Aggrieved Fish Sprite: 226|There are cunning wolves in the north, the fastest update to the latest chapter!

The mottled corners are full of moss, exuding an unpleasant smell.

Silhouettes of people slid out against the root of the wall.

Because the weather is too boring, every family puts a mat in the yard to sleep on a sandal chair, but the house is empty

“The Meng family is a famous medicinal material merchant nearby. Their ancestral home is in Taijing, and they fled here when the Chu Dynasty fell. One-third of the medicinal materials smuggled from the south had to go from Meng’s shop. The Meng family has two warehouses in Runxian County, and here are the account books on the bright side.”

The guy in Ganquantang was very capable, so he reported a long list to Meng Qi. At night, he recognized the door as if he was going back to his own house. Without going around a bend, he went straight to the warehouse. This medicinal material dealer also happened to have the same surname as Meng Qi. Although Moli Mengqi knew that they had no relatives at all, the surname was picked up at random, not to mention the five hundred years, even if there is no family for a thousand years. People”, but the guy from Ganquantang doesn’t know.

This year, people with the same surname met on the rivers and lakes, and they have to say that they belonged to the same family five hundred years ago.

Generally speaking, the disciples of major sects look down on those who run in the rivers and lakes under Jiu Liu, and people with the surname Wang and Li go to use this excuse to get close to them, and they have long been annoying.

But he is from Taijing ancestral home, and his surname is Meng…

Mo Li glanced at the man, who laughed with him, as if he was completely unaware of the connection.

Whether it was a coincidence or another temptation of Fengxing Pavilion, it was of no use to Meng Qi. He directly pulled out the account book and read it casually.

“The numbers do not match, there is a secret book.”

Meng Qi spoke soon after.

At that time, the account book was made by my family and showed it to my family. As long as I knew where the money went, of course there was no need to deliberately balance the accounts.

Meng Qi couldn’t understand the code words and marks used in accounting, but the numbers were bright. Those who can calculate quickly can find that some medicinal materials that are not easy to store have not been sold, but there is no loss on the accounts.

There is no need to look for the dark book now, Meng Qi pointed it directly to Mo Li.

“These are not. Ganoderma lucidum may be used to make gifts, safflower Danpi aconite… These may be aborted.”

Needless to say the former, the buyer of the latter may be Huajie Liuxiang, otherwise, where is the fixed mass demand?

Mo Lei turned over a dozen pages without finding the exact problem.

Because there are very few individual medicinal materials, they are also tonics, such as ginseng, deer antler and tiger bone. Once the others went out, they all followed the prescriptions. The ink carp knew what they were used for when they looked at the medicines. Sometimes a drug store was out of stock, so they asked them to purchase some unpredictable medicinal materials.

The numbers are all normal.

What kind of medicinal materials are consumed quickly every day, and where people are prone to get diseases, the ink carp is very clear.

Holding this account book, Moli couldn’t see any problems. The Meng family was an ordinary medicinal material merchant, leaving a small portion of it to be sold locally, and most of it was transferred to the north.

“The Chen family, the Sun family, and this Ci’antang, all go and see.”

If there are records of the same amount as the Meng family, the Meng family will have no problem.

“The secret book?”

“I don’t have time to find it slowly.”

The knife man has been arrested by them, and the cemetery has been lifted.

I’m afraid that the grass will start to scare the snake. The grass is almost pulled out, and the snake will come soon.

“Before dawn, determine where the medicinal materials are flowing out.”

Man slapped his tongue, he didn’t do anything less about checking the news, but it was the first time it was so tight.

The way these two people look for clues is different from their Fengxing Pavilion. The second one they went to was Sun’s commercial firm, which specializes in buying and selling. The medicinal materials are not sold locally, and there is no house in Runxian. . The firm sells coarse brown rice, and the goods collected from the village are in large quantities and cheap. The commercial bank opened on the widest street in Runxian County, with a total of five shops connected to the facade, and there were still people squatting to watch the night.

Meng Qi threw out a handful of small stones, and the person who was not dozing soon became dizzy because of the acupuncture points.

There is no sign of account books in the shop.

The guy from Ganquantang was about to pry the door of the warehouse, Meng Qi stretched out his hand and twisted the big iron lock that was hanging.

The guy looked at the twisted lock and slapped his tongue.

This is pig iron, a real thing.

“Why come here first?” Meng Qi asked curiously.


Mo Li didn’t say that from Fengxing Pavilion’s information, the Sun’s family of the remaining three families had the least suspicion. After all, Sun’s family doesn’t sell medicinal materials locally, they just transfer goods through here.

Meng Qi pushed open the door of the warehouse, it was almost empty, only some cloth bags piled up in the corner.

“Sunn, bran, aged rice…”

Moli looked at the goods in the bag one by one, while Meng Qi paced in the warehouse.

Check wall corners, brick joints, and underground for any abnormalities.

It’s dark, and the storeroom is boring again. The guy can’t see anything. He is muttering in his heart. Suddenly, he heard Meng Qi’s footsteps, as if he had discovered something.

