Aggrieved Fish Sprite: 312|Measuring and then doing, the fastest update to the latest chapter!

In front of me was a large dark courtyard, with only two dying lanterns hanging on the porch.

Because the paper pasted on the outer wall was too thick, the light was dim, and it could only illuminate a small area.

The eaves on all sides are good places to hide, but because it is so good, Meng Qi cannot choose, otherwise he will have to face the rabbit who is about to hit the stump.

As for the stump–

The cellar below this yard is a place where morgues have always been used.

Generally there are no big cases in Xuncheng Yamen, but Ningtai is after all the richest place in Jiangnan except Qiantang County. There are many foreign merchants, scribes and so on. The homicides usually happen to these people. The money is looted and the corpses are stored in the cellar, waiting for the city’s business houses, fellow villagers’ associations, and cultural associations to send people to recognize the corpses in turn.

If you are recognized and have money at home, you buy a coffin and ship it out.

The others will be taken to Yizhuang after a while and thrown to the mass grave.

Jius, these attendants are all unrelated people, and no one would have thought of providing them with a coffin.

Moli took out the purse, looked at the scattered silver coins inside and sighed.



In fact, Moli didn’t care much about going into the soil for peace. At that time, it was impossible to kill those attendants. It was just that in the midst of the night, when there was no one in the middle of the night, they thought that those attendants were left in a silly life and were finally thrown into the wilderness. , Gave birth to inexplicable complex emotions.

These attendants who were kept by Qiu Si through various screenings, even if they are not as intelligent as Cheng Jingchuan, are definitely not weak in martial arts talent.

When you put it on the rivers and lakes, let alone other things, it is definitely much taller than the real Bai Yu who colluded with the Thunder Pavilion in Fengxing Pavilion.

“I’m just thinking, if it weren’t for Qiu Si, would they be ordinary people like ordinary people, maybe they might be living hard, or just like a quack, wandering around the world.”

Both kinds of life may be unsatisfactory, and there will be misfortunes, but it is better than silently dying as someone’s vassal.

Mo Lei quickly abandoned this emotion and laughed at himself: “It’s too boring to say, and it’s a bit ridiculous, I killed them…”

A hand stretched over and covered his mouth.

Mo Lei looked away in surprise.

He has seen people who yell at others to silence, he has seen people who interrupt other people’s speech, and he has even seen a dumb acupuncture point, but he has never seen him directly “hands on”.

“Ali, I know that you don’t like killing people unless you have to, or that person is heinous.” Meng Qi glanced at his pocket, it was empty, there was no money and no cakes, otherwise it would be stuffed into the doctor’s mouth. , Not only sweet, but also sweet to the heart, “I will do all these things in the future.”

Mo Li was dumb, thinking that Meng Qi was coaxing himself as a child.

After leaving Zhushan County, he became more likely to be immersed in the misfortunes of life and death in the world, and he could no longer be as transparent and open-minded as he was a year ago. This is probably the trouble of joining the world.

He could persuade Meng Qi before, but now he wants Meng Qi to comfort him.

“…What is the difference between what you did and what I did?” Moli blurted out.

Meng Qi’s eyes lit up when he heard this, and Mo Li immediately regretted his faintly proud appearance.

How can you say something like this to make someone cry.

“The Lord Qiu Pavilion is right. After a person dies, all grievances and grievances are gone. It is meaningless to keep the corpse and sigh and sigh. You can only feed snakes, insects, ants, and beasts. It is better to burn them.” Take it back to the original thing, “When the matter is here, let them be cremated.”

Meng Qi was about to speak, there was a slight noise in the distance, and someone came towards this side.

The sound comes from tiles, which is negligible for ordinary people.

Several figures swiftly swept across the roof, looking down.

The night-crawlers on the roof saw no one around and jumped into the courtyard. They scattered carefully, some guarding the courtyard gate, some looking around, and some preparing to push the door into the house.

Meng Qi shook his head while watching. How could anyone be so careless, what if there was a mechanism installed at the door?

Besides, he and Doctor Mo are not the only ones who want to wait for the stupid rabbit to hit the stump!

Actually, Meng Qi discovered that there was an ambush here, but the other side was guarding in the yard, and he also arranged some martial arts hands outside the yard, which was far away from the hiding place he liked. , There is no effect at all.

Isn’t this a ready-made “tree stump”?

