Master of Exotic Planting: Untitled

Having been busy until dark, Zhang Xiaofan still failed to achieve his goal. Although his current wood source power is not weak, he also has the Scepter of Azure Emperor which can double the speed of recovery.

But if you want to increase a herb that has only a few years, or more than a dozen years, to a hundred years, the consumption of wood resources is beyond imagination.

Besides, he didn’t come out until noon, so the time was relatively short.

After going home for dinner, Zhang Xiaofan hurried out again.

Run to the Lingtian to continue fighting.

The time to redeem the thick mountain was only seven days. To this day, five days have passed.

You must hurry up.


At around ten o’clock in the evening, Zhang Xiaofan didn’t know why. He always felt restless and unconscious. The eyelids are also jumping wildly. This is something bad happened.

Thinking that Ma Dashan suddenly returned to Longcao Township yesterday, and then suddenly returned to the county seat, he was a little worried about his family.

After all, Ma Qing’s body has not been buried.

This is a thunder. I don’t know when it will explode.

Maybe tonight.

Immediately, Zhang Xiaofan didn’t care about cultivating spirit grass. Run quickly towards the house.

The home is very quiet, parents and in-laws are already asleep. His wife, Wang Yuanyuan, stays alone in the vacant room, with the lights still on.

I really embarrassed her.

Not long after the wedding, she always asked her to be alone in the vacant room, and even more so to take care of the house. She is only eighteen years old. If she had not married Zhang Xiaofan, she would still be just a young girl.

Although nothing happened at home, the feeling of anxiety is getting stronger and stronger.

Zhang Xiaofan made a decisive decision to let his parents and family members go out for a while.

This will definitely make them feel scared in the future, but it’s better than having something wrong and regretting it for a lifetime. After many life and death crises, Zhang Xiaofan believed in his instincts very much.

“Yuanyuan, it’s me!”

Zhang Xiaofan called outside the door.

Wang Yuanyuan immediately woke up from her practice and opened her eyes. She opened the door and looked at Zhang Xiaofan in surprise and some joy.

“Husband, I thought you were going to spend the night in Lingtian again! I don’t know what’s going on, my heart is beating fiercely, and I panic a bit inexplicably. I’m scared by myself. You don’t want to go out again, okay?”

Wang Yuanyuan held his hand tightly and said in an imploring tone.

She looks very strong on weekdays, but in fact it is just because she loves Zhang Xiaofan and this family, there is no way she can do it, just pretending to be strong.

“Do you also feel uneasy?” Zhang Xiaofan is more certain that his instincts can’t go wrong. “Yuanyuan, let’s wake up our parents and you take them out to avoid it. It’s best to be okay. If something happens, you can escape it.”

Zhang Xiaofan looked serious and ignored his wife’s surprise and panic, so he immediately awakened both parents.

Si Lao was woken up shortly after falling asleep, don’t know what happened?

Zhang Xiaofan couldn’t bother to explain patiently with them, and immediately said quickly, “Daddy, father-in-law, mother-in-law, you guys should go out with Yuanyuan to avoid it. Bandits are likely to come tonight.”

The same can only be said.

“Ah! There are bandits trying to rob the village? Then let’s quickly notify the other villagers to escape together!” Wang Fu and his wife were still too kind, and at this time they wanted to ask other villagers to escape together.

Don’t even think about it. If you do this, more people may be killed.

Excessive kindness is sometimes cruel.

“I just need to inform the other villagers, you can leave as soon as possible!” Zhang Xiaofan pushed the old man out of the house. “Yuanyuan, you take the big yellow dog and Yuanlang keep it to me. Remember, no matter what you hear, you must not take them home until dawn. Otherwise, indecision will only kill everyone.” Zhang Xiaofanyi Serious face.

You must be decisive when it comes to decisiveness.

The family is good with everything, and this is what makes Zhang Xiaofan very depressed.

In case they heard the sound of fighting here, they were worried about the safety of Zhang Xiaofan’s son, and they had to rush back to check. That is not helping the son, but harming others and self.

But they are all ordinary people, and doing this is exactly what they love Zhang Xiaofan.

