Aggrieved Fish Sprite: 301|I’m stuck in Sri Lanka today, the fastest update to the latest chapter!

Li Youfu sniffed, he smelled a tempting smell of stewed meat.

You can’t go wrong, this is the signature dish of the “Keyunlai” restaurant in West Market, and it also has the fragrance of sesame sponge cake.

There is no restaurant in Ningtai City that is more delicious than his. The people who order the food are gluttons. The two are delicious and flavorful.

But it is far away from the West Market. Even if it is packed in a carrying box and waiting to be brought here, it should be “exhausted”. The sponge cake will be smoked by the heat from the stew and become damp and tasteless, and the stew will become cold. Condensed oil, why does it smell like it has just been served on the table now?

Is it possible that there is one more branch here where customers come from?

Li Youfu looked around, there was nothing but a pharmacy, dry goods shop, and tea shop.

Also, this street shouldn’t sell food at all. Ningtai was built following the example of Taijing, and the market neighborhoods are very particular about selling dead and living things separately, selling dry goods and fresh goods are not together, not to eat, clothing, housing, and transportation next to each other.

To get here from Keyun, you have to walk seven streets, even if they patrol the city’s errands, it takes two quarters of an hour.

Although the roads are empty today and not as crowded as they were in the past, to make these two dishes tasteful, you can only fly over with a box.

Li Youfu subconsciously looked at the roof.

——Strange, the fragrance really seems to be coming from a height.

He sniffed again, but there was only a residual breath. He was not a dog and couldn’t follow the smell.

“School Lie?”

“Come!” Li Youfu recovered and dismounted to an old official.

The official system of King Ning is chaotic. There are both official positions in the court and official titles of the vassal vassal.

School lieutenant is a military attache of high rank, but the lieutenant and lieutenant are also different. They are in the same patrol city. Cheng Jingchuan is a very formal sixth-rank lieutenant. The consul has a salary, but Li Youfu is not. Cong Ninth-Rank who enters the stream is said to be a school lieutenant, rather than a quick-catching leader.

The servants are quick to catch officials. They are cheap, and their descendants are not allowed to conduct scientific research.

Li Youfu’s monthly payment is issued by the Yamen. If you don’t go from the household department, there are too many articles you can do in it, and you will basically be deducted half of it.

How did the servants not get the money to support the family, so they went to exploit the people. Among them, the tax collectors are the most fierce. They have dozens of ways to make money. The most common is the big bucket and the small scale. When collecting the grain tax, it does not look at the weight, but only the container. It builds a big bucket to pile up the grain and sometimes shakes some of it on the ground. , The imperial court set a hundred catties of tax and grain, they can collect up to one hundred and twenty catties.

The tax collector is hateful of wickedness, but the tax collector himself actually has a lot of grievances.

Only a small part of the money they “cooked” belonged to them, and the rest had to be handed over to them, that is, they had deducted their rations and silver.

“We are just a dog. Let us go out to bite people and come back to wag our tails to survive.” Li Youfu’s grandfather was a tax collector. Before he died, he couldn’t rest assured of his family. He stubbornly held the hands of his children and grandchildren and said, “Today If the dog has food to eat, he may be killed for cooking meat tomorrow. We have done all the things that are detrimental to our wickedness outside. Have we really gained any benefits?”

The Li family is very dissatisfied with these remarks. What is a dog? How can there be such self-derogatory.

Only Li Youfu suddenly remembered that several of his colleagues in the Yamen had been beheaded last autumn for confiscation of all taxes and charges of levying and disturbing the civil affairs. The people heard that the cruel staff were so happy that they were in the New Year, and the rotten vegetables and leaves rotten eggs were full of prisoners. With a head full of faces, the prisoner’s wife and child were crying helplessly.

Their home was ransacked. They were penniless and shivering.

A few days later, these people were also missing, and I don’t know if they were sold to a workshop or a kiln.

Li Youfu is hard to let go, because it is getting harder to collect taxes year by year. Most of the land is in the names of the powerful, and a small part is returned to the temple. These people do not have to pay taxes, only the poor people are left. You can’t squeeze a few catties of oil if you force people to death!

The tax collectors have done too much, and they may be “excluded from violence and peace” by the people of the rivers and lakes.

Li Youfu mournfully stepped forward and held his grandfather’s hand, and said loudly: “I lost my yin virtue, his head hung on his belt, he would die without knowing the day. The advantage is that my grandfather has supported our family so that we won’t be like those Farmers are reduced to refugees, working to death, or freezing and starving to death. But shouldn’t this be our inherent benefit? We are doing errands for the government!”

