Silent Crown Chapter 459: bell

“Did you encounter any problems?”

Constantine looked at his wilting appearance, with a puzzled expression.


Charle shook his head and forced a smile: “Sir, you don’t have to worry about me, I’m fine, you see that I am so unscrupulous, what else in the world can scare me?”

Constantine looked at him in silence, seeming to have understood that he was lying, for a long time, he couldn’t help shaking his head.

“Do you worry about young people?”

He sighed and lit the cigarette.

In the past few days, he smoked very fiercely. He stayed up all night and piled up hills in the ashtray every morning.

Appearing to recall the past, he couldn’t help but laughed at himself: “In the past, an oriental man named Ye told me a joke. He said: Young people should not be depressed because of temporary pain, because The painful days will be long in the future hahahahaha.

This kind of witty sounds unconscionable at first, but it is correct.

When I was your age, I often felt that the world fell apart and fell into despair. But later, after encountering more things, he became numb. “

He paused and patted Charles on the shoulder.

“It will pass, Shire, it will pass.”

He said, “All the pain will be.”

Charle trembled and said nothing.

For a moment, he almost wanted to stand up and tell Constantine that he was an undercover agent, a spy in the holy city. He was going to betray him to Gaius.

But he dare not.

Charle wanted to cry because of his cowardice and other things.

He lowered his head and just said:

“Thank you, sir.”

Constantin smiled.

“By the way, this is for you.”

He took a small bag from his arms and put it into Charles’s hand: “Actually, I have been sorry for dragging you into this kind of thing.”

Charles froze for a moment and opened it, only to find that it was a brand-new identity certificate, clean and well-kept, without any criminal record.

“I forgot to tell you something yesterday.”

Constantin said: “Gaius agreed with me, just today.”

The Shire was sluggish, as if he was petrified in an instant.

I just felt that the brain was opened up by an axe, and my mind was crushed by Constantine’s words.

Gaius? See Constantine? Just today?


Constantine smoking a cigarette and looking out the window:

“Some things must come to a result. I will help you intercede to Gaius. If I die, you can leave the holy city.

This is the identity I prepared for another person before. He died. I will give you this thing, hoping that you can live with his share.

In the future, stop being a musician”

Unexpected changes come suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, completely defeating the plan of the silent organ. No matter what, the result will be completely understood today.

It’s coming soon.

Too fast.

It’s almost too late for everyone to react.

The situation fell instantly, like falling into an abyss.

Constantine has already taken his own ambitions and is determined to showdown with Gaius. The result must be that he was completely cleaned up by Gaius.

He already knew the consequences.

Because of Constantine’s decision, all the plans made by the Silent Organization were completely frustrated. After losing the constraints of Gaius,

But in a trance, Charles felt a sense of fluke and ease in his heart for some unknown reason: maybe all the next investigations will get no results, maybe his sin is unpardonable, and he is destined to be judged. The tower sinks for a lifetime.

At least, at least he didn’t die in his own hands.

I don’t need to betray.

At that moment, he felt ashamed of this kind of rejoicing.

Immediately, I noticed a bitter cold coming to my face.

The cold, as if the actual cold came out of the bone marrow, the heart beat wildly, the face pale, the blood pulse was struggling to transport the blood but couldn’t feel any warmth.

That’s a sense of crisis.

Great sense of crisis.


I have a splitting headache.

In the severe pain, Charles fell into a trance, but his consciousness was detached from the body, following the guidance of the sense of crisis, he saw a vague scene in the trance.

“What’s wrong with Shire?”

Constantine was stunned when he saw Charles suddenly twitching like epilepsy.

But in the next instant, Charles bounced from the chair and held his palm, his wrists like iron tongs.

The car door was kicked open mercilessly, and the sudden explosion of ether tore the deconstruction and hub of the door lock.

In the midst of the busy city, in the rush of countless carriages, Charles actually pulled Constantine into the car door and jumped out of the car!

Such a sudden change caused an uproar.

A series of continuous loud noises, horses hissing, exclaiming, roaring, several carriages in order to avoid them colliding together. There were even several innocent coachmen who fell to the ground and broke their legs.

Innocent pedestrians screamed and avoided.

In the chaos, everyone glared at the two people who jumped from the carriage.

Charle and Constantine were rolling on the ground. Constantine was already old. He didn’t react until they landed. He moaned and looked at Charles: “Are you crazy?”

But Charles didn’t hear about it.

He just turned his head and stared at the carriage they were riding in.

The carriage is still moving, but it is getting slower and slower.

Until the end, amidst the wailing of two horses, the carriage stopped in the middle of the road. But the next moment, the coachman fell from his driving position.

When it fell on the ground, the flesh and blood became mud and slowly melted, revealing the blue bones.

He is dead.

