Limitless Survival Game: 3. Inflation 2, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the infinite survival game!

After the lady boss left, Su Han hurried to the supermarket. Only when she arrived, the food and daily necessities in the supermarket had been emptied.

There are also some baby foods and sauces on the shelf, because they can’t be used to fill the stomach, so they are left.

Su Han thought for a while, and walked slowly along the road–she planned to look around to see if there were convenience stores, canteens, pharmacies, etc. nearby.

After walking for ten minutes, I found a convenience store. When I went in, the shelves were mostly empty, as if they had just been ransacked by bandits.

Go on, there is a big pharmacy. When I walked in and saw that the shelves were all empty, Su Han almost thought that the store was going to close. After inquiring about it, I realized that the people were looting too much and everything was bought.

Su Han seems to be aware of it. She murmured softly, “It seems that the problem of insufficient inventory of goods seems to be more serious than the devaluation of the currency.”

Currency depreciation, less return less, at least you can buy something. Insufficient stocks of goods, it is really impossible to buy supplies with waving banknotes.

Su Han wandered around, only as a walk at night. After walking for a full forty minutes, she finally found a small shop in the corner of the corner that had survived.

“What do I need?” the shop owner greeted.

Su Han was taken aback for a moment. In fact, she has already stocked a lot of things, but how can people not get too many useful supplies? Of course, the more the better.

Calculating carefully, she already has 100 soaps, 100 bottles of mineral water, 10 pieces of pork floss butter bread, 10 medical bandages, 5 boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs, 70 bags of steel **** (100 per bag), and 2 slingshots. There is also a bottle of milk and a piece of brown bread.

“Ten pieces of soap.” Considering that food and water can be obtained by professional talents, and medicines are not available, Su Han decided to continue stocking daily necessities.

The shopkeeper hurled out the soap quickly, “A piece of soap has 8 shells, a total of 80.”

Su Han paid for the bill, and at the same time sighed with emotion. When I went to the supermarket in the morning, a piece of soap was no more than 5 shells. In the evening, the price immediately became 8 shells. And she actually feels lucky that it’s nice to have a place to buy daily necessities…

Probably crazy.

Thinking so, Su Han immediately bought toothpaste, toothbrushes and towels and spent all his money.

After a tiring day, the cleanliness dropped from 100 to 53, and it was about to turn yellow soon. However, after using toothpaste, toothbrushes and towels, the cleanliness immediately returned to 98.

I got off the bowl of noodles, and fell on the bed after eating. Su Han soon fell asleep.

Tomorrow is another brand new day.


At 8:30 the next morning, Su Han started to work on time. Because it’s still early, there are not many customers in the store and it’s not very busy. She greeted customers and listened carefully to people’s comments.

There are several aunts sitting at the top table, eating noodles while complaining to each other.

“Yesterday, I didn’t care about eating after get off work, so I went to the department store and supermarket to buy it. Fortunately, I went early, otherwise I couldn’t get anything.”

“I went to a department store to purchase, and it took a full hour to queue before it was my turn to check out.”

“The friends I knew desperately exchanged cash for real goods, and they were all in a panic, which made me panic. No, I will go buy some supplies and store them at home immediately.”

“I heard that the shelves of the department store and supermarket are full again this morning. I have to hurry up and buy some food and use. Yesterday the shelves were mostly empty, but I was shocked.”

Is the supermarket shelf full again? Su Han secretly thought, this is good news.

However, within a few minutes of peace of mind, at 9 o’clock, the mechanical sound of the system sounded again, “The second day, the price level continued to rise by 50%.”

Only this time, the amount of milk and brown bread in the carry-on warehouse did not increase.

Suddenly, the aunt who was eating noodles beckoned, “Little girl, this noodles are good for eating, help me pack a bowl.”

Su Han hadn’t spoken yet, the lady boss spoke first, “It’s okay to pack, but a bowl of 23 shells.”

The aunt is very dissatisfied, “I just ate a bowl, isn’t it 15 shells?”

The boss’s wife looked indifferent, “Just now, now is now, prices are different.”

The aunt choked speechlessly, and had to give up in anguish.

After the aunts left, the lady boss threw a sentence, “I’m going to buy the goods, you stay to see the store.” Then hurriedly left.

Su Han estimated that the proprietress was afraid that the price of flour would continue to rise in the future, so she rushed to purchase the goods. I don’t know how much I can buy.

It wasn’t until three o’clock in the afternoon that the lady boss returned to the noodle shop, but her face was ugly, “I bought two bags of flour and used it first, and then I will think of other ways.”

One bag of flour can make about two hundred bowls of noodles, and two bags…probably can sustain the operation of the noodle shop for 5 or 6 days.

“En.” Su Han answered, but thought in his heart, the system stipulates hyperinflation, what can they do?

After getting his salary in the evening, Su Han found that the supermarket was empty again. In desperation, she could only go to the canteen. Only this time, the canteen in the corner of the corner is not working well. I don’t know how other people discovered it. When she arrived, more than half of the goods were emptied.