Father Li cursed after hearing the sound: “Those spooky people will only eat on the ground, how can they follow us…”

“They are cows and mules. We are whipped and driven to work all our lives. We are pigs and dogs. They eat better than mules, horses, and cows. They don’t have to work hard, but when we are useless or can What will happen after getting enough fat?” Li Youfu cried out in sorrow at the time.

The dying grandfather Li suddenly smiled, and he was relieved, because there was finally a clear-headed child among his children and grandchildren.

Li’s grandfather worked as a servant in Ningtai Yamen during the Chu dynasty. He has experienced a series of changes such as Ningwang Jufan, the fall of Chu dynasty, and the self-reliance of Ningwang. The boss has changed at least ten rounds, so he still does it well. Tax collector, because he is a wise man, he looks at people and is not so greedy.

“Don’t be too greedy…Be a capable hound that others can’t live without…”

Grandfather Li died after speaking intermittently. He is a wise man, but that’s all there is to it. He can’t think of a better way out.

The tax collector is too hateful and attractive (the family has money).

Li Youfu tried every means to be a chasing officer, and consciously made friends with the servants of the yamen and even other yamen. He slowly discovered that there were not a few people with his ideas, and then he caught up with the opportunity.

He learned real martial arts and became an inexperienced school lieutenant. His size was an official status. People who didn’t know his official title thought he was the commander.

Last night, King Ning was awkward, and half of the city was smelled of heavy smoke. Compared with the restless Li family, Li Youfu could not wait to take a deep breath and feel refreshed.

During the street tour today, he even felt in the mood to think about Keyunlai’s signature dishes.

“School lieutenant Li has worked hard.” The old man who stopped Li Youfu said with a smile, “Where is this going?”

“The old man is polite.” Li Youfu handed it over. He didn’t sleep all night, but he couldn’t see the slightest fatigue. “Wuweifang is not peaceful, maybe it is Chen Jiayang’s private soldier, I have to go and see. “

“The old man came for this.” The old official smiled and gestured to the other soldiers, and then slowly put a mule on the ground.


As soon as Li Youfu waved his hand, everyone immediately followed.

Ningtai City has never had such a peaceful morning, the shop hasn’t opened, there have been no blackmailers, and no dudes who have swayed the city.

Wuweifang has been surrounded by the inner and outer three floors. The soldiers under Li Youfu were not forced to carry on with the private soldiers of the Chen family. They were only responsible for blocking the intersection and catching people who wanted to take the opportunity to make trouble.

The shouts of fighting continued to come from inside, and Li Youfu couldn’t help frowning.

“School lieutenant, we…are you arguing with the rebellion?” A soldier approached nervously and asked.

Li Youfu raised his eyes and found that although he didn’t ask aloud about hitting other people, he was worried.

“Rebellion, rebellion, or rebellion, what is our business? The city patrol is only responsible for catching criminals and villains, and we are not close to the place where the accident happened!” Li Youfu pretended to say lightly, “No matter who Becoming a new King Ning, in order to appease the hearts of the people, I have to give my brothers a little benefit!”

Everyone looked a little better when they heard this, and they were right, and changed their meals.

Li Youfu’s eyes were sharp. Seeing two people’s eyes flashing, as if thinking about something, he coughed lightly: “The situation is unclear at the moment. Those of the Chen family and Wang’s family are unlucky one by one. As the saying goes, wealth is in danger, but There must also be a chance. I watched them all panicking and had to wait and see. I can’t take everyone up with my brothers’ worth and lives.”

This made everyone extremely comfortable. Although they admire the extravagant life of the rich and powerful, they still know how many catties they have.

Small people like them, even if they burn the right stove, they will probably get some bounties. There is no expectation of being an official.

Unless there is a small county king in the world and give them a **** to follow the dragon, then, even if there is a small county king, they will hide people at most, and they can’t do more! Can this group of soldiers who don’t know how to write a great general or become a prime minister? How can someone help the little princess without this ability?

The two thoughtful people also dismissed the idea. They originally wanted to ventilate and report to senior officials who they thought was “promising”, but from last night, they seem to be exactly what Li Youfu said. , It’s already uncertain who holds the advantage. Don’t fail to report the letter, plunge into the funeral.

The old official went into the alley quietly. Holding a token, he quickly entered the blockade by this, and was taken to the general who led the suppression and suppression of the Chen’s private soldiers.

“General Ping, the casualties are too great, please wait a moment, the Chen family will no longer resist stubbornly.” The old official said respectfully.

