Rise Chapter 1953: The highlight

? After the game between KG and Fate came to an end that day, the players and spectators on the scene left one after another, and the players and members of the various team clubs also returned to the hotel where they were.

Even after going back, people still can’t help but talk and discuss the topic of today’s game.

After all, the BO5 game in this group was really exciting enough to make people thrilling.

Online players and netizens talked about the performance of the KG team and the Fate team in this group of games today, and they are still very interested, including the hand that “Moon Emperor” Moon took in the third game. The amazing mid-laner vampire’s explosive carry will naturally not miss the last two deciding games Tian Tian’s Jian Ji and Dao Mei.

“Really strong.”

The group stage was eliminated. At this time, the Cog team seven king top single player Seven, who has returned to his hometown in North America, has watched this group of games and sent out such a state on his Twitter account sincerely Praise and praise:

“YGG’s top laner strength level has now surpassed almost all professional first-line single players by a full level.”

And also after today’s game, an e-sports media interview video received by the defeated Fate team was also posted on the Internet. In the video screen, the Fate team’s mid-single captain Moon was pointed at the camera and microphone. With a helpless smile on his face, when asked about his views and thoughts on today’s match, the top mid laner of one of the four emperors paused, and then shook his head:

“A wonderful game.”

“I also thank KG for giving us enough respect for such an all-out effort.”

“It is regrettable, but it is not regrettable.”

“Because the two teams have played all the levels they should have today, and today’s KG is indeed better than us.”

The media reporter in the video couldn’t wait to continue asking questions to Moon, asking about the former’s opinion on the performance of KG’s Shangdan Tiantian in the last two games of today. Moon paused again, with a somewhat complicated look on his face:

“YGG, the player, has always been a player I admire and love very much.”

“However, maybe I underestimated him before today.”

“After today–“

“The title of No. 1 in the world, for him, should really be well-deserved.”

These words came from Moon, who is one of the four emperors, and Ben is really a kind of high recognition and evaluation with great weight.

The netizens of the national server players who saw this interview video were naturally even more cheered.


Even the opponent’s Fate team captain “Yuehuang” has made such an assessment and recognition, and sure enough, their roundness is really awesome, is there?

Players and netizens of other foreign servers on the Internet are still a little unconvinced:

“Too much reputation, right?”

“OK, I admit that YGG played really well today, but it is still too sloppy to say that the world is No. 1 on the single.”

“Don’t take the veteran top laner like Seven as an example. He can only be ranked bottom among the Seven Kings, and his current state level can’t be ranked in the top tier of the professional top laner in the world. “

“I think Minx’s The-Sword is no worse than YGG. Although they were eliminated in the group stage, they can be used as top laners. The-Sword’s personal ability is undoubtedly more outstanding.”

“And don’t forget, there are also powerful top laners in other teams-like SSK’s Wolf, isn’t it?”

The last sentence quickly attracted the unanimous approval of many foreign server players and netizens.

At this time, it is not purely a struggle.

Because indeed, even aside from the blockbuster The-Sword in the group stage of this year’s finals, there are still a few old players among the top and established teams in the world’s professional e-sports circle. Professional single players have unfathomable strength——

SSK’s Wolf is the best example.

Although the main top laner of SSK is mostly covered by his own team’s mid laner and jungler teammates, this is only because his mid laner and jungler teammates are now. The head of the four emperors, and one of the two wild kings who are side by side with the thirteenth.

Even Wolf has never been officially rated as one of the seven kings before, but one of the reasons recognized by the outside world is that it is not that the strength of the SSK top laner has not reached the seven kings, just because the official ranking evaluation At that time, considering that too many players ranked among the Seven Kings and Four Emperors should easily appear in a team, Wolf was reluctantly removed from the list of Seven Kings.

But I really want to evaluate…

Wolf’s personal abilities must definitely be on top of the seven king-level top laner Seven of the North American Cog team.

Even many players and netizens quickly found evidence. Just in the South Korean LCK league this year, the two teams SSK and Minx have had a lot of fights, and when they are on the road, even Minx has played against each other. The team’s The-Sword, who has a terrifying personal laning ability, has almost never taken advantage of Wolf.

This makes the SSK main top laner’s strength even more unfathomable.

So the public opinion on the Internet began to clamor:

Take Wolf as an example, maybe the realm of strength may not be half inferior to KG’s Tian Tian!

When the topic mentioned the SSK team, the top single player, the attention of the players and netizens also turned to the SSK team.

“Tomorrow…is SSK vs. Season, right?”

Some netizens suddenly came out like this.

Soon someone nodded again and again:


“Tomorrow’s game…should be the biggest highlight of the quarterfinals, right?”


On the first day of the quarter-finals, God played against MLG. The former finished with a three-to-zero absolute crush. The top seed in the European LCS division took the lead to advance to the semi-finals this year.

On the second day of the quarter-finals, KG played against Fate, killing a full five BO5 games. The peak matchup between the two sides was almost only a few minutes apart. In the end, there was Tian Tian’s two sword girls. Carry Jedi with Jian Ji against the sky.

But even with such a wonderful battle between two groups of pearls and jade in front–

But it still does not hinder people’s consensus. Only tomorrow’s third group match will be the real highlight of this quarter-final knockout.

SSK and Season.

Last year’s S5 champion and runner-up.

Today’s competition between the world’s No. 1 and the world’s No. 2 teams.

Perhaps before this group stage, even if people pay enough expectation and attention to this group of games, they will definitely be more inclined to recognize that SSK can become the final winner.

But now…

After the group stage, the strength of the SSK team showed a significant decline~IndoMTL.com~ People’s stance towards this BO5 match inevitably also has a certain wave, and some thoughts start to stop. It keeps lingering in the mind–


This year’s match between the two teams, the outcome… is not necessarily true, right?

In the training room of the hotel that night, when everyone from the three teams in the LPL Division was doing training and confrontation as usual, they were also talking about this topic.

“I think, maybe Season will really win this time.”

Huang Xue Ye Ge touched her chin, and suddenly said something like this.

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The update is delivered, and the third shift is done. Good night, good night, see you tomorrow.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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