Rise Chapter 168: failure

In all fairness, on the blue side of the KG team, Riven’s teleport from the top lane got 1 head and 1 assist in the bottom lane. It can be said to be a very successful and ideal teleportation support.

Even if it returns to the top lane next, Riven can better suppress the opponent’s top laner.

The problem is that Riven is not the biggest beneficiary after such a wave of bot team battles.

It’s the mid laner demon girl of the purple team SSK.

4/0/0’s demon girl of trickery.

When the game time was only six or seven minutes, the demon Ji Le Fulan, who had already run wild and slaughtered, was simply going against the rhythm of the sky.

Just as the stone on the live commentary platform said slumpingly–

Demon Ji, can’t stop it.

On the commentary stage at the scene, Qinghe smiled reluctantly:

“However, at least this wave of Yuanshen’s support is timely enough, otherwise it may be directly beaten by SSK in a wave of 0 for 2, and now it is at least 2 for 3, and the development of Yuanshen’s Riven is still Yes.”

The stone has a heavy look:

“But it’s useless. Unless Riven, who is on the road here, can use this advantage to further bring the rhythm, otherwise… Let F’s mid-laner enchantress develop so unscrupulously, it can’t stop it at all. Of.”

Qinghe didn’t speak anymore, and sighed lightly.

Because he actually knows that in this situation, facing a scheming demon girl with a record of 4/0/0, the blue team KG originally selected Zhong Dan Lulu to resist pressure. The tactical thinking has almost been lost.

The middle lane is destined to fall into an absolute passive disadvantage next.

The only hope is indeed the next performance of Tian Tian’s top laner Riven on the KG team.

“Yuanshen must work hard!”

Su Xue, who was watching the live OB screen in front of the computer screen, was very nervous.

On the side, Lin Feng pressed his mouth hard and didn’t speak, his mood was extremely heavy:

Because he can vaguely feel–

So far in this game, it has been extremely difficult for Fatty’s top laner Riven to bring the rhythm in this situation.


The game time is 9 minutes and 25 seconds.

The purple side SSK team once again roamed in the middle and the wild, and launched a wave of gank on the top road.

After going around, go over the tower and outflank Riven.

The jungle excavator first rushes into the W top to control the target and start to top the tower.

In an instant, Demon Ji burst in with a W skill, stepping firmly on Riven and quickly connecting with QRE’s skill combo to hit the entire set of damage in one go.

Then the kill is completed and the head is taken away.

“Unstopable (a hero is already unstoppable)!”

The killing announcement of the female voice of the system sounded, and the demon girl’s record data came to a shocking 5/0/0.

The mood of the audience of all national server players sank to a cold bottom.

In this way, after Riven is forcefully killed by the tower, the outer tower on the road will also be lost, and even a large wave of army line economy and experience will be lost.

Then the advantages that Riven had previously played will soon disappear.

The demon girl who controlled her deception turned and returned to the middle road. Han Shihao, whose ID was “F”, glanced plainly at Riven’s corpse lying on the icy ground, with a faint mocking expression on his face.

In the KG team competition room on stage, Tian Tian’s eyes in front of the computer screen flashed with regret and pain:

(Big, careless!)

(Should not be killed by force!)


In a wave of strong killings like hitting the road, Riven’s death not only lost one of her heads, but also lost most of the hope of Team KG’s comeback.

But no one really can blame Tian Tian.

Because it is really the damage output of SSK’s mid-laner demon girl is too terrifying, and also because the SSK team’s mid-field linkage cooperates very well.

Everyone knows that the SSK team sits on a four kings and a seven kings.

But what’s more terrible is that this four emperor is now the first of the four emperors and the world’s number one mid laner F, and the player who ranks among the seven kings is one of the world’s top junglers. Mafa.

Mafa, one of the world’s strongest junglers, is tied with the “Nian XIII” of the Taiwan Assassins.

Such a midfield combination is almost the strongest midfield combination in the world.

In almost all SSK team games, the early rhythm is brought up by the perfect linkage between F and Mafa. The cooperation between the two is too tacit and can hardly pick out the slightest flaw. It is perfect——

It’s like this game right now.

