Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 931: Your scattered silver biscuits

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Women’s, putting so much silver on her body is naturally not good. Of course he has to help put it away.

I dared to show off in front of the deity with silver. I was so tired of it.

Bu Yaolian ran all the way to Gu Bailu’s Fu’an Palace. Although the two palaces are next to each other, this is the imperial palace. Even if they are not far away, they can’t be reached in one or two steps.

When she arrived at Fu’an Palace, Gu Bailu was already eating breakfast.

“Why came here early in the morning? This complexion doesn’t seem very good.” Gu Bailu smiled.

Bu Yaolian sat down and said bitterly: “Shao Zun is not a good person. He took my silver and said that he would keep it for me. I was mad at me.”

This is here to sue.

Gu Bailu made a clear cough: “What’s the matter, why should he take your silver? It’s not right… Why do you want him to know your silver.”

Bu Yaolian told her about her stupid thing.

Gu Bailu helped her forehead: “If you are like this, if you don’t black your silver, you hold the silver ticket and show it in front of Shao Zun. Do you think your silver will be moldy if you put it by your side?”

“I was stimulated by him. I didn’t have anything, I couldn’t cook, and I didn’t have any spiritual power. I couldn’t help him with anything. I can’t let him look down on me because I don’t have money, and stimulate me. Just take it out and let him know that if he is really troubled in the future, I will still use it. How can I know that he is so shameless, I really received it!”

Bu Yaolian didn’t believe in Su Shenfu’s nonsense. If she kept it for her, it would become his if she kept it.

Gu Bailu really doesn’t know how to vomit her. “You said that you have always been smart, but when you get to Su Shenfan, you become mentally retarded…”

When a woman falls in love, she really has no IQ at all.

Bu Yaolian is the obvious representative.

“Don’t scold me, you can help me figure out a solution.” Bu Yaolian is really anxious, she has nothing at all, if she ran out of money, she wouldn’t want to live.

Gu Bailu smiled: “Su Shenfan may not really want your money, but just wants to bluff you. Who will let you play a big sword in front of Guan Gong?”

Showing his money in front of Su Shenfan, who loves money and has the most money, and said that he will be given him as a new year’s money. This is not about death.

“But he doesn’t know when he is bluffing, I will use a large sum of money at the beginning of the year.”

Gu Bailu thought for a while: “I have a way.”

She leaned into Bu Yaolian’s ear and said a few words, and Bu Yaolian’s eyes lit up immediately: “Okay, okay, okay, this method is good!”

Gu Bailu poked her forehead: “Don’t be this stupid next time.”

Bu Yaolian scratched her head: “In front of a male god, it is inevitable that sometimes her mind will not turn around.”

Gu Bailu said coldly: “No matter how you like it, you must be sensible, and lose weight quickly, otherwise you will become a male god, and the world will chase you to kill.”

Bu Yaolian shook her body: “I…I will, resolutely lose weight.”

At this moment, Feng Qingtian returned from doing exercises in the small garden.

Seeing Bu Yaolian frowning so early.

He doesn’t like all the creatures that occupy Lu’er in his house, and women don’t like it either.

Bu Yaolian was a little flustered by his stare, and hurriedly stood up: “I’m going back first.”

“Wait, I will show you things.”

Gu Bailu took out a black box from the soul collection bracelet and gave it to her: “Haosheng keeps it, don’t be fooled by Su Shenfan again.”

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