Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 833: Watch this princess kill them

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Young Master said softly and didn’t speak.

Xiao Yin’er obviously felt her disdain, and instantly felt her face dull. How could she be ashamed in front of such a beautiful young man.

I took someone and rushed over: “Look at how this princess killed them.”

Bu Yaolian wasn’t worried at all, but it was a bit irrational to see Xiao Yiner’s hair exploded like this.

Shao Zun glanced at her lightly: “What? Worried about your former master?”

Bu Yaolian looked at her with beautiful eyes and chuckled: “The former master shouldn’t need me to worry.”

She was born beautiful, and she can be dazzling with such a small smile.

Su Shenfan stretched out his hand and stroked her face: “You are so heartless and heartless, you really like it.”

Bu Yaolian’s eyes gleamed, winking like silk: “But Shao Zun’s likes are very confusing.”

Su Shenfan likes her looks, Bu Yaolian is sure, he is very satisfied with her beauty.

Every day, no matter how busy she is, she will come to her room to take a look, and have a meal with her.

When you are in a good mood, let her take a shower and accompany the bed.

But never touch her.

She thought that she was not attractive enough to arouse his man’s desires, but she later found out that he had reacted.

It is a reaction unique to men.

Bu Yaolian has nothing else, but she has the broadest knowledge. She has been to the Goulan Courtyard of the brothel and even the place where she raises a young man. She is quite clear about men.

But Su Shenfan didn’t really touch her, and ran away after reacting.

The next day I heard that he spent the night with other women.

Bu Yaolian thought through her mind but didn’t figure out what was going on.

Do you hate her body? Only like her face?

Su Shenfan’s eyes are slightly cold: “Be yourself, don’t wishful thinking.”

Bu Yaolian pouted aggrievedly: “Shao Zun has wronged her concubine by saying this, and her concubine has always been safe and self-defeating.”

Su Shenfan only then eased her face, rubbed her pretty tip and smiled: “This is only to be obedient, don’t be pouting.”

Rose-red lips, like dripping peaches, make people want to eat every time they see them.

Su Shenfan can pet or touch women, and sometimes even tricks women into eagerness, but never kisses.

There is no woman who can make him want to kiss Fangze, except for the woman in front of him.

Bu Yaolian really thinks he has something wrong, she has to worry about pouting?

But…Who makes him the male **** he likes? Even if he has to control himself to go to the latrine, she is happy.

“Okay, what Shao Zun said is what he said.” Bu Yaolian smiled brightly at him.

The smile seemed to gleam, and Su Shen’s eyes dazzled.

He snorted and let go of her.

Here, Gu Bailu was eating happily, drinking soup with a bowl, and suddenly forgot the woman who asked them to sit down.

Suddenly, the man next to her stood up and flew out a palm. She looked up and saw that it was the woman in Chinese clothes who came up with a few powerful guards.

The woman raised her hand and was about to attack her.

Feng Qingtian slapped her over and almost flew up. Fortunately, the guards behind her hugged her.

“You! How dare you take the initiative to take the initiative to this father!” Xiao Yin’er screamed sadly and angrily as if she had suffered the greatest grievance in the world.

Feng Qingtian sat down again and looked at Gu Bailu: “Eat with peace of mind.”

Gu Bailu pursed her lips: “This person has a princess disease, right?”

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