I Made the World Mutate Chapter 1032: 3 Flower God Treasure

Gan Yun did not approach Xiao Mu, but after reaching a certain distance to Xiao Mu, he pressed the escape light and stopped.

This person smiled on his face, “Brother Zhang, please believe that I am not malicious. The reason for finding Brother Zhang is that I just learned that Brother Zhang is going to take back Bai Jing, no, the treasure house of the Bai Mansion. Treasure.”

“It just so happens that I and Bai Rong, we all participated in the birth of the treasure in the treasure house of Bai Mansion, and everyone got some treasure.”

“We, Zeng and Brother Zhang, joined hands to deal with Ma Fang and Zhao Rui. Brother Zhang is heroic, so far, every time we think of it, we will reach out.”

“Bai Rong and I, all of us put together a moment, and felt that since Brother Zhang wants to take back the treasure in the Bai Mansion Jun’s treasury, we have worked with Brother Zhang anyway, how can we not have the beauty of adulthood?”

“So, we all feel that we should return the treasure from the treasure house of Bai Mansion to Brother Zhang. So on behalf of everyone, I will collect the treasure, find Brother Zhang, and return the treasure. Brother Zhang…”

As this Gan Yun said, he suddenly took a few storage boxes out of his body, held them up with one hand, and input real power. These storage boxes were all suspended in the air and flew towards Xiao Mu gently, “Fu Jun The treasure house, all the treasures, are here. Brother Zhang, please order them.”

Xiao Mu, seeing the storage box flying towards him, with a wave of his hand, he placed a wall of real power in front of him.

Those storage boxes, supported by Xiao Mu’s true strength, slowly fell on the soles of Xiao Mu’s left foot.

Xiao Mu, his eyes focused on Gan Yun.

In advance, he really didn’t expect that Gan Yun found himself in order to surrender the treasure in the treasure house of the Bai Mansion. This behavior made him stunned for a moment.

But it was just for a moment. Xiao Mu stared at Gan Yun and asked: “You know my true identity. You should know that I am not really Zhang Xiu. At that time, I changed my appearance and turned into Zhang Xiu to disturb you. Plan to create trouble for the three strong masters of righteous gods.”

“And since you know my true identity, you dare to find me and face me alone, so you are not afraid that I will kill you?”

Gan Yun smiled and said: “In my eyes, Brother Zhang is always the one who chased Zhao Rui and Ma Fang with us. As for other things, I don’t know.”

“As for whether Brother Zhang will kill me, I think that Brother Zhang and us will fight against the enemy and advance together. They are not cruel people.”

“Of course, if Brother Zhang insists on killing me, I will admit it too.”


Xiao Mu smiled suddenly, calmly, and waved to Gan Yun.


A group of golden light suddenly appeared from behind Gan Yun, facing Gan Yun with a fierce boom.


Gan Yun’s figure was bombarded by golden light, like a bubble, disappearing on the spot.

“Substitute technique!”

When Xiao Mu saw it, he was taken aback, beckoned, and the Yan Luo hammer that had just bombarded Gan Yun dissipated, turning into authority and flew back into his body.

He looked at where Gan Yun had disappeared, and he suddenly realized.

It’s no wonder that Gan Yun has the courage to find himself, because he used a substitute technique beforehand.

“It sounds good, why face me directly? Didn’t you use a substitute technique?”

Xiao Mu, in the midst of secretly slandering, he began to wonder whether he should catch up and kill Gan Yun and Bai Rong.

At this time, the distance between him and Gan Yun and Bai Rong is relatively close, and he can use the power of the Emperor of Heaven to probe the whereabouts of each other.

Once you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to chase the opponent next time.

Do you want to hunt down?

Xiao Mu thought for a while, but finally shook his head slowly.

If there were no threats from Chao Xiong, maybe he would really go after him and kill Gan Yun and Bai Rong.

But at the moment, Chao Xiong is too threatening. Maybe he will be able to find his trace sometime. It is really not appropriate to waste time chasing Gan Yun, Bai Rong and his party at this time.

In addition, the treasure in the treasure house of the White House has been obtained, and it should be enough to complete the last repair of the blood cloud flag.

It would be unwise to take this opportunity to chase Gan Yun and Bai Rong without repairing the blood cloud flag as soon as possible.

“Forget it, you are lucky, don’t meet me next time.”

Xiao Mu, took a look towards the north, and finally dispelled the idea of ​​chasing and killing.

We waved to the ground, and several storage boxes on the ground also flew up and fell into his hands.

Xiao Mu opened a storage box and took a look, a smile appeared in his eyes.

Put away the storage box, start the escape technique, and return to the direction of the Valley of Blood.