“Doctor!” Meng Qi picked up a short, dry branch from the gap, the color turned yellow.

The man can barely see Meng Qi taking something, and it is extremely difficult to distinguish it because it is too small and has no long fingernails.

Mo Lei took it steadily.

First, put it on the tip of the nose and sniff lightly, then break it apart and smell it.

The Sun family resells medicinal materials. It is not surprising that there are scattered things on the floor of the warehouse, but this warehouse is really too crude, and the medicinal materials are basically stored in a dark and dark place. It seems to be up to the standard at first glance, but it looks good in autumn and winter, and now people can notice something wrong as soon as they come in.

It’s airtight, broken and poor.

Even if it is reselling in transit, it cannot be a precious medicinal material.

It seems that the Sun family’s business seems to be doing a lot. Leaving aside the shop for the time being, from the Meng family’s account book, the Sun family often buys some common medicinal materials from them, every time it costs 300 kilograms.

Meng Qi turned around and asked the guy in Ganquantang: “What is the origin of the Sun family?”

“They are also from the North, not from the Yongzhou side of Taijing, but they are said to be even further north.”

“It is said?”

“The Sun family said that they were in charge of branches and gangs, and they usually didn’t even report their names, but they seemed to be a bit of a way out. Such people are not servants of powerful families who give money to the master’s family, but the family. Inside, the family secretly bought the property, and the people who worked were hired from outside, who knew little about the master’s family and didn’t know much about it.”

Mo Carp twisted the dead branches picked up by Meng Qi with his fingers, frowned and asked, “But the accent from Yanzhou, Jizhou, or even Youzhou?”

The dude bluffed and looked at Moli unexpectedly, almost thinking that Moli had discovered something.

“Yes, the people who escorted the car and sold the goods and the people in charge, they all have accents over there. The motorcade is also full of Xiliang and Dangxiang Qiang people!”

When the Chu Dynasty was prosperous, foreigners were often seen in the capital city, some came to do business, and some were tribal slaves brought over by caravans. Decades later, the powerful family in the Qi Dynasty and even in the south of the Yangtze River still retained the habit of raising Orchid, and salt merchants preferred to carry one or two Kunlun slaves with them to show their style.

After the collapse of the Xiliang Kingdom, the party Xiang Qiang people there flowed into the Guan in large numbers. After two or three generations, there was a little difference in appearance, and the others were no different from the Han people. And because there is no land, they can’t farm, so they raise horses for the **** dealers, and there are a lot of riders in caravans.

This situation is very common among merchants from the North.

“When did Sun’s last batch of goods pass by Run County?”

“This… more than half a month ago.”

The buddy hesitated, thinking back desperately.

Although Fengxingge collects information, it doesn’t pay attention to everything. After all, the manpower is limited.

The dude’s face was a bit ugly. He probably felt that he had fallen from the name of Fengxing Pavilion. Now that time is limited, he really can’t think of a specific day. He can only explain dryly, “No more than a month, our Tangchi is in Runxian County is very famous. Every time those caravans pass by, the stewards will patronize Ganquantang. The Sun family caravans do not show up in winter, and come more in spring and autumn, just like other caravans in the north.”

“Really? I saw these grains, it was clear that they had just been harvested.” Meng Qi raised his eyebrows.

“This is the staff they stayed in the local area, doing other business idle, going to the villages and towns to collect…”

The dude’s voice is getting lower and lower, obviously he has noticed something on his own, and he is cold and sweaty.

Mo Li slowly said: “Your Fengxing Pavilion’s soup pond was originally a good place to inquire about the news, but if someone sees through, the Sun family can control the people who show up every time and go to the Ganquan soup regularly, making you think The Sun’s caravan came on this day. Do you have anyone squatting outside the county seat? Do you keep staring at the gate? Will the Sun’s caravan go to the countryside to collect rice and sell groceries and come to the North? Confuse your team?”

The man opened his mouth and couldn’t say a word.

He wanted to say that the coachmen from the north of the Sun family were easy to recognize, and they were all Qiang people, but what if even this feature was left on purpose by others?

“Why did the doctor guess Youzhou and Yanzhou?” Meng Qi stared at the dead branches in Moli’s hands.

“…It’s just a coincidence. This herb is much longer in Northland.”

Mo Lei also looked down at the things in his hands, looking unpredictable.

“What is this?”

“Ephedra, a commonly used item in the prescriptions of the pharmacy, can cure wind and cold, can sweat, and can also ventilate the lungs, depending on how the prescription is prescribed.” Moli said in a deep voice, “The root found by Brother Meng has not yet been damp. It can only fall into the cracks for at most three or five days. The smell in the warehouse is heavy. They should have washed it too. They can’t smell it. It’s just that I was in the Meng family’s account book and saw that the Sun family bought several times, and there were ephedra. This The price of things is not high, and the production in the north is huge. It is difficult to make a profit from reselling. The Sun family shouldn’t need so much ephedra.”

