Aggrieved Fish Sprite: 331|Try to kill evil, the fastest update to the latest chapter!

The two days spent by Tianshou Wang Dajun in Hua County were not peaceful.

On the first night and four hours later, several camps caught fire inexplicably, and then “Assassins” broke in and made a great battle.

The incense master, protector, and saint of the Holy Lotus Altar searched overnight, posing a threatening look, vowing to capture the assassin.

In the camp, the wind was rustling, and at dawn, flags filled with runes were hung up everywhere.

The soldiers of the Heavenly Consecrated King asked about the reason, and the guardian of the Holy Lotus Altar replied, “Demons are in trouble.”

It is said that there are demons incarnate mortals with evil methods and want to murder the reincarnation of Ziwei Xingjun, as well as the star officials and generals under the Xingjun constellation.

This is the calamity faced by people with destiny and body, and the congregation needs to protect Xingjun with care.

The demon will not attack a mortal. If he is assassinated or killed by a disease, there must be a demon who is instigated and has an extraordinary life.

Moli: “…”

That’s a great rhetoric.

Although people eat whole grains, there is no one who does not get sick, but in this adversary, the number of people who get sick due to inadequate water and soil is very small.

It’s not that the saint of Rao Shizi’s exorcism is effective, but these people are born in poverty, most of them have experienced famine, and even the whole family survived him, and then followed the sacred lotus altar and the king of heaven to move around, half hungry and half full For a long time, even eating grass roots and bark, it is almost gnawing Guanyin soil.

They are not afraid of death or sickness, they are only afraid of hunger.

The people in Jiangnan and even Jingzhou are not even considered human in the eyes of the adversary. They are walking granaries. When they are cut and burnt, there will be countless food in their stomachs.

The city is a bigger grain depot. You can not only eat a meal, but you can also live in it for several years or decades, without worrying about going hungry.

This rebellious army is still “hungry”. This hunger does not come from the stomach, but from the heart.

As long as they don’t plunder and kill wantonly for a day, they will have endless desire to kill.

These people may have left their relatives in the face of famine and poverty, and even exchanged their children to slaughter and cook. They have lived to this day. The sacred lotus altar has bewitched their minds, and the Heavenly Giving King has encouraged their greed, making them violent and mad. Hungry ghost out of hell.

However, with such a long road and so many people, there will always be someone who will not make it to the end.

The soldiers who fell ill and were directly killed by Su Li have now become “extraordinary” heavenly soldiers.

Sacred Lotus Altar preached that some people in the rebel army envied the people who died under Su Li. Why don’t they have such a good life style? On weekdays, I didn’t see any difference between those “Heaven Soldiers and Generals”. How come they have such a big background?

The guardian of the holy lotus altar holding the golden drum and conch, said loudly to the crowd: “…The monster has a hideous face, like a ghost, coming and going like wind.”

The knife man hiding in the dark subconsciously touched his face, not understanding how he exposed.

He is so tightly covered, it is impossible for anyone to see his face!

Su Li’s heart sank, thinking that Heavenly Consecrated King might already know his identity, after all, there are not many assassins like him in the whole world. He immediately gave up the idea of ​​stalking the top of the Holy Lotus Altar, turned his head and went back to find Moli.

Partnered with the swordsman, staring at the adversary generals, to see which of them is more suspiciously like Dr. Mo who looks like the King of Heaven: “…”

Doctor Mo thinks that this monster’s hideous expression is just a coincidence.

Su Li didn’t think so, because Piaoping Pavilion really took over the transaction to assassinate the Heavenly Granted King. There were also many people in the world who knew about it. Eighty percent of the news leaked out, as Piaoping Pavilion’s gold-letter sign The number one killer is normal to be suspected.

Mo Li thought for a while, and felt that there was indeed some truth to it.

“In that case, what are you going to do?”

“…Who does Doctor Mo think is like the King of Heaven?”

To be honest, everyone looks alike, but everyone has their inconsistencies.

Mo Lei has not let go of those who acted as koo-headed officers next to the adversary general.

Because no matter how the Tianshouwang hides, he cannot lack news channels. If he chooses to mix with ordinary soldiers, he will not be able to react quickly to the military situation. In this way, is this army still his?

Mo Lei doesn’t know how to manage the army, so he can’t find someone, but he still keeps his eye on Zheng Tu intuitively.

Zheng Tu is different from others, he is always confident, very calm, and never flustered.

Moreover, the commands he said were very effective. Half of the rebel generals convinced him, and half were afraid of him.

Mo Lei pointed people out to the swordsman.

“Oh, that’s the apprentice of the ancestor of Qingwu. Because he voted for the king, he was awarded the title of the great apprentice of the ancestor of Qingwu by Liu Changqing. In fact, this man martial arts… It should be very high.”

Su Li suddenly got stuck, with a rare uncertainty in his tone, “Didn’t he also go under the wall to see your knife marks?”

The black carp nodded slowly.

Mo Lei did hear about Zheng Tu, but he hadn’t seen a real person before.

Because the ancestor of Qingwu was an ambitious guy, and his apprentices were also a bunch of raccoon dogs, Moli naturally thought that he was also a speculator. Old ancestor Wu’s ridiculous “slashing the dragon veins and raising qi to become immortals” has contributed to the ridiculous conspiracy.