“13 pieces of soap, only fifteen pieces are left. But I have to keep five pieces for my own use, and sell at most ten pieces.” The owner took the initiative to express his opinion.

Su Han has a cold face, saying as if she had bought ten pieces of soap!

“I want seven pieces of soap. The rest…” After looking for a long time, Su Han couldn’t help asking for help, “What do you have that is less than 9 shells?”

The shopkeeper tried his best, “Bottled milk, no more, no less, just 9 shells.”

“Then seven pieces of soap and a bottle of milk!” Su Han made a final decision.

After dinner, using two soaps to increase the cleanliness to 100, Su Han tossed and couldn’t sleep. The difficulty of the game seems to be higher than her imagination, and I always feel that the difficulty increases exponentially with each passing day.

At 9 o’clock the next day, the system sounded on time, “On the third day, the price level continues to rise by 50%.”

Su Han moved for a while. What is the concept that prices continue to rise by 50%? Now the noodle shop sells 23 shells a bowl, and if you raise the price again, you have to 35 shells a bowl.

In other words, she worked in a noodle restaurant for a day, and the salary she got was not as valuable as the three meals she had eaten in her stomach.

Of course, think more optimistically. Three meals a day is equivalent to her double salary…

“It’s going to die! This is not going to give people a way to survive!” The lady boss’s lips bubbled up anxiously. She said she wanted to find a way, but after thinking about it for a long time, she couldn’t help it. It is not easy to get a bag of flour.

Su Han did not speak, but did his duty quietly. When the noodle shop can’t hold on, she should leave.

At night, although she felt that there would be no items left in the canteen, she still ran with a glimmer of hope.

Sure enough, the shop owner replied, “20 shells of soap, sold out early.”

“What else is in the store?” Su Han wanted to spend the money.

“Eat, drink, use, nothing.” The shopkeeper replied simply.

Su Han, “…”

What else can she say? Can only accept fate.

“The merchandise was emptied at noon. Of course you can’t buy anything when you come so late.” The shopkeeper couldn’t help but say something.

Su Han spread out his hands, feeling helpless, “No way, I have to go to work. From morning to night, I just have free time.”

The shopkeeper looked at the young girl and couldn’t bear it. He finally pointed out a clear way, “Do you know a department store? Fill the shelves at six o’clock every morning. If you get up early and rush over, you should be able to buy daily necessities.”

After a pause, he couldn’t help but wonder, “Speaking of which, why do you buy so many soaps?”

“Stock up.” Su Han blinked his eyes and said sternly, “I’m afraid that it will be out of stock, so I want to keep more at home.” Although in the eyes of NPC, a piece of soap can be used for half a month, but For the player, use one piece at a time and it will be gone.

“It is because there are too many people with similar ideas, so the daily necessities are out of stock!” The shopkeeper shook his head, feeling that hoarding is a very bad behavior.

Su Han didn’t say much, and left after smiling.

On the fourth day of the game, she woke up very early and rushed to the department store to shop.

Who knows that there are many people who have the same idea. In the early morning, the department store and supermarket were crowded and crowded. As soon as the salesperson puts the goods on the shelves, customers can swarm all the goods.

Su Han’s eyesight was quick, and he finally grabbed 5 pieces of soap. She struggled to squeeze out the crowd, and went to the cashier to pay the bill. Then… I saw a team that was more than ten meters long.

For a moment, Su Han almost collapsed deep in his heart. But there is no way, if you want to buy soap, you can only queue up honestly. One hour and twenty minutes later, Su Han walked out of the supermarket door carrying 5 pieces of soap.

Back to the noodle shop, the proprietress was worried, and she was muttering something from time to time.

Su Han didn’t care about her, made noodles for breakfast, and then started work.

At 9 o’clock, the mechanical sound of the system sounded like a death knell, “The fourth day, the price level rose by 75%.” The rate of hyperinflation has not slowed down, but has accelerated.

Su Han glanced at the portable warehouse, and found that he had received the milk + brown bread package.

The lady boss took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “I want to talk to you.”

“Say it.” Su Han’s face was well-behaved. But in fact, what she was going to talk about, she had a faint hunch in her heart-a bowl of noodles 61 shells, with her daily salary, almost can’t afford it.

However, it turns out that the boss is still very kind. She said in a negotiating tone, “The wages will not be paid. I take care of two meals every day at noon and evening. What do you think?”

“No problem.” Su Han responded with a smile, speaking very well. But in fact, she knew in her heart that finding a job was not easy, and it was difficult to buy suitable products for hard-earned wages. Thinking about it this way, the boss’s willingness to pack two meals is already a good deal.

“Hurry up and get back to normal, this day will soon be overwhelming.” The lady boss couldn’t help muttering.


Prices rose by 75% on the fifth day.

Prices rose by 75% on the sixth day.

Prices rose by 100% on the 7th day.

In just three days, the price of a bowl of noodles has risen to 375 shells.

At this time, worse news came, “Because of the lack of raw materials, many production companies have to close down, and their employees have lost their jobs.”

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