin Nuo stopped talking, and followed Qin Xun out of the hall.

When we came to the martial arts field, on the spacious and flat ground, hundreds of people were lined up, waiting for the two to choose.

The momentum is quite big, especially the eyes of hundreds of people projected over, with a natural iron-blooded forest and cold air, Qin Nuo couldn’t help feeling a pressure. Qin Xun was even more troubled. He was still running ahead, slipping on his feet and almost falling.

It was Zhao Ping who gave him a hand and smiled and reminded: “The prince is careful with your steps.”

Is this a disguised disguise? Qin Nuo shrugged, continued to keep pace, and followed the two into the martial arts arena.

Standing on the high platform, Qin Nuo glanced over. There were about six to seven hundred people standing under the stage. They were all sturdy men with big arms and round waists. They were dressed in armor, and looked like a hundred warriors. Some of them were particularly obvious. , With prominent muscles, it must be a strongman in the military.

Jia Pi smiled and said: “My sons are all elites from a hundred miles. If the two princes personally came to the door this time, I would never be willing to take it out.”

Qin Xun was overjoyed, “General Jia is indeed a sincere man!” Turning his head and looking at Qin Nuo, he couldn’t wait to say: “Brother, I’m welcome. I will choose first.”

Qin Nuo certainly wouldn’t object.

Qin Xun jumped out of the stands, walked into the crowd accompanied by Zhao Pingyi, and looked around and around.

Qin Nuo was boring to wait up there. Looking around, the martial arts field was extremely open, and further away, there were some soldiers from the Shence camp who were practicing and training.

Qin Nuo’s eyes tightened, he saw Huo Bin’s figure.

“Actually, according to Nucai, you don’t have to look for the House of Internal Affairs, as long as you send the person to the opposite side.” Li Wan made a nuisance at Xidian.

“No, I lost my ugliness this time. I think the green lotus will be able to rest for a while.” Qin Nuo sighed. With Ge Xianfei’s power, even if it was changed to another one, it would be no different from Green Lotus. Moreover, Concubine Ge Xian has always awed the palace people for her harsh temperament. The girl in Green Lotus really wants to send her back, I’m afraid she will soon be beaten to death with an excuse.

Li Wan understood his scruples and couldn’t help but muttered: “His Royal Highness is kindness.” But he didn’t oppose this decision anymore.

Serve Qin Nuo well, and Li Wan goes out to urge meals.

Qin Nuo is alone in the room, carefully looking at the delicate face reflected in the mirror. This body is a bit good, that is, it perfectly inherits the appearance of his mother, Concubine Chen, with delicate brows and delicate eyes. Thin body, if you put on women’s clothing, it is really easy to be mistaken for a girl.

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