Now that the Qingwu ancestor has planted, and the Tibetan style view has been sluggish, Zheng Tu simply started to go it alone, which is also reasonable.

“Before Zheng Tu turned to the Tianshou King, this rebellious army existed, and its influence was not small.” The knifeman had not suspected Zheng Tu before, and it was for this reason.

Zheng Tu’s “experience” in the rebel army is really not old, he is indeed very capable, but in the drama of “rebellion, rebellion”, the upper ranks of the rebel army are mostly coolies who do not know the big words, only With the exception of the leader, no matter how capable people are, they will be regarded as their subordinates.

Unless the leader respects this capable person extraordinarily, serves him as a courteous corporal, speaks for him everywhere, and then this person will fight another two or three beautiful battles to solve the problem of four or five times of shortage of food and grass, and it is better to kill. Seven or eight dog officials, and then drink and get drunk together for ten times, can they be successfully included as “owners”.

Mo Lei doesn’t understand the doorway inside, he just thinks that the general’s attitude towards Zheng Tu is very strange.

“This General Zheng seems to be somewhat confident…”

“How to say?”

The more the swordsmen listened, the more confused they became. Did Zheng Tu grasp their shameful handle?

No, this is not the court, nor is it a quagmire. What can a group of murderous and arson adversaries have?

Even if Zheng Tu has a high level of martial arts, do these people understand?

In their hearts, Zheng Tu is a gangster.

“Otherwise, let’s burn their food?” Su Li suggested.

“…They will grab it.”

Mo Lei has read in history books, let alone rebellious troops like the King of Heaven or the barbarians from outside the Guan, in troubled times, there is a lack of food and wages and an army that does not care about morality, everything can be done. Grave digging and theft of gold are common. Forcible grain looting is common among the people. The most terrifying thing is human beings.

Under the influence of Meng Qi, Moli had of course thought of food and grass a long time ago, but this strategy is obviously only effective for the limited army.

Otherwise, even if the adversary guards the grain and grass extremely tightly, it will not be able to stop him and Su Li.

Once the rebel army turns to raid the towns near Huaxian County, Nanping County’s government city will indeed win a respite, and the hostility of the Heavenly Grant King’s army will be further consumed and divided. But should the people deserve to die?

When the invading army suffered casualties in front of the Nanping County Mansion City, or failed to break through the city within three days, those who had robbed the county seat for the “good” would indeed be ill-intentioned and become afraid of death. This tough battle immediately became much easier, perhaps beneficial to the overall situation, but Baixin near Hua County deserved to die?

Moli gave up.

——Who is he and how does he make this decision? In order to save a city, save a place in the south of the Yangtze River, decide who is more valuable to die?

“Double fists are hard to beat with four hands. Once the fifty thousand army attacked various villages and towns, I would have three heads and six arms, and I would not be able to stop it.”

There are no mountains or rivers near Huaxian County. It is impossible to think of a quake-collapsed cliff and flooding of the Seven Army.

“Zheng Tu is the most suspicious, don’t do it, let’s take a look.” Mo Li said solemnly.

Doctor Mo vaguely felt that he had touched the context, but there was a layer of veil that could not be uncovered, and a certain key might be missing.

At this time, he didn’t know that what he had missed was also the key point that the people of the world had missed–the Heavenly Grant King who had risen in the first place had already died.

Died silently and unclearly.

Only because Shenglian Tan and Zheng Tu felt that the self-esteem king was “not needed” at the same time, so they came up with a set of rhetoric of Ziweixingjun Xiafan, urging the heavenly granting king to divide his subordinates and let these people be content. Happiness, drunkenness, dreams, and finally emptied them completely.

People who didn’t use value to reach people, and were so stupid as to scream, all “return to heaven” to serve the Jade Emperor.


The wood rustled in the fire.

On the second night that the Heavenly Grant King’s army stayed in Hua County, the rhetoric of evil spirits still caused some soldiers to panic.

The Sacred Lotus Altar immediately ordered a bonfire to be lighted and a huge sacrifice to the heavens was held.

Every bonfire has seven or eight people dressed up by the Holy Lotus Altar congregation dancing and chanting endlessly.

Someone walked forward on their knees, first with their hands up to the sky, telling the night sky about their grief and poverty, how they were oppressed by the government, and their pious wife and parents starved to death. Every time they say a paragraph, the saint or incense master who presides over the fire sacrifice repeats “Xingjun comes to the world” in a loud voice with inner strength.

Everyone repeated it over and over again, their eyes gradually reddening, and they fell into a frenzy.

Luo Jiaozhu sits high on the stage, the fire can only reflect his figure, and he wears a weird mask painted with white lotus on his face.

At first glance, it looks like an Arhat, a common Buddha statue in temples, but his demeanor is not dignified, his mouth is slightly open, as if he is smiling.

The mask is very delicately painted with gold and color, but under the light of this fire, looking at it makes people feel chilly.

“No way.”

The swordsman suddenly said, “The army is about to be launched soon. Huaxian is the best opportunity. Once they return to the flat camp outside the city, it will be several times more difficult to kill them regardless of whether it is hidden or assassinated, regardless of who is the godsend. Wang, in short, the sacred lotus altar is a scourge. It’s okay to kill a leader of Luo first.”

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the ink carp to react, he leaped towards the high platform in a flash.

Master Luo raised his head slightly, grinning at the corner of his mouth under the mask.

The fish finally took the bait.

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