Meng Qi immediately closed one eye and let those people lie in wait under his eyelids.

At this moment, the group of nocturnal travelers had no scruples, ready to break in, and they were screamed by the darts ejected by the agency in an instant.

These darts penetrated deep into the flesh, with pointed barbs and extremely difficult to pull out. The nightcrawler who sneaked in was immediately injured and unable to stand up.

“Drag it down.”

Someone secretly ordered in disdain.

Those nightcrawlers still wanted to fight back with knives, but they were hit by flying stones into the acupuncture points, and they fell to the ground and stopped moving.

Several soldiers dressed as government officials entered the door tremblingly, dragged the uninvited guests out of the door, and cleaned the yard very thoughtfully, wiped off the blood that had just shed, and carefully picked up the darts that fell on the walls and the ground. .

Meng Qi changed the posture of watching the theater on the eaves, and the second wave of people who came immediately afterwards was even more frustrated.

Moli: “…”

Okay, don’t need Meng Qi to say, he also knows that these two groups of people can never be the Wu Wang spies they are waiting for.

As a person who has personally experienced the rigorous investigation of Fengxing Pavilion, Moli is sure that without a guide and perfect identity cover, he can’t avoid so many eyes.

The more and more Moli thought about it, he even felt that Ningtai City was hiding another resourceful man with an unclear position.

Perhaps not as capable of tossing as Qiu Si, but can’t you know martial arts?

Where did Qiu Si really lose? Isn’t it because he doesn’t know martial arts? If he is like his daughter, he can learn internal skills well. Although he can’t avoid the end of old age, his body won’t be so bad at least, and his body won’t go bad so fast, let alone live more. Five or six years.

When Meng Qi Moli came to the door, he was not sure that he could escape in time and would not be blocked in another courtyard.

A martial arts master wants to hide from people. Maybe it can be more slippery than a loach. Coupled with the convenient location, Meng Qi is really not so easy to dig out people.

Mo Lei had a serious expression, and put forward this idea to Meng Qi in a serious manner. He was not afraid of being clever, and was dying to be able to martial arts and his brains.

Looking at the opponents they have been encountering, there is no combination of these two.

Qiu Si will not say it, the Qingwu ancestor will not say it, Ayan Puka, in fact, is good at mind and martial arts, but the lack of people around him and the lack of luck, it is a tragic word to say.

This is really difficult to do if Wang Mouchen is really armed and conspiring, but also knows how to act in a low-key manner.

Meng Qi was also worried after hearing this.

Fortunately, he quickly reacted. There is a capable person on King Wu’s side. It doesn’t mean that the capable person is squatting in Ningtai City.

Wulin masters are not Chinese cabbage, how can they be so easy to encounter! That is to say, they have been in trouble along the way, or have been troubled to find so many masters, and most people are in the rivers and lakes, and they don’t even want to meet one in their entire life.

“Ali, that’s not what I said. In addition to being resourceful, there is another possibility to hide your identity.”


“His identity is so special that no one wants to check or doubt him. Or the person responsible for checking his identity is not innocent and is manipulated. This kind of thing is not uncommon.”

Mo Li thinks what Meng Qi said makes sense, and as he is about to think about it, another group of people arrive.

This group of people was completely different from the road ahead. They went on the roof first, looked around for a while, and quickly fought with the ambushing gangsters and government officials.

They seemed to be very familiar with the terrain, and soon resolved the ambush outside and entered the hospital carefully.

Just when they removed the doorway and prepared to enter the cellar, the sudden change occurred.


The sound from the corner shocked everyone, and the hidden weapons in their hands almost shot together.

“Our stump has appeared.” Meng Qi said to Moli enthusiastically.

Moli: “…”

The person who intercepted the Nightcrawler before and only made no appearance, finally stepped out of the dark darkness.

He has a pale face and no need to smile, his eyes are as if he is staring at a carrion fly.

Just looking at the clothes, you know that he is not an ordinary person. People who wear embroidered brocades in this weather are not fools, or masters of internal skills, because the embroidered patterns are too thick, almost equivalent to the second layer of fabric, which is heavy and heavy. It is airtight, enough to faint the heat.

“Don’t drive yellow?”

Don’t drive a high-ranking official in the prefecture or in the palace. King Ning’s jurisdiction is chaotic. Meng Qi doesn’t know what rank officials are in the city’s patrol yamen. He raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice: “It seems that it’s still A tree stump with a famous root.”