In the early 10 minutes of the game, the economic gap between the blue and purple on the field has opened four thousand.

In the 12th minute, the first dragon fell into the purple SSK team.

In the 15th minute, the Purple Army led the 6K economic advantage.

In 20 minutes, the economic advantage broke 8K.

The economic disparity that almost makes people feel desperate.


It’s a huge disparity in strength.

(Too strong.)

At this moment, I don’t know how many players from other major professional teams in the world can’t help but take a breath.

Today’s SSK team once again demonstrated the palpitation of the rhythm of the game and the ability to control.

Perfect linkage between the middle and the wild.

Perfect personal strength of the player.

Even if it was the upper laner who was suppressed in the early stage, in the mid-term wave of team battles, they relied on the timely and perfect release of the big move to play a very beautiful team control, and helped the team win several teams. Victory in the war.

On the blue side, even if the KG team has been desperately fighting to resist, even Tian Tian’s top laner Riven has tried his best to force the opponent back in the back——

But still under the almost impeccable icy net of the SSK team, all the dying struggles and the desperate attacks were resolved one by one.

That is palpitatingly strong.

It’s the strength that makes people almost feel hopeless and powerless.

At the 31st minute of the game time, the purple “victory” emblem pattern slowly appeared on the screen of the game.

The base crystal of the blue team KG exploded with a loud explosion.

The KG team lost the first match.

0 to 1.


Such a heavy defeat is like a boulder that will crush all the players in the national server and the audience can’t breathe.

But online, the national server players in the major live broadcast rooms are still trying to comfort each other:

“It’s okay, it’s just one game.”

“This is BO5!”

“There is hope.”

“Yuanshen played very well before, as long as the next game can be more powerful…”

“You can still win!”

But this kind of self-comfort was severely shattered by the cruel reality that followed.

BO5 second round.

In the early 4 minutes of the start, Tian Tian’s top laner Rambo of the purple side KG team encountered the double wandering gank of the opponent Jungle Spider and the auxiliary Japanese girl, and was directly sent out by the tower under the strong killing:


Then the situation quickly turned in a direction that was extremely unfavorable to the KG team.

In the sixth minute, Mafa, the jungler spider of SSK team, swam on the road again. This time it was a middle-and-wild joint action. Together with F’s mid-laner murloc, he circled and outflanked Rambo again.

Lambo’s record data becomes 0/2/0.

This is the undisguised targeting.

But the KG team has nothing to do.

When Tian Tian was on the road, the crash was directly declared in the early stage.

In 10 minutes, the economic gap broke 4,000~IndoMTL.com~minutes, a wave of team battles at Xiaolong Fjord, F’s little murloc took the lead and quickly opened up the KG team’s “konjac” ADC Jin Ke Then the team battle broke out, and the KG team caught off-guard was beaten 4 for 1 and lost directly.

27 minutes, the second game is over.

The KG team lost another round.

The mood of the audience of all the players in the national server has been fiercely tightened, and even a little trembling and painful.

Only, only the last one left…

Is there any hope?

Is there still… hope of a comeback?


The answer is no.

The cold and naked reality cruelly tore the only hope and fantasy in the hearts of all national server players.

In the third game, the purple SSK team at the start unexpectedly invaded the opponent’s KG field and played a perfect 1st level team. 0 for 3 directly allowed the upper solo to get two heads and a mid laner. Yasuo got a head.

The KG team immediately collapsed at the start.

In 10 minutes, the economic gap broke four thousand.

20 minutes, economic gap…

Broken ten thousand.

When the cold and cruel purple “Victory” emblem pattern reappeared on the giant LCD viewing screen–

The national service is silent.

Zero to three, KG team was eliminated in the semifinals of the semifinals of the Finals.

A complete fiasco.

The eyes of countless national professional players who are watching the finals show pain and unwillingness:

(I lost.)

Countless players in the national server just feel chilled little by little.

It seems that the colors of the whole world are turning gray.

Their national service…


When their LPL is facing the strongest OGN team in South Korea…

It was defeated without any resistance.

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