Aggrieved Fish Sprite: 154|Like a treasure in my arms, the fastest update to the latest chapter!

This piece of warm jade is half a palm, and one half is delicate and white. It has a soft and gentle luster under the light. The color on the other side gradually darkens, slowly turning from creamy yellow to brown.

The color transition is very natural, with more white and less brown.

If you look at it from a single angle, you can even completely block the brown.

The shortcoming is that this brown is not the color of jade skin, it can’t be worn off, and it doesn’t look like anything, let alone a touch of brushstrokes like painting. This piece of jade does not have meticulous carving, but is made into a pendant with a lower circle and an upper point.

It’s also very round, not a flat piece, it looks like it in the hand–

Magnified pine nuts.

Moli looked at this warm jade blankly. If it weren’t for the gerbils showing unusual interest, he would not have noticed the mysterious appearance of the jade.

Speaking of it, in the boxes of belongings sent from the yard just now, there seems to be a bunch of amber, light yellow mixed with a slight maroon color, which can be seen by people. Four or five bunches together are peeled from a distance. Stir-fried chestnuts in sugar.

The gerbil hasn’t been moved by Amber, can’t help seeing the pine nuts?

A pine nut hugged warmly…

It’s amazing.

Mo Carp visually inspected the size of Nuanyu, and suspected that the fat mouse could not hold it.

This jade is about the same size as a gerbil, but not as round as a gerbil.

“The prince’s words are not correct. Now it is not someone else who needs this jade most, but you.” Moli was not only for the prince, but also to a certain gerbil.

The prince was taken aback for a moment, and didn’t understand the meaning of the ink carp.

Although he has been coughing, it is not because of the cold. Now the weather has warmed up, and after the spring is hot summer, and his body can’t survive autumn at all, this piece of warm jade is of no use to him.

General Manager Chen doesn’t understand medical science. He thinks that expensive things must be good. Since the doctor says it is useful, it must be useful.

Nanyu is a rare treasure, that is, there are a few pieces that can be found in the palace, and ordinary people will never see it for a lifetime.

“Your Royal Highness can put the warm jade on your chest, don’t leave you easily.” Moli thought for a while, then said, “Can there be similar treasures in the palace?”

Everyone was in a hurry, and Manager Chen hurriedly rummaged through the box outside.

Moli started acupuncture for the prince. He placed the needle very fast, almost reaching out his hand, and there were three or five silver needles on the prince’s body.

The palace men who untied the prince’s clothes and wiped the sweat were very careful, lest they would run into a needle.

Yu Lan told them to step back and guard herself.

Moli started to slow down after using a dozen needles. He held the upper end of the silver needle, condensing the internal force to a very small degree, and stimulated the acupoints and meridians through the silver needles.

About half a cup of tea, the prince felt itchy in his throat, followed by spitting out two mouthfuls of black congestion.

“Don’t move first.” The ink carp stopped Yulan without raising his head, and then used internal force to regulate the dilapidated and exhausted meridians.

The prince only felt that his chest, which was suffocated as if he had pressed a stone, gradually became relaxed, and it seemed that tiredness was coming up. Since his illness became serious, he could not sleep well every day and every night.

Moli collected the needle and washed his hands in the hot water brought by the palace man.

Yu Lan took a few court ladies and was busy re-dressing the prince.

“Strange, this jade…”

The prince looked down at the piece of warm jade, because Yulan put the jade on the prince’s heart as Moli said, and the effect was almost immediate.

“Everything has aura, just how much.” Moli explained.

At this time, Chief Chen came in again with his attendants, and they collected a bunch of things, all of which were valuable treasures.

There are two pieces of Nuanyu alone, but they are not as big as the one in front of them. There are also one-foot-high red corals, Buddha statues decorated with Qibao, agarwood bracelets and so on.

The most inconspicuous thing is a pot of rock bonsai.

Moli walked over and raised his hand to stroke this porous stone.