Moli was almost amused and finally held back.

“You are already the seventh wave of guests that Huang received tonight.” Huang Bie said unhurriedly. Only then did Mo Li know that before Meng Qi came with him, it was already very lively in the middle of the night.

Huangbie holds a broken iron fan in his hand, but the fan is missing at the moment, which looks weird.

The leader of the nightwalker sneered, and said with an urn: “It seems that one of the people is trickier and damaged Huang Biejia’s fan. It’s not a secret that this city patrol government has a few kilograms, and there is no mechanism.” □ Those who came to eat with Fengxing Pavilion, and the rest are straw bags, I am afraid that you are the only one who can barely get it. I am afraid that the people who visited before are not as polite as us, and I don’t know how to do it. Don’t drive, are you injured?”


Huang Buie smiled, slanted his eyes and said, “Polite and polite are all you should do. If you don’t look up and lower your head, if you kill you without saying hello, you won’t be able to face it. Thank you for your concern, but no I know that you, who led the salary in a yamen with me, were sent by Fengxingge to eat a meal or a straw bag?”

“You–” The leader of the Nightwalker was shocked, and immediately concealed, “What are you talking nonsense?”

Meng Qi was about to speak, and was covered by the black carp backhand, and said first:

“It is not allowed to say that rabbits are made from tree stumps.”

Meng Qi looked innocent.

Over there, Huang Biejia didn’t plan to let the pedestrian leader go overnight. He sighed and said regretfully: “There is one thing I don’t understand. Why do some people know that they don’t have the ability to lie and their brains are not very bright, but I always want to do big things, but still very big things, such as betraying the brothers to the real Bai Yu, and quietly contacting the Pilitang to take refuge in the King of Heaven…”


The leader of the Nightwalker yelled with great anger, but the people around him showed surprise and took two steps back unconsciously.

The leader of the Nightwalker became even more angry, his face was covered by a black veil, and only a pair of eyes that seemed to be breathing fire could be seen.

Huang Doe knocked on the fan bone in his hand and said with a smile: “The betrayal is true. I just said it casually. There are too many visitors tonight. I’m really tired. I don’t want to worry about you anymore. Who is it? You are not who is arguing. Jin catches quickly…or Jingshanhu, your identity is not well concealed, I have long known that you are sent by Fengxing Pavilion. Let’s open the skylight and talk brightly, you I want to go to the dark with the veterans of Fengxing Pavilion and refuse to listen to Lingshi’s orders. But your brother and Master Bao are not fuel-efficient lamps. Guess how long you will be exposed? I heard that Lingshi’s temper is not very good. , And stubborn by nature. Even Mr. Qiu could not tell him to come to Ningtai, but just abducted the apprentice he had taught him so hard. Like Jin Takukua, he was thinking of glory and wealth without remembering the love of his teacher. Generally, he would end up very badly. Not very good.”

The leader of the night walker was panting heavily. If his eyes could turn into a blade, Huang Biejia would have been poked into a sieve.

Meng Qi gently broke away from Moli’s hand, and whispered in the latter’s ear: “It’s not a rabbit, it’s a tiger that can’t cross the mountain.”

Moli can’t laugh or cry.

But I heard Huang Biejia continue unkindly: “The people from Fengxing Pavilion have actually been here once, and Jin Tshou will come here soon, for whom is it to investigate?”

“What are you…”

Jin Tie quickly couldn’t help but want to ask how his identity was revealed. As soon as he uttered the words, he felt ashamed and quickly stopped.

Huang Biejia laughed when he heard the words, knocked his palms with a fan handle, and jokingly said: “When a person is in a panic, what he blurts out can expose himself the most. If you are from the rivers and lakes, you shouldn’t call me Huang Biejia. , As you said, there are not a few decent martial arts masters in the patrol city yamen, I am a fool, and I can guess every one of them.”

Jin Tie quickly removed the mask and said coldly: “I turned my back on the teacher, are you Huang Yang a thing? When Mr. Qiu was there, you were restless and went to King Wu early. While drilling in the camp, I changed the door and thought that no one else knew? Everyone is looking for ways for prosperity and wealth, so don’t say it so badly.”

Oh huh.

Meng Qi rubbed his fingers and thought, it turns out that you don’t really need to catch a rabbit, just pull the stump away.

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