Evil Prince, Come Play With Me Chapter 442: Someone came to rescue

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Going up the corridor is a cave that can accommodate about two people. Inside there is a small table and chairs on which a few steamed buns are placed.

The man threw her on the chair: “After eating, hurry up and paint.”

Gu Bailu didn’t have any strength in her hands and saw that the steamed buns were also there, so she hurriedly stuffed the steamed buns into her mouth and started to eat.

Although she eats quickly, she actually bites slowly.

It seems that it is impossible to escape here. The entire space is so small that even the passage can only accommodate one person.

She just touched her waist, and she lost all the charms on her body.

It is impossible to teleport out.

Just now along the way, she saw that there was a small window above the corridor, but that window could accommodate at most a baby in and out.

There is no way to escape.

“Hurry up and eat.” The Ghost Face slapped the table, and the table was shaken in half.

Gu Bailu didn’t dare to play slippery anymore, quickly ate several steamed buns, and then drew the picture honestly.

They have to send someone to confirm the truth of the picture before they know it, so at this point in time, she can still survive.

“I…I have drawn everything, can…can I release the maid first?”

“Let her go? Let her report? Don’t worry, whether you can go out depends on the person’s attitude.”

Gu Bailu frowned: “I have given you all… what you want, why… why do you want to hold me?”

“Stop talking nonsense.” Gu Bailu was dragged into the skull hole by him again.

Gu Bailu didn’t know if he hadn’t eaten for a long time. After eating so much suddenly, his stomach didn’t adapt to it or something, and he retched for a long time.

I don’t know if the steamed buns are dry or not.

Placed in such a dark place, even if it is clean, bacteria will grow.

Not long after, Gu Bailu felt that she was hot all over, as if she had a cold, she had to go out quickly.

She is worried about A Luo now, but according to the reaction of the person just now, A Luo should be fine.

But A Luo is a foodie, she has nothing to eat, she must be particularly uncomfortable.

Who can come to rescue her?

She really hopes that someone will come to rescue her. She knows that she can’t escape now by her own ability.

The opponent is too strong and locked so concealed.

But if she counts on others to save her, she will never have a chance.

She muttered two spells secretly, and the soul collection bracelet on her body flew into the air.

“The soul collection bracelet, now I can only rely on you, there is a small window in the tunnel, you fly out from there, go to inform…”

Who should she notify, who can she call for help?

“Go and inform Guyun Mirror…”

Feng Qingtian can’t count on it. Yan Anchun must be in no mood to take care of other people.

Even if he is in the mood to take care of other people’s affairs, he may not take care of his own affairs.

The soul collection bracelet flew around the seam of the cave for a long time, but couldn’t find a place to go out.

Gu Bailu chanted another spell, turning her into a thin cloth, and then she got out of the tiny crack.

The soul collection bracelet stuck to the side of the tunnel and found the small window, and flew out smoothly.

Gu Yunjing should be able to understand that something happened when she saw the soul collection bracelet.

Gu Bailu exhausted the last bit of strength and passed out into a coma.

I don’t know how long it has passed, but I seem to feel the sound of footsteps and the sound of people in my confusion, and finally there is the sound of fighting.

She wanted to open her eyes, but she couldn’t.

“I didn’t expect you to come.” A hoarse voice sounded like a ghost.

“Release people.”

The voice is familiar.

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