Aggrieved Fish Sprite: 129|Unforgettable encounters, the fastest update to the latest chapter!

Of course Meng Qi is not interested in being an emperor.

He knew that the Prince really wanted to ask this not, but wanted to tell him to stay.

——Whether you are an emperor or assist someone, you have to stay.

“I couldn’t find a good minister, so I hit the idea on my head. I’m not brave!” Meng Qi squinted his eyes and looked displeased.

The prince was not afraid, and said to himself: “The national teacher has been an official in the Chu Dynasty for more than 30 years. He witnessed and personally created the prosperity and prosperity…”

“Slow!” Meng Qi raised his hand to stop, and said casually, “The prince looked at me very highly. I am only a national teacher, so I can be average, and I have not had any outstanding achievements. I just practiced a good martial arts.”

“In the memorials left over from the Chu Dynasty and the living records of the Emperor Chu Yuan, the records about the national teacher can’t be calculated at first glance. It is only a competent minister. I don’t know if this is the result of the deletion or the national teacher. Good at hiding oneself.” The prince paused, then said, “I have seen many people alone, even if I have never met, I can use their habits and preferences to speculate on their thoughts, but I can’t see through the Chinese teacher.”

Meng Qi, the teacher of the Chu Dynasty, is very mysterious.

This kind of mystery is not only because he rarely does some things to take the lead in appearances, but also because he has no relatives, his birthplace is ambiguous, and some records are even inconsistent.

People always have distinctive characteristics because of their hometown and the place where they live for a long time.

For example, accent, food taste preference, folk customs and habits of a certain place, etc.

And Meng Qi didn’t. People of his contemporaries couldn’t tell where he was, so they simply remembered him as a man of lofty ideals, who met the Lord in troubled times. Just leave a name in history.

You don’t care about reading history, it’s easy to ignore him. But if you are interested in him, you will find the strangeness of this person. The monks and the like that have always been valued by the emperor can’t help but take advantage of the emperor. Such as the name of the master of such and such and such and such, gold and silver magical instruments and jade coins, monks and robes inlaid with gold silk and beaded jade, and even virgins, mansions were given to the farms.

The things that the Emperor Chu Yuan rewarded his courtiers’ clan and when they were rewarded can be found in the documents and living records.

The one that Meng Qi got was quite modest, it can be said to be inconspicuous, mixed with a bunch of rewards, and not much weight. In addition to silk, brocade, tribute melons and fruits, it is ice cubes in summer, charcoal in winter, and the eight-treasure porridge in the palace… is the basic reward during the New Year of the ministers and the important ministers.

Other courtiers are different, you can fully see that person’s preferences,

For those who love to drink, there are twelve altars of imperial wine, and those who are afraid of heat get more ice gifts, in addition to famous swords, ancient books, and even western spices such as Hetao mutton.

Can tell the state of the courtier’s health according to the medicinal materials, and judge the relatives of the courtier’s family from the number of longevity locks, children’s playthings, and palace flower hairpins.

The prince must not only learn to govern the country, but also learn to be the king.

When rewarding courtiers to do what they like, appropriate and considerate care is the basic knowledge.

However, from the perspective of the emperor, Meng Qi looks weird and tricky. He has not been sick for more than 30 years, has not married or had children for more than 30 years, does not like drinking, and has no interest in magic weapons.

There were some items that Emperor Chu Yuan only rewarded once, and then never appeared again. Obviously, he didn’t like this national teacher.

This kind of desirelessness and desirelessness, if it weren’t for greater ambition, it would be a person among the gods.

Prince Qi Chao took a deep look at Meng Qi, and he was almost suspicious that Meng Qi was transformed by a spirit in the mountains and came into being to support the great cause of the Chu Dynasty. When Chu Chaoqi ran out, he disappeared without a trace.

“I have read all the documents in the Chu Dynasty, especially those far-reaching strategies for governing the country. I am ashamed to say that because I don’t know the sufferings of the people, many of them are half-knowledgeable. I wish I could listen to the opinions of those capable officials. The East Palace is still in the possession. There are a few volumes of transcripts. I don’t know if the national teacher is willing to teach my six emperor brothers… If not, I can also close my eyes with peace of mind if someone with extraordinary talents and dedicated to governing the country and the people ascend to the throne. >

Meng Qi frowned upon hearing this.

To tell you the truth, the sixth prince is not very good.

The temperament is extreme, aggressive, and there is a tendency to be true to others.

It’s not a big problem to change the character like this, but if the emperor suddenly got angry one day, it would definitely lead to tragedy if he had to fight with his courtiers.

Moli finally got out of the enclosure of the civet cat. He sighed softly. Seeing that Meng Qi was not talking, he took the initiative to clear the siege and said: “It’s true that we have met the Sixth Prince in Yongzhou.” /

Mo Lei didn’t say the rest, and the prince suddenly looked disappointed.

“You don’t care about Qi Chao Jiangshan?” Mo Li asked Yu Lan without raising his head.

The prince said weakly: “After I die, wait until the father is old…or until he is old, the world will change. Sooner or later, Lu will not be able to keep the throne. What use do I care about?”

That’s not necessarily true, Mo Li thought.

The prince didn’t notice Moli’s expression. He was in a state of weakness. He half-closed his eyes and said, “Since the national teacher did not come for Yuxi, he patiently listened to me and said so many things, and he asked a friend to treat me. Prescribe the prescription, I dare to guess, the national teacher did not come to assassinate the emperor or capture rebellion…Is there any problem with the Jianghu people who colluded with the second emperor brother?”

“That’s a lunatic.” Moli said briefly.

The prince did not ask much, and motioned to Yulan: “Take the box under my pillow.”

“Your Highness, this…”

“It’s useless to keep it.”

Yu Lan had to take out a small red sandalwood box.

