Breaking Through the Clouds: 126.Chapter 126, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Poyun!

The splash of water splashed, and the two of them emerged from the river at the same time. Yan Xiu panted and looked back.

They swam for breath several times, and they were quite far away from the shooting scene on the river beach. The surrounding scenery gradually emerged in the pale gray morning light, and sporadic gunshots mixed in with the sound of birds and birds, coming from afar.

Yan Xi turned his head and asked in a low voice: “Why are you—”

Jiang Ting’s face turned blue before he finished his words. In such a cold weather, the breath out of his mouth was not even a little white mist, and he sank into the water.

Yan Xi gritted his teeth and grabbed him, wading to the shore and dragged him onto the rocky beach.

Jiang Ting didn’t choke water, but his body temperature was extremely low. That was because the continuous snorkelling exhausted his energy. Yan Xiu didn’t have time to ask anything. He put his upper body in his arms and massaged his heart, neck and arms, only to see that his soaked face was icy white, and his eyes were so dark that he was shockingly black. After a few chills, he finally regained consciousness with a cough.

“Cough cough cough…”

Jiang Ting pushed Yan Xiu away, sat up exhausted, rubbed his face with his palms, stroked up all the drenched black hair, revealing a smooth, plump and bloodless forehead.

“I know what you want to ask.” He said hoarsely: “Can’t… can’t stay here. Come with me.”

He staggered up and walked forward, pushing aside the bushes and going into the woods on the bank of the river. Yan Xiu followed closely, and neither of them spoke. The silent and tense atmosphere lasted for about a meal. At last, his eyes suddenly opened up and he came to a relatively empty flat ground in the valley.

At this time, the gun battle in the distance is completely inaudible. I don’t know if Ajie has been hacked, or if he has called someone back to kill the attacker. The dense forest surrounds the mountain stream, and under the rumbling of the wind, every inch of space is densely covered with unknown murderous intentions.

Jiang Ting finally staggered behind the tree, sat down against the trunk, and asked with a wry smile: “Why are you here?”

Yan Xiu stood a few steps away and watched him quietly. There was no anger or anger, and he slowly said for a while: “I should ask you this question.”


“Why are you here?”

This person, Yan Xiu, would scold the suspect in anger and scold his subordinates, but that was not when he was most angry. When the anger reaches the climax, he will calm down instead, without showing any expression on his face, only people feel the suffocating deep oppression from the bottom of his heart.

Jiang Ting stayed away from the sight, fixed on a certain point floating in the air, and suddenly said after a while: “You have been to that orphanage.”

The words are interrogative sentences, but they are the tone of the statement.

Yan Xi condescendingly looked at him.

“…Is there nothing you want to ask me?”

After Jiang Ting said this sentence, there was silence around him. After more than half a minute, Yan Xiu asked gently, “Do you tell the truth if I ask you?”

The sky was shining brightly, and the gray clouds gradually turned gray. The fog in the valley finally dissipated slowly, and the pale and rugged outlines of the winter mountains and forests emerged in the distance, and then revealed the vast panorama with the light.

The two of them just stood and sat there, and they didn’t speak again.

It was obviously only a few steps away, but the invisible sky finally showed a hideous face.

“Yan Xi,” Jiang Ting raised his head and looked at him, his eyes seemed to flicker faintly, making it difficult to see clearly. He asked: “Do you still believe me now?”

Yan Xiu’s first reaction was, do you still dare to mention this now?

The anger of being fooled instantly hit my heart, but before it exploded, it turned into deep exhaustion. He shook his head and laughed. He didn’t know what else to say. He raised his eyebrows and asked, “What did you say?”

In the underworld, it seemed that something was finally settled. Jiang Ting took a deep breath and raised his head, closed his eyes, and heard the shock reverberating in the void for a long time, causing the whole heart to spasm and beat prematurely. He exhaled that breath long and thoroughly. No one saw him re-clothing his cowardly soul with his calm and indestructible arms with this action. When he opened his eyes again, he had recovered to a state of invulnerability like ice:

“If you don’t believe it, it’s right.”

“——I left Jianning because you Lu Ju came to the door while you were away and asked me to cooperate with him in a counter-plan, go undercover with the king of spades and provide information to the police.” Yan Xiu is not waiting. In response, Jiang Ting continued to narrate quietly: “But this request is not only extremely dangerous, but also against my own interests, so I couldn’t agree to this request. I had to stab him and escape from Jianning… Don’t worry, Lu The bureau is not dead. I definitely don’t want to experience the speed of investigation and the intensity of the wanted for the police chief who was killed.”

Yan Xiu was stunned by these heavy bombings, but his professional instincts were still there, and he quickly caught the unnaturalness in these words: “…your own interests?”

Jiang Ting didn’t mean to explain at all:

“The valley you are in is called Yuanlong Gorge. After the drug manufacturing industry in Daliang Mountain has been hit several times, it has become one of the largest drug manufacturing bases in the southwest. It started 20 or 30 years ago. Due to climate change and national crackdowns, Yuanlong Gorge gradually became unsuitable for growing opium poppies. The locals began to smuggle drugs from Myanmar through Yunnan through the village. Therefore, they have a very close relationship with some large drug lords on the border, among which the largest force That’s…” He paused, and said: “The father of the king of spades,’Caohua A’, is named Wu Tun.”