Immediately afterwards, the two pulling horses also dissolved, and blood spewed. Soon, there was only a pile of bones that fell on the ground and were connected by the fascia, and a pool of muddy flesh.

A cold wind blows.

The carriage shook and collapsed into dust.

Constantine followed Shire’s gaze and took a breath.

Until now, the faint and mighty bell sounded slowly. Everything trembled wherever the faint bell passed. Even though it was so far away, the limbs and skeletons were still dominated by the tremor, which made the hands and feet soft and nauseous.


This is the movement created by the saint Liszt in the past years. The ether transmits the shock and destroys all matter. Even Wanhuan alloy will turn into dust in the shock.

It also has a more familiar name.

“The Curse of the Ashes!” Constantine whispered.

Before the words were over, a middle-aged man in grey clothes among the pedestrians walked out, walked towards them, and sighed.

“Where did I go wrong?” He whispered: “No, you shouldn’t notice any ether fluctuations. Is it you?”

He looked at Shire, a strange demon light flashed in his eyes:

“Forget it, good luck ends here anyway.”

A storm was brewing from his hands, and the music rang out loudly. The rhythm of the heart sound resounded from it, and wherever it passed, there was a faint sign of dissolution.

This is the ultimate effect created by the School of Change in the field of dissolution.

And what followed was the killer of the change school.

The funeral of the hero!

From now on, his purpose is clear.

In spite of the possibility of innocent people nearby being involved, and in the slightest that this is the main road of the holy city, he brazenly took action to completely kill the two of them here!

The sudden uproar, even the silent organ hidden in the surroundings, was not expected.

Charle raised his hand subconsciously, flicking his fingers and playing notes.

In an instant, delicate and complicated notes emerged from the air.

Barrier, barrier, barrier, barrier

Just flicking his fingers, stepping forward, the same barrier notes burst out of his hand. Even if he can’t use music theory, Charles has reached an incredible level with simple note manipulation.

No one has ever tried to what extent pure notes can be stacked thousands of times.

They can’t do it.

But in Shire’s hands, it was a matter of course.

In an instant, the barrier turned from colorless to pure white, and then turned from pure white to pitch black. It rises from the ground like a substance, blocking the front of the frantic bombardment that has swept through.

Then it collapsed with one touch.

Before the impact, the barrier was crushed to pieces.

A note is a note after all, just like if an ant has no command, no matter how much it is, it is an ant.

Charles can’t control music theory, any music theory will get out of control in his hands. This has always been his fatal flaw, the reason why his career as a musician was interrupted ten years ago.

He tried his best to delay death for a second.

And this second, it is Tianyuan.

At that moment, there was a cold snort of rage in the air.

The emptiness of moonlight flows out from unknown places, and where the moonlight shines, everything becomes plausible. The flames and shocks, the suffocating wind and air pressure, and the curse of the ashes that erupted immediately afterwards

Everything is like a false light and shadow, and the breeze blows against the face without staining dust.

“What are you still doing?”

Lola’s indifferent voice sounded from Charles’s side: “Run!”

She revealed a vague figure from the moonlight, and with a flick of her fingers, the two of them were wiped out. Covered by moonlight, their figures disappeared.

In an instant, the two disappeared.

At the same time, the gray-clothed musician snorted coldly, and his right hand suddenly fell into the void.

Behind him, the phantom of a mighty bell tower loomed, and the bell rang!

This is a heart music chapter formed by Liszt’s clock with the curse of the ashes. Wherever it goes, the distortion-level power pulsates, and the material world is distorted under the majestic music theory.

Everything falls apart!

Vague sound waves swept across, shaking everything around to powder.

What’s even more terrifying is the terrible impact on the level of music theory!

The change faction is not only controlling the change of matter and energy. The fundamental reason is the conflict, turbulence and change of music theory.

Now, using the bell as a medium, he forcibly pulls the music theory in this area into a turbulent state, and one after another collapses under the impact of the music theory in his body.

Because of this, the theory of change music is hailed as breaking everything when it is in the highest and deepest practice!

Where the turbulent sound passed, while the music theory collapsed, Laura’s figure also emerged from the air.

Behind her, the phantoms of the moon in the water and the flowers in the sea were only turbulent for a moment, and then they returned to their original state.

The month comes from the sky.

The turbulence of the mirror flowers and the moon did not damage the moonlight.

In the shattered water, the moonlight shone again.

Facing the grey-clothed musician who was full of killing intent, Lola chuckled softly, but that smile was extremely weird. In her body, the blood of the demon was running, exuding a strange and cold breath. .

“Good luck, I haven’t eaten anything recently.”

The bone flute played a wailing melody, she narrowed her eyes and looked at the enemy in front of her.

It looks delicious.

The monthly pass, my friends, is to be renewed. ..

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