As soon as he returned to the Valley of Blood and back to the edge of the cliff, Xiao Mu sat down, took the ancient materials from the treasures of the palace returned by the bleeding cloud flag and Gan Yun, and began to make the final restoration of the blood cloud flag.



The ancient eight-sided mirror that was suspended above several treasures as the eyes suddenly shattered, and Wang Wenxian’s forehead immediately burst into cold sweat.

“How about? Use the treasure to destroy the treasure, search for several treasures, and find the trace of Xiao Mu?”

Chao Xiong looked at Wang Wenxian with an unhappy expression.


Wang Wenxian replied to Chao Xiong in a low voice full of anxiety, “Given the envoy Chao, Xiao Mu suddenly appeared in the northwest, but soon disappeared again.”

“It’s gone again, can I still find it?”

Chao Xiong’s tone was extremely unhappy.

“The subordinates are incompetent!” Wang Wen first bowed his head in shame.

“Trash, really trash!” Chao Xiong yelled.


“Chen Zunshi, that Xiao Mu, just not long after he left the valley, he returned to the Valley of Blood.”

To the southwest, Huang Luo, holding the star map in his hand, is monitoring Xiao Mu’s movements while reporting to Chen Ming.

“Didn’t this person just leave the valley? Why did he suddenly go back? What the **** is this Xiao Mu doing?”

Chen Ming gave a bewildered shout, and then ordered, “Continue to supervise this person. Once he leaves the direction of the Valley of Blood, he will report to me immediately.”


“Take a closer look, where are the people in the heavenly court.”



Huh! call! call!

Xiao Muxin waved the blood cloud flag in his hand with joy, and the blood cloud flag finally completed the last repair.

At this time, the entire blood cloud flag, whether it is the flag surface or the flagpole, has become a whole, with a clear pattern, connecting the flag surface and the flagpole.

“The blood cloud flag has finally been repaired, and if it changes once more, it may be able to completely restore the original strength of the righteous god’s treasure, perhaps, it will be surpassed. It will be changed first.”

Xiao Mu, sitting on the spot, reached out and touched the blood cloud flag, feeling it carefully.

With this induction, his attention immediately stopped on the number of his energy points.

500 points.

The energy point, I don’t know when, it was actually full, reaching 500 points. In the battle with Feng Ping just now, after 500 points, he killed the Heavenly Miserables again, although he also gained energy points, the total did not continue to increase.

In the previous battle, it seemed that a lot of energy points were wasted.

Xiao Mu feels a little regretful. In the previous battle, he killed a lot of people. As a result, all the energy points were wasted. I am afraid that the wasted point is no less than 100 points.

I knew this, before, I used some in advance.

Forget it, now is not the time to think about these things, change the blood cloud flag as soon as possible.

Xiao Mu, finger the blood cloud flag, and alter the blood cloud flag.

After two hundred energy consumption, the golden light flashed, and the blood cloud flag changed.

On the surface of the blood cloud flag, the blood is faint, faint, with some black aura.

At this time, whether it is the array pattern or the brilliance, they have turned into the shape of black flowers.

Each of these black flowers has three black petals.

“Gathering into flowers, the treasure of righteous gods, it is finished!”

When Xiao Mu saw the tricolor flower formed by this pattern and Guanghua, he was immediately delighted.

Treasures, only at the level of righteous gods can they condense authority into the shape of flowers. With every wave, countless flowers bloom.

At this point, the strength is condensed, and the specific shape is produced, which is the true righteous god.

This blood cloud flag, after the third change, both the pattern and the brilliance turned into a flower-like appearance, and it was obviously already a true treasure of the righteous god.

Xiao Mu, holding the blood cloud flag in his hand, feeling the specific level of power in it, he was immediately satisfied.

The Treasure of the Righteous God, not only brings the improvement of strength, but the most important thing is also related to the continued cultivation after stepping into the Righteous God.

For those who are strong in the realm of righteousness, after reaching the realm of righteousness, they will form the realm of righteousness by their own authority.

The realm of the righteous gods is the concrete manifestation of the righteous gods’ authority, which is equivalent to the mutants who completely condense and integrate their own authority.

Rather than the righteous god, whether it is in the spirit realm or the abnormal change before the spirit realm, the authority is quite fragmented and cannot be condensed, so its power is limited.

But when it comes to Zhengshen, because of the formation of the Zhengshen realm, all the authority of oneself is also gathered together, which is equivalent to a whole.

Therefore, even if the two authoritarians want to wait, there is a huge difference between the realm of Zheng Shen and the realm of God because of the huge gap between their realms.

In addition, there is also a difference between the Zhengshen state and the Zhengshen state, and even the difference between the two is greater than the difference between the Divine Spirit state and the general Zhengshen state.

This is the difference between having righteous **** authority and not having righteous **** authority.