For Burmese, Wu is not a surname, but a preposition. It usually means that the person is older and has a strong status. It can be seen that this large drug lord who was active on the Sino-Myanmar border in the last century has only one single name “Swallow” the word.

“In his early years, Wu Tun acted in a high-profile manner, paying attention to pomp and loyalty, and was also a fanatical believer. The king of spades grew up in the United States when he was a boy, and his father’s personality was completely opposite. There was a very big contradiction with Wu Tun, so that later father and son turned against each other and almost broke up.”

“I’m not particularly sure how bad their relationship is. After all, I’ve been in a coma for three years. According to current speculations, they should all want to kill each other, and they know each other well. ; But in order to share smuggling channels and protect the family’s interests from being encroached on by other drug lords in the Golden Triangle, they have not completely torn their faces for the time being, but are fighting each other secretly, and on the surface they barely maintain a cooperative relationship.”

These secrets within the drug cartel were never mentioned by Jiang Ting, but now they are uncharacteristically open and honest to the point of no scruples.

Yan Xi faintly felt something, but he didn’t show it on the face. He just asked: “Do you know where’Caohua A’Wu Tun is hiding?”

Jiang Ting said: “Yes.”

“But you never mentioned it to the police.”


The two answers were short and affirmative, and even the tone of voice did not change at all.

Yan Xiu stood there, subconsciously raising his hand to touch the cigarette, but then realized that the cigarette case had been soaked in water, and the tobacco had turned into a slime-like mass. Sure enough, something like nicotine can’t provide any substantial spiritual support. Yan Xiu rubbed his brows and exhaled, and finally raised his eyes and said: “Don’t tell me you have a good relationship with your adoptive father Wu Tun.”

Jiang stopped opening his mouth, but swallowed again.

“Yuanlong Gorge basically belongs to Wu Tun’s handicap, so the king of spades is very afraid of this place. Yongkang Village, located at the foot of the mountain, was trained by him to monitor this place.” Jiang Ting answered the question: ” I came here to find someone, and Ginger came to me with the order of the king of spades.”

Yan Xiu asked immediately: “Who are you looking for, Wu Tun?”

Jiang Ting raised his head without answering immediately.

Small movements gradually sounded in the mountains and forests, and the noise became louder and louder, and it was possible to hear rows of footsteps approaching here. Soon, a line of figures appeared in the last few thin morning mists, about eight|nine people, two or three tied to the front, and they came straight into the open space.

“Yue Guangping called Bureau Lu before his death and said that he was sorry for the anti-narcotics police who died in the 1009 bombing, and also sorry for me. Before Qin Chuan was arrested, he said that Yue Guangping would not disclose information to others casually. The real killers of the failed action are myself and Yue Guangping. If neither of them lied, then I can only think of one possibility…”

Jiang Ting finally got up from under the tree, looked at the people coming in more and more clearly ahead, and narrowed his eyes:

“I’m here to verify this is possible, and the answer should be revealed today.”

Yan Xi turned around.

Ajie and two of his men tied their hands behind their backs, and they were pushed into the open space with their guns behind their heads. Behind them was the group of people who had just rushed to the river beach and attacked, headed by a gray-haired and thin old man, about 60 or 70 years old, wearing a traditional Burmese sarong, and respectfully supported by a bodyguard on the other.

Yan Xi’s cheeks tightened. At first glance, he thought it was Wu Tun, but then realized that the old man looked different from the picture on Lu Ju’s computer.

——A subordinate of “Caohua A”? Or relatives?

The next moment Jiang Ting answered his question: “Uncle Bo.”

The old man called “Uncle Bo” glanced at him, stood still, raised his finger to the open space in front of him, and shouted: “Let it go!”

The Burmese men immediately pushed the three prisoners forward, and kicked them to the ground.

There are still visible purple marks in Ajie’s throat, and his eyes are full of undisguised fierceness, but his words are restrained, except for a few words that are obviously cursing when he thumps on his knees. Say. The Burmese subordinates knew the status of his square film J, and were afraid to relax their vigilance, and immediately someone put their guns on the back of his head.

Jiang Ting stared at this scene lightly and asked: “Why didn’t you kill him?”

Ajie glanced at him like a beast.

Jiang Ting turned a blind eye to his Senhan gaze: “This person is one of the most powerful men of the King of Spades. To remove him is equivalent to breaking the right arm of the King of Spades. He should not be allowed to continue to live.”


The old man called Uncle Bo hoarsely interrupted Ajie and pointed to Yan Xiu: “If it wasn’t for him, we could leave Yuanlong Gorge last night and go to Myanmar to meet Wu Tun. You. What are you insisting on saving him?”

