Aggrieved Fish Sprite: 214|Persuade with good words, the fastest update to the latest chapter!

Despite Meng Qi gagging and Mo Lei followed to help, the swordsman went straight to Monk Yuan Zhi.


The knife was placed not far above the old monk’s head.

Although it looks close, it is impossible to move on to the next point.

The swordsman’s scimitar, which had drunk many people’s blood, was sandwiched in tandem by a dark purple soft sword and a dull short blade.

Under the infuriating qi, the sand flew up and the ground sank slightly.

Monk Yuanzhi now not only has white smoke on his head, but the acupuncture points all over his body are attacked together, and the whole person seems to be sitting in a steamer.

The three people who couldn’t see their weapons instantly: “…”

It’s just a realm ascending, how can it be tossed like a flat ground?

The old monk practiced hard all his life, but his internal strength was deep but he didn’t use it very much. As a result, there was such a big battle.

The swordsman hesitated for a moment, and his subordinates slowed down for a while. The master’s tricks are the difference between success and failure, not to mention that he is facing two people.

Mo Carp’s left hand sank slightly, and pushed his palm away.

Because the ink carp suddenly withdrew, the swordsman walked away. After receiving this strong force, the secret counterattack instinctively directed at the ink carp, and then his right rib was bitterly cold, and the swordsman recovered abruptly. He twisted his body and avoided Meng Qi’s horizontal sword in embarrassment.

The fur coat, coat, and inner shirt were all torn apart, exposing scarred skin.

The swordsman retreated two steps quickly, trying to get out of the scope of the sword wind.

His spirit was tightened to the extreme, and he was always on guard for the ink carp next to him. This was the case. When the dim light of the sword came, he was caught off guard, and the hat was cut off by half as he avoided it.

——There is a bladeless knife in each of the left and right sleeves of Moli, but the swordsman doesn’t know.

For a while, the swordman had already torn his clothes and hat. It wasn’t that he was bad at martial arts, but Meng Qi gave him another sword when he wanted to escape.

Different from the obvious murderous aura of the swordsman, Meng Qi Moli had no warning when he shot. One person was completely hidden in the breath of the other, and the reaction time for the swordsman was extremely short.

The swordsman retreated with defensive instead of offensive.

Meng Qi didn’t chase after him. Standing in front of Monk Yuanzhi, he asked unhurriedly: “You are from Piaoping Pavilion, and logically speaking, you are here for the account book. If you don’t ask a word, you have to do it. Up?”

The swordsman still didn’t say a word, his gaze swept back, and he saw Moli’s figure as expected.

——The retreat has been blocked and it is not easy to go.

The short fight was enough for both sides to figure out the details. The swordsman’s disadvantage is very obvious. Although his martial arts is high, his internal strength is lacking.

Originally, killers didn’t rely on deep internal strength to eat food. What they pay attention to is that they must hit with a single blow, the tricks are ruthless, and they kill more people in the shortest time. Such people are of course very tricky. They are not afraid of injury or pain. They are still ruthless enough that they are willing to throw off an arm and change someone else’s item to the top.

However, this daunting cruelty came to Meng Qi Moli, but it was nothing.

Just because the two people work together, the tacit understanding is far beyond ordinary.

If you want them to find an opportunity to make big gains under their hands, that’s no idea.

The swordsman’s heart slowly sank.

Before he came, the swordsman had never thought that he would encounter such a dilemma. The world’s top master could count it with ten fingers. He happened to encounter three unknown people. That’s all, the two of them clearly know that their exercises are not the same way, but they have this kind of tacit understanding against the sky.

The feeling of fighting is more than two people at all.

The swordsman glanced at the torn hat resting on his feet, and then touched the hole in his waist.

Meng Qi didn’t see the fear in the eyes of the swordsman, only found annoyance.

“People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can’t help themselves. The two have such a good ability to wait, and they should report a name so that I can go back to my life.” The knife man said in a hoarse voice.

Moli frowned when he spoke.

Meng Qi noticed this, and slowly rejected it: “A person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man, you have a good eye. So I also have good advice, you may wish to listen.”

“You and I do not know each other, no need to say more.”

The swordsman didn’t want to answer at all, but he was not reconciled to leave like this, his eyes flashed unceasingly.

