Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 507: Seeking the Queen Mother to be the master

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Gu Bailu raised her eyebrows: “Yes, it’s you who was beaten by my abandoned trash.”

She said that another plate flew out again. This time it was not her face, but a headshot.

The plate slammed on the woman’s head at such a speed that the naked eye could not react, and the blood burst suddenly, like a fountain that just opened.

“Ah…” the woman screamed sorrowfully, and immediately fell on the table in Gan.

The ministers present are all stupid, dare to be so arrogant without the protection of the king?

But…why does she have such a great power? Isn’t it a waste? It seems obvious that she has felt her spiritual power just now.

Does the waste have spiritual power?

“What’s the matter?” A group of imperial soldiers rushed into the banquet hall, and everyone in the hall gave way.

The woman fell to the ground, and there was a maid who came with her crying: “Trash kills, trash kills…”

Gu Bailu snorted coldly: “I was killed by rubbish, so I have a face.”

The leader of that team of imperial soldiers walked in the front and glanced at Gu Bailu, a trace of surprise slid across his face, and some headaches, it was this grandmother!

She also made trouble when she got to the palace.

The leader glanced at King Jun, who was sitting there motionless. Regarding the former princess, did King Jun care or not?

He couldn’t see the attitude of the king, so he stepped forward and persuaded: “Miss Gu, today is the birthday feast of the Queen Mother, it is better not to make trouble.”

“I didn’t make trouble. She scolded the child in my belly, and I had to beat her.” Gu Bailu stated her position, scolding her is really okay, anyway, she’s shameless and accustomed to being scolded.

But her child is not good. Her child hasn’t come into this world, how could she let him be hurt by the evil of this world.

People’s resentment is also mental power, which hurts people.

In the concept of Maoshan Taoism, people’s consciousness, thoughts, and curses can all be thoughtful. Although they can’t be displayed on the spot, they will hurt if they accumulate for a long time.

You hated someone for decades and cursed her to die every day. She must have been not very well.

Especially cursed by people who have practiced Maoshan Taoism, then you should be prepared to suffer for a lifetime.

However, Gu Bailu did not repair this curse technique, but she had read it in Gu’s books.

So, she can’t let others do any harm to her children.

People who don’t understand the truth can say that her child is not the king’s. This is no problem, because there is no vicious abuse against him, but he can’t bear it.

She has a father and a mother, and she has also been officially on the imperial genealogy, even if it’s a reunion, it is not a wild species.

The leader looked at the lady who fell on the ground with a full black line. Isn’t this the eighth lady of the Bai family? All the ladies of the Bai family are aggressive and can make trouble…

You can scold someone, just talk about it behind your back, and scold it in front of people. Isn’t this looking for a fight?

Even if Gu Bailu is abandoned, it is not difficult to guarantee that King Jun will think of her again and take him back to King Jun’s Mansion.

Be a human and stay on the sidelines so that we can meet each other in the future.

“Help people down to seek medical treatment. At the Queen Mother’s banquet, no more troubles…” The leader can only play with the mud, and neither can be guilty.

The maid yelled: “She beat our young lady at the Queen Mother’s birthday banquet. Our young lady was attacked by her accidentally. No, the servant must sue the Queen Mother and ask the Queen Mother to be the master.”

The eighth young lady of the Bai family is really white, with a hole in her forehead, and now the blood is still flowing continuously, which is shocking.

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