This is a huge amount of information, and there is a place in Yan Xiu’s mind that exploded first: He really wants to go to Myanmar–

When he looked back at Jiang Ting, he saw that Jiang Ting’s face was still very plain, and his expression was even very casual, as if the old man’s question was not a problem at all: “Because the husband and wife are graceful all night, I can’t see this person. What’s the problem with dying before my eyes?”

No one thought that he would give such an answer. The old man was stunned on the spot, and no one else should react. The atmosphere suddenly became very weird.

Suddenly Ajie sneered and said: “Uncle Bo, do you believe him?”

The old man scolded: “You shut up!”

“I thought you were the old man in front of Caohua A. I should know that this man surnamed Jiang is most famous for telling lies more true than real gold, right?”

The Burmese who was against the back of his head screamed, probably telling him to shut up as a prisoner, but Ajie turned a deaf ear: “This person is Yan Xiu, the deputy head of the criminal investigation detachment of the Jianning City Public Security Bureau, dignified Third-level police inspector. You think Jiang Ting is willing to go back and continue to be a cow and a horse. In fact, he has already reserved a way out with the police. If you don’t believe you will give him a gun and let him kill the policeman, do you see if he will do anything ?!”

A few Burmese people look at me and I look at you, the old man’s expression suddenly changed, and he looked up and down Yan Xiu.

The situation has become very weird, and there is a dark smell of fire|medicine in the air, and it seems that it may be triggered at any time. At this moment, Jiang Ting smiled in his nose, seemingly absurd and emotional: “When will you be able to guess my thoughts.”

Then he stepped forward on the gray and damp grass. No one dared to stop him. He drew out a Burmese gun and held it in his hand. He stepped back a few steps and stood where he was, raising his gun. Lived in Yan Xiu’s temple!

The old man’s face twitched, and Ajie looked incredible, and Yan Xiu froze suddenly.

But the expression on Jiang Ting’s face is completely indifferent:

“Uncle Bo, after that incident three years ago, you can almost see that I and Jin Jie had an feud. I don’t care much about the life and death of this man, what do you think?”

The old man’s bark-like aging and sagging cheeks spasm slightly, as if weighing something.

“I have been on the wanted list of the Public Security Department. I don’t care if I have the life of the deputy captain. But we are a cooperative relationship. I can’t do what you ask me to do. You let me kill. I’ll kill whoever. This detective named Yan Xi can die, but you have to give me something to exchange.” Jiang Ting stared at the old man with black and white eyes, as if a smile appeared: “What? So, Uncle Bo? Kill Fang Pian J, we can immediately go to Burma to meet with Caohua A, don’t you want to leave soon?”

“…” Time passed bit by bit, and finally the old man slowly turned to the Burmese who was supporting him, without saying a word, nodded solemnly.

Ajie’s face was shocked, and the Burmese knew it. He took out the gun from his back, and pointed at his two men who were **** by the five-flowers–Bang!

The corpse was shot in the eyebrows.


The second man also fell to the ground.

The blood bleeds through the dry and cracked soil in winter, and the Burmese raised their guns at Ajie——

Boom! !

The sniper bullet penetrated hundreds of meters away, and the sound of gunshots echoed endlessly. There was a blood hole in the head of the Burmese, and the hand|gun snapped to the ground.

Uncle Bo’s muddy old eyes suddenly went straight, and the Burmese’s body was shaken for several times, and then “Pump!” The corpse fell over.

The pine waves are endless, and the engine noise of the off-road vehicle is gradually coming from all directions in the open space. Uncle Bo suddenly turned his head to look, and saw that more than a dozen cars appeared around the valley, and they came to the front in an instant.

Ajie blurted out: “Big Brother!”

——K of spades!

The off-road convoy stopped, and the well-trained bodyguards jumped out of the car one after another, surrounding the open space in groups. Eight|nine of Uncle Bo’s men suddenly became the weaker side, and the later group of people went up and roughly pushed them away, and disarmed them in two or three strokes.

The old man’s face was blue and purple, but he didn’t dare to make a sound. He watched as two people rushed up to help Ajie up and cut off the ropes on his body with a knife; then several people pulled Yan Xiu a few meters away without any explanation. , Staring vigilantly not to let him move.

Jiang Ting seemed to be blind to everything around him. He stood in place with a weird expression, looking ahead.

Behind him, a figure got off the off-road vehicle and walked forward slowly through the grass until it stopped behind him.

“I said that the ultimate winner of this gambling game is me. One day you have to admit defeat, but I didn’t expect you to guess Qin Chuan’s hint so quickly.”

The ace of spades presses Jiang Ting’s shoulder with one hand, and gently said with a smile: “I won’t cover your eyes this time, don’t you want to look back at me, red heart Q?”

Yan Xiu’s pupils shrank instantly–

Jiang Ting’s neck bone seemed to be rusty, and he slowly turned his head back inch by inch after a long time, staring at the smiling face behind him closely.

The king of spades looked at him with gentle eyes, even with faint encouragement.

“…you maggot in the gutter,” Jiang paused in his ear and said, “——’Rivet’.”

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