Meng Qi looked at him and wanted to laugh. He gave Moli a look, indicating that although this man’s martial arts is high, but the city is very shallow, only a pair of eyes can sell his emotions cleanly, no wonder he covers his head. Cover your face.

When someone is proud, Mo carp’s hands feel a little itchy.

But Meng Qi was right. The dead men caught by Mipu were more difficult to deal with than the one in front of them.

Mo Lei looked at the knife man as he thought.

The opponent’s body is always entwined with blood and murderous aura, which makes Moli very uncomfortable. After watching it for a long time, there is a strange feeling. I can’t say what it is, but something is wrong.

Meng Qi continued: “I think your martial arts are good, and you can be regarded as one of the best masters in the arena. Why bother to be controlled by others and do this terrible business?”

“Being favored by others, working for others. Sijia Mipu’s account book is like a hot potato, falling in the hands of the two will only cause endless trouble. If the two refuse to use the account book with Piaoping Pavilion To make a good relationship, it’s best to burn the matter. My master has an order. If you **** the account book, you won’t keep one.”

The swordsman has a hoarse voice, and his sword is fully guarded, and his body is bent forward into a bow because of mental tension, ready to make a violent blow at any time.

“At the end of my ability, there is no way to take the two, but I am not the only one in Piaoping Pavilion. The clues in the account book will be broken when the two are here, and I will send someone again. The two are still planning as soon as possible.”

“Oh? I can’t see it.” Meng Qi’s expression was light and sarcasm, “A master like you, if Piaopingge can come up with a few others, then you don’t need to be a killer to make money. If you change your name and change your surname, you can start a sect by pulling up a rabble of people, or take advantage of the troubled times to participate in the power of the powerful, why not worry about wealth and glory?”

Swordsman didn’t want to talk too much, he squeezed a few words from his teeth: “Killing, don’t look at the level of martial arts…”

Meng Qi suddenly realized that, he nodded and said, “Is it the dead man with Lei Zhenzi from Pilitang? I have seen it, and it is so tight that the soil was blown flat by three feet, leaving a big hole in the same place. , Soiled a piece of my clothes.” He dusted it off as if there was still dust on the clothes.

The ink carp untimely thinks of the gerbil digging the soil.

The face under the knife man’s mask must be very ugly. He took a sudden step back and stepped on the broken stone.

Don’t speculate on words, don’t eat hard and soft. Things in this account book cannot be done well.

Meng Qi doesn’t plan to be kind to Piaoping Pavilion.

If you don’t catch up with Monk Yuanzhi to break through, and want to deceive a few words about Piaoping Pavilion from the swordsman, Meng Qi would not even be too lazy to say.

“Since the two are obsessed with understanding…”

“Wait, what is being obsessed with not enlightening?” Meng Qi pretended to be surprised, holding a sword and smiled, “Listen to your words, do you still want to leave?”

Don’t leave and keep watching the old monk smoking? Don’t leave and stay one on three?

The swordman failed to respond for a while, and when he realized what Meng Qi was talking about, his eyes suddenly became cold, and his whole body was murderous.

“You two want to save my life?”

The swordsman has killed countless people. If he fights hard, any master will have a headache.

Meng Qi didn’t take the matter seriously. He found out the details of the swordsman, and knew that the swordsman’s skills could not hurt the monk Yuanzhi. Now the situation is under control, and he is naturally at ease. At this moment, Meng Qi showed a stunned expression, with a three-point displeased displeasure: “What do I want your life to do?”

The knife guest’s eyes were cold, and he vaguely felt that Meng Qi’s words were not that simple.

Sure enough, the next sentence came to my ears, like a sharp knife into the bone.

“…the living are only useful.”

The knife guy laughed in anger, not only wanting to keep himself, but also wanting to capture him alive?

When these words spread out, the people of the rivers and lakes will be dumbfounded.

Don’t talk about Piaopingge, a killer organization that no one can understand. If ordinary killers fail, they will kill themselves. If you can’t even do this, the killer’s sign will be smashed. Who would dare to spend money to hire such a person?

The killer only learns two skills, one is to kill and the other is to get away.

The two teamed up in front of him, and the swordsman knew he was not an opponent, but this did not mean that he had no way to escape.