Although any **** spirit realm can form a righteous **** realm after breaking through the realm, whether there is authority or not, the strength of the righteous **** realm is different.

The righteous **** with authority, its righteous **** realm is obviously much stronger than the righteous **** realm without authority.

It is precisely because of the authoritative righteous **** that his righteous **** domain is too powerful. After becoming a righteous god, he needs treasures to suppress.

Otherwise, because Zheng Shenyu is too powerful, it is unlikely that he himself will be distracted and suppressed all the time.

At the same time, an individual’s ability to suppress his own righteous gods also determines the level of authority he can use.

The stronger the suppression ability, the more authority that can be used. Conversely, the weaker the suppression ability, the lower the authority that can be used.

And this so-called treasure that suppresses the True God Realm is the treasure of the True God.

In Xiao Mu’s hand, this blood cloud flag, because it has only three petals, is obviously not too powerful. But because Xiao Mu hadn’t entered the Righteous God Realm yet, even if he entered the Righteous God Realm, it was only in the early stage of the Right God Realm. Such a treasure was enough for him to suppress his righteous God Realm.

“With this treasure, when I step into the realm of the true gods, I will obtain the other half of Yan Luoxi, and become a mansion. At least in the early stage of the realm of the gods, it is enough to suppress the realm of the true gods.”

“In the mid-term, either continue to raise the blood cloud flag, or, you can also look for stronger treasures to suppress the realm of the positive gods.”

“In short, when there is plenty of time, you can definitely find it, but you don’t need to worry about it in advance.”

At the thought of stepping into the righteous state, Xiao Mu couldn’t help showing a smile on his face.

After entering the realm of the righteous gods, what he has gained is not only the issue of strength improvement, but also the improvement of various authority.

Authority brings a variety of special abilities.

The righteous gods, especially the princes, are in charge of a domain, and the authority they possess is greater than other righteous gods.

But soon, Xiao Mu shook his head, clearing his thoughts.

At this time, he has not yet entered the realm of righteous gods, let alone become a righteous god, and it is not time to think about these issues for the time being.

Xiao Mu’s attention returned to the blood cloud flag.

Previously, in the battle with Heavenly Court Feng Ping, due to the killing of a large number of Heavenly Court mutants, the strange faces in the Blood Cloud Banner absorbed a large amount of blood energy.

Originally, this strange face became agitated after absorbing blood energy, and the body of the blood cloud flag has a tendency that it cannot be suppressed.

But now, with Xiao Mu’s promotion of the blood cloud flag’s body, plus the last change, the strange face in the flag has settled down again.

“The strength of the strange face can continue to absorb blood energy. The texture of the blood cloud flag has been improved to the extreme. Even if the strange face continues to absorb the blood energy, it can still be suppressed.”

“There are also the body and pole of the blood cloud flag. I fought Feng Ping before. In order to crack the yin and yang destiny array, I exploded the internal blood energy. I also need to absorb blood energy to replenish its power.”

“I don’t know how the blood inside the space crack can recover. After such a long time, is there any part filled.”

Xiao Mu, after thinking about it, stood up and looked at the space crack.

As soon as his mind moved, the blood cloud flag flew out of his hand, wrapped in his own mind, and flew toward the crack in space.


Xiao Mu took the opportunity to hit the axe for good fortune, and used the power of good fortune to wrap the blood cloud flag, covering the trail of the blood cloud flag, so as not to be discovered by the human-shaped scarlet monster.

After doing this, Xiao Mu was relieved to put the blood cloud flag into the space crack.

In the crack of space, as soon as he entered, Xiao Mu began to explore the surroundings.

The strange blood energy that had been absorbed by the blood cloud flag~IndoMTL.com~ At this time, it has recovered a lot.

In the cracks in the space, wisps of blood also reappeared, all of which are a collection of strange blood energy.

Xiao Mu, seeing this, immediately controlled the blood cloud flag and began to absorb the strange blood.


The strange face opened its big mouth and quickly swallowed the strange blood energy in the crack. The blood glow turned into a whirlpool and was swept away by the strange face.

Under the control of Xiao Mu, part of the strange blood energy absorbed by the strange face is distributed to the strange face, allowing the strange face to absorb and enhance the strength, while the other part is separated to supplement the flagpole and the flag body.

The blood cloud flag pole and flag body that was originally exploded by Xiao Mu, after absorbing the blood energy, became crystal clear again and regained blood power.

It’s just that, compared with before, the blood cloud flag that has completed the final mutation now has more strange blood energy that its pole and body can hold.

Under the simultaneous absorption of the blood cloud flag’s flagpole, flag body, and its internal strange faces, the strange blood energy that has finally accumulated in the space cracks is quickly absorbed.

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