Suddenly, a faint white mist emerged from the hole in the rock, gradually covering the bonsai, and the tiny pine tree growing in the bonsai also looked extraordinary.

“Isn’t this the fairy scenery called Penglai Stone?”

Everyone stretched their heads and looked around, unable to conceal their surprise.

“Your Majesty liked it very much at the beginning?”

“Yes, when it rains, the rocks will fog up. When the clouds collect the rain, they will return to their original state. This is a treasure in the former palace, and the Emperor Chu Ling once loved it.”

“But then there were rumors that this was the stone sucking dragon energy, so the previous dynasty died…”

So this strange stone was disgusted by the emperor and left it in the storeroom.

The person in charge of the warehouse used it to please the big man of the Superintendent of Justice and quietly sent it to him. But within three days, the chief **** of the Superintendent of Justice ate it and was demoted to the Zhonggu Division for retirement. .

Next, whoever moves his mind, secretly occupy or play, will definitely be unlucky. Penglai Stone’s ominous narrative of hindering the Lord is intensifying. The most bizarre thing is that even if there is no one to take care of, the Komatsu in the bonsai is still alive.

Is this not evil?

If it weren’t for being afraid of smashing a rock and suffering a catastrophe, this bonsai would have long since disappeared.

Yu Lanton said: “Why did you bring this thing, this is simply… Your Majesty, the servant will take it out immediately.”

“Wait a minute.”

The prince didn’t believe those rumors. He fixedly looked at the bonsai and asked in surprise: “It’s not raining outside, how did the doctor make this strange stone foggy?”

“This is not mist, but aura.”

Moli retracted his hand, and the wisp of white mist was immediately sucked back like a mountain rock, disappearing without a trace.

The waiters behind General Manager Chen opened their eyes wide, their faces were shocked, and they almost thought it was Moli’s tricks.


The prince was very surprised. He almost thought that Moli was going to talk like an alchemist about a set of secret methods of the immortal family, cultivation techniques.

“Aura is invisible and can only be seen in rare circumstances.” Moli was also surprised. He knew there were many treasures in the palace, but he didn’t expect to see so many things with aura at once.

Generally, only living creatures can absorb aura, such as the white fox, white ginseng and snakes of Mount Qi Mao.

However, the auras in the dead are fixed, and they can be regarded as unique spiritual creatures.

Fairies cannot be changed, but they can be used as rare treasures.

“Has the prince ever thought about why there are warm jade and cold jade? How can a piece of jade be like a stove or ice, without being affected by the outside world, always warm or always cold?”


The prince was stunned. He hadn’t thought about this reason. It was as if no one had thought about why the jade mined from the same place was shining and translucent, while some were full of impurities. Isn’t this taken for granted? Just like a child born by a father, with high or low abilities, ugly and handsome appearance, such rare treasures as Nuanyu Hanyu are born like this, what can be said?

Mo Lei saw his hesitation and nodded slightly, “They just have more aura.”

“…can be used to treat diseases?”


Moli vetoed it.

Unless a dragon vein like him has practiced martial arts and learned medical skills, using spiritual energy as an internal force.

In fact, the ink carp that uses aura is not higher than Qin Lu’s medical skills, which uses internal force. The effects of aura and internal force are the same, there is no difference between superior and inferior.

“I just forced out the aura in that stone, and then it sucked the aura back again. This is the same as the rain, the outside atmosphere triggered its change, but these auras will always belong to them. When they are destroyed, the aura will only dissipate and return to the world, and will not be used by others.”

Moli pointed to the bonsai and the piece of warm jade, and continued, “Just these two things, just put them next to the prince. There are also huge differences between the auras, and ordinary people touch the same, but they are not the same for patients. There is a difference. They cannot cure the disease, but they can make you feel more comfortable and suffer less from the pain.”

This is also the reason why the place where the auras gather is suitable for healing.