The swordsman even wanted to see exactly where Meng Qi was confident. Why did he have such an absurd idea?

Meng Qi didn’t feel annoyed, and thoughtfully and actively echoed the thoughts of the swordsman.

“Martial arts have reached our level. If you want to run, it is naturally difficult to stop, not to mention it is very difficult to stop you from suicide, but you don’t want to die!”


The knife man was choked by these words.

He shouldn’t have gone up this mountain, shouldn’t think of being able to speak with something other than weapons.

The blade was out of its sheath again, and the branches three feet away were affected by the invisible killing intent and broke. The blade man was swift and left a few afterimages in an instant. The blade’s light was like snow training, flooding the entire open space, and the gravel flew in all directions, like a rainstorm.

The black carp raised his sleeves to block the flying gravel for the meditating Master Yuanzhi.

I saw the dark purple sword light circled a half arc, suddenly lit up, accurately cutting the snow-like sword light into two pieces.

All this happened extremely fast, and the sword light blade took away the glow of the fiery sun at this moment.

Moli appeared in front of the swordsman silently. The swordsman vomited and was about to vomit blood. He changed his posture several times. Although he could barely get out of the encirclement by relying on the brutal force of the sword each time, the next In seconds, another person will block his retreat.

If this is a well-known sword formation, or a combination of two swords, the swordsman will not be so annoyed.

Obviously there are no rules and no tricks. Where does the tacit understanding come from?

Even if they are living and eating together, and growing up together and knowing what each other is thinking without speaking out, they can’t do that.

——Unless there is a master who has the same skills as his own weapon, practice with them every day.

Think and know it’s impossible.

The swordsman became more and more annoyed as he fought, especially when they found that the two were gradually only defending but not attacking, and were obsessed with the way out.

After several rushes to the left and right, I couldn’t make it. I just felt like I had become a monkey, driven around by others.

The Moli over there is more and more confused.

How do you feel the existence of aura in this endless internal force of the swordsman?

Different from the spiritual energy that is slowly consumed in the meridians after taking the treasures of the heavens and the earth, it is not like myself and Meng Qi. The spiritual energy and internal strength are not distinguished from each other. It is completely impossible to distinguish the existence of spiritual energy, even if it is When it gets dark, you won’t find anything unusual.

Now this aura is sometimes absent and erratic.

At first, Moli couldn’t even be sure that it belonged to the swordsman. In fact, his first reaction was that there was a little dragon who had just given birth to consciousness on the west side of the mountain to watch the excitement.

When it was slowly determined that the root cause was on the swordsman, Moli was particularly surprised.

He couldn’t help thinking deeply, neither the dragon veins were transformed, nor did he seem to have taken a lot of elixir, where did this aura come from? The alchemist said that the destiny and the aura are all nonsense. Reiki will not follow people for no reason. Could it be——

“Brother Meng, do you think he is a panacea?”

Moli’s sentence was transmitted secretly, causing Meng Qi to stagger at his feet, wondering how this is possible.

The swordsman looked at the opportunity and rushed out.

The clothes on the back were gone, and the clothes on the back were rolled to shreds. Jianfeng also left a few blood stains on the bare back.

The knife man ran without looking back.

Meng Qi was about to chase him, but there was a strong wind behind his head, and he subconsciously avoided it.

When I turned my head, I saw Monk Yuanzhi’s ragged robes being shattered by the external force, and his shriveled chest slowly bulged, and the muscles on his arms were one by one, as if something was born out of nothing, they changed out of thin air .

The two Mo Li blinked, lest they might be wrong.

What kind of effort is this? Is Buddhism martial arts so bizarre? Can you gain 30 pounds in a blink of an eye?

——Fortunately, Long Mai is not capable of this.

“Where to go!”

When Monk Yuanzhi was meditating, he heard what was happening around him clearly. After receiving his work, he immediately picked up the walking monk’s wooden staff and chased the knife guest away with a stern shout.

Mo Lei looked at the naked figure of the old monk, and stopped talking.

Meng Qi laughed suddenly.

Mo Li looked at him subconsciously.

Master Meng took the sword slowly and said proudly: “These two people must have laughed at my clothes in their hearts just now. They are all naked now.”

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