This box is much more exquisite than the one with the jade seal. It is only the size of a fist. At first glance, it looks like a whole piece without locks or gaps. It looks like a whole piece of wood.

The prince took the box and didn’t know where it was pressed. Wooden strips protruded from the surface of the wooden box. After rotating it a few times in a certain direction, the box gradually turned into a bowl of wooden strips.

In the container is a jade plate, translucent, with a few strands of reddish-brown impurities inside, but it just forms the outline of a koi carp.

Meng Qi didn’t care at first, but now his eyes are attracted by the jade medal.

“This is a letter, and there are two land deeds, both of which are shops on Chang’an Street in Taijing. Below is a simple map of the imperial city.” The prince pushed the box in front of Moli, “It will be used as a consultation fee. “

This obviously exceeded the price of the consultation fee, Moli refused, and only took away the simple map of the imperial city.

“Ling Fu could have ordered Wei Pingbo to raise a private soldier in Gyeonggi for me. When I die, the nobles and ministers in the court will no longer recognize licensees, but it also has some merits. The value is exquisite, worth a hundred and ten silver. As for the title deed, if possible, pass it to my brother of the Six Emperors. Yuxi and Caibo, let him choose the same.”

“Why don’t the prince deliver it by himself?”

“I’m afraid he doesn’t want anything, just a knife.” The prince was extremely sad.

Mo Li asked suspiciously: “Even the prince doesn’t want to do it? As a prince, whether you want to assassinate or seek rebellion, don’t you have more opportunities?”

“He knows what life I live.” The prince smiled bitterly and gasped and said, “The power in my hands is not worth mentioning. Even so, it is what I have done with all my energy.”

The court lady Yu Lan next to him whispered: “Your Majesty is very strict with your Royal Highness. Whatever your Royal Highness eats, what you say, and whoever you meet will be reported to the Wanhedian. Mr. Chen originally It’s still your Majesty’s. If your Majesty is dissatisfied, those of us in the palace will be punished. The Hanlin who teaches His Highness will also have to teach the filial piety for three days, and repeat what Mr. said that a word is wrong, and the accompanying readers will be punished and beaten. Not to mention people. Foreign courtiers and gentlemen Hanlin still applaud, thinking that His Royal Highness will be ruined by the inner eunuch. It needs to be beaten so that the palace people are afraid, and they dare not say a word, it is the best.”

Speaking of Yulan, he couldn’t help but said with resentment, and said angrily, “The maid doesn’t understand. If you want to talk about Chen Chao’s treacherous concubines, it’s not your Majesty’s side who is the most suitable person in our palace and the priests. Is it in charge? People in the Eastern Palace are all convinced of your Highness, why did you instigate His Highness to learn bad things? Why do the gentlemen seem to have a deep hatred with our humble palace people, not only to be killed in public, but also to force His Highness to order personally, Your Highness does not Yeon, they wrote memorials in Wanhe Hall. Knocking their heads and forehead bleeding. They were only happy until His Majesty ordered to hang the servants next to His Highness… Li Gonggong and the others have always worked hard, never made mistakes, but died. Such a trifle, is this a scholar?”

Mo Li was speechless for a while, and Meng Qi pondered: “Yes, this is a scholar.”

Since the Chen Dynasty, foreign civil servants and domestic eunuchs competed for power with each other.

The root is that Wenyuan Pavilion, where civil officials are in charge, has the faint emperor’s ability to overhead the emperor. The emperor is the emperor tossing out to fight against the forces of Wenyuan Pavilion of foreign dynasties. However, the result is that the Li Supervisor has also developed to the point where it may overtake the emperor.

Today, the two sides are already in an incompatible situation.

In the hearts of most civil servants, as long as the **** is an eunuch, it is bound to contain evil intentions. Now that there is no bad deeds, it does not mean that there will be no bad deeds in the future. The waiter next to the prince must beat and beat.

The civil servants persecuted the prince in order to be afraid of the inner eunuch, and would not dare to oppose them in the future, to make the inner **** “recognize” that the prince did not care about these humble people, and would kill the inner **** at any time.

“The scholars are so weird. While they chanted loyalty to the emperor, and sincerely believed in the three principles and five constants, they were able to force the prince to’learn well,’ whatever they think is bad, regardless of whether they do bad things. They were all treated as bad things. A large part of Chen’s national power consumption was due to civil officials fighting against the eunuchs. They didn’t care whether the other party’s opinions on the court was good or bad. As long as the enemy raised it, he would definitely oppose it, and he would not hesitate to smash it. , I am even more proud of it.”

Meng Qi’s remarks were explained to Mo Li. He shook his head and said, “In the beginning of the Chu Dynasty, there was also such an atmosphere in the court. It is for the country and the people. The so-called comrades live and the treacher die. If the opinions of political opponents are accidentally adopted by the emperor, then every effort should be made to destroy it to prove that this is a bad strategy of governing the country. There is still a face to face afterwards. To the court officials, triumphantly explained that he had a foresight…”

Meng Qi recalled that he felt nauseous, so he stopped.

The prince sighed: “That’s the case. Some people are ignorant and others are awake. If there are too many ignorant people, the government cannot be clear. Nowadays, there are very few people who are clear, even if they are there, they can only drift with the crowd… …I forced it.”

Emperor Chu Yuan is so lucky to have a courtier like Meng Guoshi.

Not one yet.

While such a wise minister and noble minister could not be met, what did Emperor Chu Yuan do?

Just thinking about it, the prince felt pain in his chest. He took a few breaths and looked at Moli again.

I always feel that people gather together and things are divided into groups. This doctor must not be simple, but–

“Ahem, since the national teacher is unwilling, I will not mention it. The two should leave. If you continue to delay, someone will come to the front hall and find the abnormality here.”

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