Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 635: What should she do

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“Why, I’m not happy to see me, but I am very happy to see you. When you come back, my life is guaranteed.” Su Muwei stopped in front of her and looked at her with a sweet smile.

Her face was pale and red, as if the pills of the past few days had a good effect on her.

Instead, she is Qianer. Now she is weak, badly injured, and pregnant with a child, her face is pale, and she seems to be the one who is seriously ill.

“How can I be happy, my blood is going to feed the white-eyed wolf again.” Qian’er clenched her fists, forcing herself to calm down.

If you lose, you can’t lose. Even Lu Fenying is not afraid of her. Why should you be afraid of her.

But she was still very vigilant, afraid that Su Muwei would suddenly move forward and fall by her side.

Su Muwei took a step back, clutching her chest with a heartbroken expression: “You…you used to think of me like this, I know you are back, don’t be too happy in my heart, I came to see you…you But misunderstood me like this… 嘤嘤嘤.”

When he didn’t agree with him, he cried, crying out of breath, as if he couldn’t breathe.

Mo Qianer stood there without speaking, looking at Su Muwei’s expression, remembering the way Gu Bailu did her, couldn’t help but laugh.

Sure enough, as Wang Hao said, her cry was really fake, but Lu Fenying was willing to be deceived by her.

“You…you still don’t speak, you really think about me so in your heart, I don’t live anymore, you misunderstand me…how can I live, I won’t drink your blood anymore…” Su Muwei Crying in the arms of the maid.

The body was trembling, and the thin body seemed to die at any time.

The maid hurriedly said in fright: “Ms. Qian’er, how can you treat our girl like this? She wants to see you wholeheartedly, regardless of her health, but you misunderstood her like this, so don’t hesitate to apologize to her. The prince is here, you have to walk around if you can’t eat it.”

Mo Qian’er frowned slightly, she was ready to be misunderstood by Lu Fenying.

But being warned by a maid and swallowed, then what is the difference between her and the previous Mo Qianer.

“Apologize, what I said is the truth, don’t you know?” Mo Qianer looked at the maid holding Su Muwei with a face that you didn’t understand.

This maid was brought by Su Muwei from the Su Mansion, and she kept sticking to how many things Su Muwei had done to her.

Before, she was always arrogant to her.

“You! You still say that, if our girl has any accident, you won’t be able to lose ten lives.” The maid winked at the guard who came next to protect Su Muwei: “Catch her up and send her to the prince. Go.”

The guard was ordered by Lu Fenying to listen to Miss Su everything.

They rushed up quickly and grabbed Mo Qianer. Mo Qianer’s hand was hurt, but she hated it in her heart.

As soon as I was about to resist, I heard footsteps coming from a distance. She could hear the footsteps, which belonged to Lu Fenying.

He’s here too, it seems that today is doomed to escape?

She raised her head to look at Su Muwei. She was lying on the shoulder of the maid, looking at her triumphantly, her lips curled slightly, revealing a poisoned smile.

Qian’er was very angry, thinking how she could no longer succeed.

But what should she do, here are all Su Muwei’s people, they will only speak for Su Muwei, and even if they don’t testify, Lu Fenying would not believe her.

Gu Bailu doesn’t know where it is now.

She can’t rely on others anymore, she has to rely on herself.

What should I do?

Qian’er was a little worried, Lu Fenying’s footsteps were getting closer and closer, he should have entered Merlin.

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