“So this medicine is added to Afurong?”

“More than that, there are others, but the most important thing should be it.”


This night, it is destined to not be peaceful.

Fengxing Pavilion mobilized everyone’s hands. Except for the information, more people retreated in all directions under the cover of darkness.

The shopkeeper of Ganquantang is a lean pocky face. He loves this industry and can’t help but say to Qiu Jing: “Pavilion Master, we…really left like this? That group of assassins may not be able to find them so soon, they Isn’t the leader of Meng Guoshi already in the hands of Meng Guoshi?”

“What kind of leader is that?” Qiu Jing squeezed the folding fan and said coldly, “It’s just a slightly expensive pawn. You haven’t understood it after looking at it for so long? At first I wanted to fight for this person and get some clues. Confession, now do you see that I am still interested in this person?”

Hey, the shopkeeper, I almost blurted it out. Isn’t it because the knife man has a tough temper and can’t ask anything?

His subordinates are busy making rounds: “Don’t blame the pavilion master, Uncle Tian feels uncomfortable. The sub-rudder of Piaoping Pavilion is hidden nearby, but we have not found it. We only grabbed a line from Sijiami. Now it’s okay. It’s easy to dig into clues, and we have to give up our hard-working sub-rudder. It’s really…”

“The gain is not worth the loss, do you all think so?” Qiu Jing raised her eyebrows, and the folding fan slapped her palms one after another.

The shopkeeper dare not answer.

Qiu Jing sighed and looked at the courtyard.

Several stoves were set up in the yard, watering and soaking the books that could not be taken away, and then stuffing them into the hearth after being stunned, black smoke bursting out, and someone nearby used internal force to fan the smoke.

The really important things will not be written on paper. Even the information related to Meng Qi was destroyed immediately after three days of copying, so there are not many things that need to be destroyed now, and they can all be resolved before dawn.

Qiu Jing gave this order, which meant that Ganquantang, the sub-rudder of Fengxing Pavilion, would be completely abandoned.

This is not the bookstore in Liuxiang, Huajie. I didn’t bother to think about it except for the secret room. It took more than a year to build this soup pond. In winter, the business was so good that the shopkeeper didn’t even want to sell the news. Now that you don’t want to do it, the shopkeeper feels distressed.

It is inevitable that people are selfish.

Although the shopkeeper heard the horror of the southern sacred medicine Afurong, knowing that Piaoping Pavilion would definitely come to the door if he finds that the swordsman has been arrested. It is right for Qiu Jing to order everyone to evacuate, but there is inevitably a bit of resentment in his heart. It means that if Qiujing and Moli interrogate the swordsman in the wilderness, there will be no such disaster.

Qiu Jing said unhurriedly: “It’s my fault to say it.”

The shopkeeper was surprised when he heard the words, his expression revealed flaws, and he accidentally exposed his thoughts.

The Fengxingge master who was following Qiujing narrowed his eyes slightly, and he had already moved to kill the mind.

Qiu Jing seemed to know nothing, and sighed: “I just think that many merchants pass by this place every year. Tangchi’s thoughts. I didn’t expect this place to be good, but it was a late arrival, and Piaoping Pavilion had long been eyeing it. They knew us, but we didn’t know where they were.”

Meng Qi mentioned to Moli that he had discovered that the family temple cemetery was the Piaoping Pavilion nest, and when the killers randomly identified Ganquan Tang as Piaoping Pavilion in order to lead Meng Qi’s words, Qiu Jing and others were stealing from the nearby yard through the copper pipes. listen.

Everyone was shocked at the time.

Not only because the Piaoping Pavilion’s sub-rudder is really so close, but also because the killers already know the details of Ganquan Tang.

Beads of sweat appeared on the forehead of the shopkeeper. He stayed here all year round, but failed to find the problem. A crime of negligence would not escape. He is reliant on his veteran qualifications in Fengxing Pavilion, and he is not afraid of Qiujing’s investigation, but now he looks reluctant to give up the industry, and this business is so prosperous that it opened the door to the soup pool, which is actually Qiujing. The decoration inside was also learned from Yangzhou by Qiujing.

From start to finish, it has nothing to do with his shopkeeper.

An individual can also be the treasurer of this soup pond. Now that he wants to abandon this industry, there is room for him to make irresponsible remarks here.

——Thinking of Qiu Jing’s appearance inadvertently mentioning it in the words, the shopkeeper understood that the pavilion master was quite dissatisfied with him.

“The subordinate was dizzy and didn’t get things done.”

Just as the shopkeeper in Tangchi was wiping his sweat, trying to make up for his mistake, a rush of wind suddenly heard in his ears.


A few sharp arrows flew in, and there was fire on the arrows.

The courtyard suddenly became chaotic, and everyone evaded.

Qiu Jinghan stared at the wall with a grimace, and the entourage beside her hurriedly stepped forward to block the arrows.

“Retreat all, don’t fight the fire.”

“It’s from Piaoping Pavilion, be careful! Watch out for the ambush outside the wall!”

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