The general laughed sarcastically, and when he was about to say something, the fighting stopped suddenly.

I saw that the head of the Chen family was pushed out, and he was actually held hostage by several generals.

“Beast! You betray me!” The Chen family’s Patriarch roared loudly.

“The general situation is over. The kings of the three counties are dead in the palace. Uncle, what are you insisting on? Do you want the whole family to die together?” The young man from the Chen family scolded, turning around and laughing and arching his hands, “General Ping, Look…”

Before the voice was over, General Ping had already slashed over.

The young man fell screaming and his eyes were full of horror. The Chen Patriarch laughed loudly, as if he was crazy: “Death, only death, are you still not doing it?”

The family general was at a loss, and the soldiers and horses surrounding Chen Mansion had stepped in.

The old official showed sarcasm, he put away the token and left quickly.

“General, who is the old man?” a guard asked suspiciously.

“The villain.”

General Ping snorted.

After leaving Wuweifang, the old staff recovered their old-fashioned appearance.

On the way, he met many small officials and small officials, some of them patrolled the city like Li Youfu, and some quietly ran out to inquire about the news.

“Old man, what can I do? Seeing that it is completely messed up, let’s…Should we watch the effect?”

“No, there are not enough dead!” The old official squinted his eyes and said coldly, “You pretend that you don’t know anything, it will happen naturally.”

For those who inquired about the news, the old staff sighed and talked about endless words, and there were only a dozen people who could be reprimanded.

These people are very similar to Li Youfu. They used to be servants, but now they are in official positions. There is a strange excitement in their eyes.

Such things also happened in many places in Ningtai City at the same time, and there were as many as hundreds of people like old officials.

The barracks, the prison division, the city inspection division, and even the six yamen, but the identity of each person is different, and the degree of knowledge of the “truth” is different. The low-ranking officials suffer from being unable to be promoted, and the nobles who do not understand general affairs at all become their superiors one by one, and life becomes more and more difficult; the school lieutenants and small banner officers in the barracks have to endure deductions, and the nobles who have no skills at all do it. Chieftain.

Most people were soon killed by King Ning, and the clans killed each other, and soon there would be a lot of official posts to appease them.

Compared with the illusory support, the disgusting Shangguan loses power or dies, and he can be promoted immediately. This is good news. What’s the point? It’s better to show your ability, in case you are appreciated!

A small number of people, such as Li Youfu, are not at all anxious, which is exceptionally abnormal.

“In the early years, my grandfather thought that as long as the family can survive, those people will be princesses and daughters, or their families will be ruined, no matter how much they do!” Li Youfu said to his arrester, who couldn’t help but nod. .

The old official was in another alley a few streets away and said to a tax collector: “Land is not for officials and nobles, or for temples and temples. The people themselves have less and less land, and the number of people who are exploited by us decreases every year. Shangguan His appetite only increases, harvests every year, but the food cannot be harvested. Who cares about our life and death?”

Chen Mansion Courtyard.

General Ping said to his cronies: “If the errands are not handled well, the food collection is not complete, the tax collectors can only become more brutal. In order to survive, the people abandon the meager fields and go to the temples to work as tenant tenants with the high-ranking officials. The tax collectors do it. Doing evil but dying to live, such a villain, of course it is terrible to be crazy? They are looking forward to the death of the noble family and the land being confiscated, so that they will have a good life for more than ten years.”

In the palace.

Cheng Jingchuan looked at the people in front of him and said calmly: “The south of the Yangtze River is peaceful, and it is inevitable for Tian Dingzeng to add. There are only so many land. The tenants must in every way to please the steward of the farm and work **** the land to renew the lease in the coming year. Do. Without the tenants, they became refugees, and the whole family died. The stewards of those farms were even more arrogant than the emperor. Up to this point, the wealthy Jiangnan still adds countless dead bones every year. Fengxing Pavilion is connected to major trading houses and knows many news in the world, so you will never fail to understand this truth. .”

“This is the reason you ordered the slaughter of several great clans outside the city? Because they have the most land under their name?”

The speaker dresses up as a scholar, looking shabby, with awe-inspiring eyes.

“Qiu… Pavilion Master Qiu, as long as the people can farm the land steadily and the world is selfless, will these disputes be resolved?”

Cheng Jingchuan stood up and said, “Important officials and nobles, who is willing to hand over the land? So they only have to die. Of course I can’t kill these people, but I can destroy them. Since I want to be an enemy of the world, Just create a new world.”

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