The prince nodded involuntarily, and the bonsai was placed by the bedside attendant, and the relaxed feeling became more obvious.

The gerbil hides in the doctor’s clothes to watch the excitement. These things are also unheard of. It seems that “pine nuts” has no hope. The gerbil scratched its paw regretfully.

Then it froze because the clothes were torn off the thread.

The gerbil did not dare to move any more, it carefully retracted its paws to the side, pretending that nothing had happened.

Mo Lei didn’t know that the inner lining of his clothes had been dealt a violent attack. He directed Mr. Chen to take away the remaining things, but the prince did not forget what he wanted to entrust before.

“What is the doctor’s fancy? The second emperor’s brother is alone, I really can’t worry…”

“If your Royal Highness only wants people to take the second prince out of the capital without incident, then there is no need to pay. Brother Meng and I have received one hundred taels of cash from the second prince.”

Everyone in the East Palace was dumbfounded.

“Originally, the two princes paid for the assassin to kill the king. Since the emperor is not dead, the money will be discounted, and the rest will be used as a gift for people out of the city.”

Mo Li didn’t explain why he didn’t kill Lu Zhang, anyway, the prince could understand.

But when Yu Lan and Manager Chen heard, it was Meng Guoshi who had collected a hundred taels of silver tickets to kill the emperor, but failed to kill the emperor. Now that the three princes have suddenly gained power, is it time for the emperor to run out of time?

“Pass the order down and find a way to find the whereabouts of the six princes.” The prince quickly thought of the names of the civil and military officials in his mind, and then reported a few names, wanting the subordinates to go to these people’s houses to look for them.

Mo Li didn’t want to see him doing useless work, and directly said: “He is at the residence of General Dangkou Liu Dan.”

The prince was stunned again. He didn’t expect Liu Dan to have returned to Beijing, and how did the doctor know about this?

“I saw it with my own eyes.” Mo Li didn’t say that he was also living in a house in the General’s Mansion. He put away the silver needle and said flatly, “General Liu’s life is not easy.”

The prince knows.

The generals of the Qi Dynasty have been suppressed by civil officials. Some of the emperor’s condolences, and some civil officials are not pleasing to the generals. They think that the generals who hold the military power are all threats.

If the emperor fails to govern and the civil servants gain power, Liu Dan will naturally have a difficult time.

“The prince still intends to leave the jade seal to the six princes and support the six princes ascending the throne?”

“What does the doctor mean?”

“The six princes are young, even with the help of a few elder brothers, Qi Chao will quickly fall into trouble.”

Not to mention that the two princes above are not willing to help the sixth.

The prince smiled bitterly, he has no choice, otherwise why propose to give the throne to Meng Qi?

“Why didn’t Your Highness take the throne on his own?” Mo Li asked calmly.

“Lonely, there is not much time…”

The prince was shocked, but his expression seemed to be thinking about something.

“The three kings of the Chu Dynasty may not be afraid, but the Heavenly Giving King in the southwest is ready to move, and there are villains such as the Holy Lotus Altar that confuse the people. There are also rivers and lakes in the capital where people from the martial arts are used to work for the Heavenly Giving King. A scum. From this point of view, the Tianshou King must not be satisfied with the southwest. It will be a matter of time for the sword to attack the nearby cities and towns.”

Moli paused, and then said, “His Royal Highness is not much time. Isn’t Qi Chao in danger? If Lu Zhang is still in place, he might be able to block it. Now the six princes want to make troubles paranoidly, and the third princes try to use The power of civil servants to seek the court. I believe that Lu Zhang is narrow-minded, and now, I cannot expect him to let go of his prejudices. If you become the throne, at least three princes will work together.”

The difference between being an emperor and not being an emperor is very big.

It’s not just a question of ritual appellation and sacrifice.

“…After you go, the throne will be ended by you. There will be no emperors in the Qi Dynasty. I think whether the three princes or the zaifu of Wenyuan Pavilion will have any objections.”

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