Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 582: Tendency to self-abuse

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Lu Fenying frowned and looked at Qian’er. This face was completely different from that of Mo Qian’er, but at this moment, the expression on her face, the helplessness and helplessness when begging for mercy, were too similar. Up.

Mo Qianer is the same. She is very scared and wants to resist, but she dare not resist. She only promises and blindly asks for mercy.

People don’t want to let her go.

“My palace has ordered that you are not allowed to leave the Western Court. You are not obedient. What do you say that this palace should do with you?” Lu Fenying can sneered.

“I’m here to deliver pills…” Qian’er bit her lower lip, tears rolling in her eyes.

She is useless! She was really useless, facing Lu Fenying, she couldn’t bring out Gu Bailu’s fearless confrontation.

She hates herself, hates herself for being weak.

“The pill is ready, the palace will send someone to take it, who will let you send it? The main courtyard is a forbidden place, so you dare to come, what is the purpose?” Lu Fenying’s strength in his hand has deepened a bit, Qianer felt The jaw is about to be crushed.

But she doesn’t feel pain, she only feels hate, she can’t hate others, she only hates herself.

Qianer closed her eyes, tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

Is she really hopeless?

Lu Fenying was so pressured that she couldn’t stand up straight, and her legs were shaking. She was afraid, she was afraid of Lu Fenying, and she hated herself.

She didn’t know how to get rid of the fear in her heart, she didn’t even dare to hate Lu Fenying, she only dared to hate herself.

Lu Fenying let go of her, Qian’er fell to the ground, biting her lips tightly with her teeth, took out a silver needle, and stuck it in her palm.

It makes you useless, makes you scared, and makes you lack the courage to resist.

Deserve to be bullied like this, deserve to be despised by others, deserve to live like dust.

She was crazy, piercing her hand with a silver needle until the whole hand was dripping with blood.

Lu Fenying looked at her condescendingly, with doubts in his eyes: “What are you doing?”

Qian’er didn’t listen to him at all, regardless of the blood in his hands, he kept piercing hard.

This is how she resolves her inner fears and hatred for herself. She has alleviated this way when she woke up from countless nightmares.

Lu Fenying squatted down and grabbed her hand: “My palace asks what you are doing!”

Qian’er looked at him in horror, shrunk her body as if she saw a devil: “Don’t come over, don’t come over, please let me go.”

Lu Fenying’s brows frowned slightly, and her heart seemed to be suppressed by something, and she was a little breathless.

He doesn’t know where this sulking anger comes from. He is puzzled. Is he so terrible?

He grabbed Qian’er and stood up, threw her on the couch, and took a small medicine box from the shelf next to her.

Qian’er was trapped in fear, shrinking her body, not looking at him, just yelling: “Please let me go, let me go, don’t look for me in your dreams…”

Red Wolf said from the side: “Prince, has she been stimulated?”

Lu Fenying collapsed her face, and pulled Qian’er’s hand, which was already covered in blood and blood. There was no good place for the whole small hand.

He took out the gauze and wiped the blood on it, only to find that this hand was full of small holes, many of which were old wounds.

“Go and find her master.” Lu Fenying ordered.

The red wolf replied and left.

Lu Fenying wanted to give Qian’er medicine, but Qian’er grabbed her hand and wanted to go back: “No, don’t hurt me again…”

“My palace gave you medicine, and the hand hurts like this, how to make medicine.” Lu Fenying thought, if this hand hurts, and the pill tomorrow cannot be made, Mu Wei would suffer for another day.

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