Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 1039: The rich and the rich can afford it

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The fat hasn’t been reduced yet, so the real body is revealed so cheating.

“Don’t worry, go back to the deity and find a genius doctor for you, and you will be healed by taking two sets of medicine.”

Su Shenfan was also surprised at how her hands became so much fatter, she was not so exaggerated last night.

Bu Yaolian resigned her fate and closed her eyes and fell into Su Shenfan’s arms: “If… if the concubine body is not getting better like this.”

“What nonsense, there is a deity, how can it not get better.”

“When I get fat, it is difficult to lose weight. I have to go on a diet desperately.”

“You are swollen, you will lose weight when you recover.”

“No, it must be because I ate too much a while ago, and it broke out all of a sudden, oooooooo, I’m so fat.” Bu Yaolian cried aggrievedly.

What else can she do now, she can only cry.

Why did she cheat her in a coma for four days.

“Yes, I will lose weight, I believe in the deity.” Su Shenfan comforted her.

Bu Yaolian heard it out. He thought she would lose weight. He didn’t say that it didn’t matter if she was like this.

Shao Zun really doesn’t like her being fat.

Bu Yaolian cried in her heart, she revealed her real body before she could lose weight.

What if Su Shenfan touches her and thinks of her now.

It doesn’t matter what she thought of when she died, it doesn’t matter now, she can’t lose the favor of Shao Zun, she hasn’t been pregnant yet.

Bu Yaolian feels that human beings are just like this, and in front of alive, they will get nervous.

Su Shenfan wants to feed Bu Yaolian, but Bu Yaolian insists on eating by herself. Although she is still aching, she can’t even support the chopsticks.

Although she intends to go on a diet to lose weight, she now knows that she is weak and must eat to supplement it.

Bu Yaolian drank two mouthfuls of the soup and ate a few more mouthfuls of greens as she thought of it, but as soon as she drank the soup, she wanted to eat chicken again. If one bit off the chicken, she felt that it was the best delicacy in the world. The whole bowl of chicken was eaten up.

When the old lady came to clean up, she found that the whole chicken had been eaten clean and her eyes widened: “Have you finished eating?”

Bu Yaolian smiled embarrassedly: “Your craftsmanship is really good.”

The old lady’s mouth twitched slightly, she was indeed the wife of a wealthy family. She could eat as much as she could, and she would not be able to support it.

Eat well and eat so much.

A chicken…their family can eat it for ten days and a half month…

This little lady is afraid that she will be born as a starving ghost.

Bah, baah, you can’t say such unlucky words for the New Year’s Eve.

“She hasn’t eaten enough yet, is there still in the pot? If not, let’s cook another one.”

Su Shenfan was the happiest Bu Yaolian started to have an appetite again, and she was so weak that she had to feed him for a meal like the previous two days, and she really didn’t want to watch it anymore.

The old lady cleared her hands and said: “Do you still… want to eat?”

Bu Yaolian shook her head: “No…don’t eat anymore, I’m full.”

Actually, I was not full at all. I was hungry for so many days, and there was no food in my stomach. It was no exaggeration that she could swallow a cow even if she was given it.

“Bring her a stew.” Su Shen annoyed her and stroked her face: “Don’t stop eating, you’re still sick, don’t think about restraint and weight loss.”

For the first time the old lady saw such a couple, the little lady didn’t dislike her husband after eating so much.

People stop eating and are forced to eat.

How I don’t care about money.

Not daring to disobey Su Shenfan’s order, the old lady stewed her last chicken, and after serving it, the little lady who said she was full ate again.

Su Shenfan was only satisfied, and threw a few gold bullions to the old lady: “Go to the village and buy some, as long as it is delicious.”

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