For them, you can’t ask too much.

Only a little bit, slowly teach them how to make the right choice.

“Hurry up and take them to hide in the mountain forest where you gave me food and water last time. With you and the big yellow dog, ordinary source beasts and wild beasts can’t threaten you.” Zhang Xiaofan urged sharply.

“Husband, I will never allow you to have trouble, otherwise, you will never live alone!” Wang Yuanyuan suddenly ran over to hug Zhang Xiaofan, and whispered in his ear.

She obviously didn’t want to be heard by the four elders.

With her cleverness, she guessed the unexpected and unknown danger, and it was likely that she came specifically for her husband.

Originally, she wanted to face it with her husband, but she also knew that it was extremely irrational to do so.

Not only can it not help Zhang Xiaofan, but it may kill everyone.

She immediately took each other’s parents and walked towards the direction of the mountain in the dark. Along the way, the big yellow dog of Yuan Beast level cleared the way, guarding front and back.

Zhang Xiaofan naturally didn’t worry about his wife, parents and others. He secretly escorted him behind.

After watching them enter the deep mountains, and there is no danger, then they leave quietly.

Back to the village, Zhang Xiaofan found that the village was quiet.

The danger hasn’t come yet.

Arranged for his parents and relatives, he has no worries about the future. Return to the Lingtian again.

However, this time I did not upgrade other herbs, but instead upgraded the herb that can increase the firepower cultivation talent.

Raised it to 101 years old in one breath. By doing so, it can accelerate its promotion to Tier 1 Spirit Grass.

However, in an extra year, the consumed wood power has increased more than tenfold.

Usually, it takes at least two hours for a herb to be promoted to a Tier 1 Spirit Grass. But this time, it only took less than an hour to successfully advance.

Zhang Xiaofan sensed that the danger was coming, and wanted to rush to increase the fire source power, and then reduce his weight.

After the herb that increases the firepower cultivation talent is completely promoted, Zhang Xiaofan checked its attributes.

[Name: Chisun, first-order spiritual grass. 】

[Age: 101 years old. 】

[Vitality: 96. 】

[Attributes: Fire source power training talent +30, fire source power +1000. 】

Zhang Xiaofan discovered that the upper limit of this red bamboo shoot is more than the first-order spirit grass, but when it is promoted to spirit grass, its vitality begins to decline.

It is difficult to continue to cultivate.

This situation has happened to Anger Grass.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiaofan is not ready to continue to improve it. It will be eaten immediately.

Before digging it out, Zhang Xiaofan decided to experiment with this red bamboo shoot.

Try to click the plus sign behind the Fire Power Training Talent.


Although only a little Yuan Xiu talent has been added, it instantly emptied the wood source power in Zhang Xiaofan’s body. It’s horrible.

Furthermore, Chisun’s vitality directly dropped a full twenty points.

This scared Zhang Xiaofan.

In the future, using this superpower to frame the enemy, maybe it’s okay. It is still necessary to be cautious when adding source cultivation talent to one’s spirit grass.

Without any hesitation, I dug out the red bamboo shoots decisively and didn’t peel them, so I just chewed them.

Except for the bamboo shoot shell which is difficult to swallow, its bamboo shoot meat is still very delicious.

When I eat it into my abdomen, I suddenly feel hot all over my body, as if I’m in a stove.

His fire source power cultivation talent is also constantly skyrocketing.

Zhang Xiaofan’s fire source power training talent was originally only 11, now it has increased by 31 points, and it immediately rises to 42. Although it still didn’t reach the pass line, it was several times higher than before.

He sensed the turbulent fire power in his body, rushing continuously, and quickly guided them with his thoughts, first being full of all qi veins.

After all the twelve qi channels are full of fire source power, they will be guided into the dantian.

After opening up the pubic area, there is a very big advantage. Just don’t have to worry about taking the elixir that is too powerful and bursting into death.


It only took less than half an hour before Zhang Xiaofan completely absorbed the power of this fire bamboo shoot.

Because his fire source power cultivation talent is only 42, he has about 60% of the medicinal power that could not be absorbed, and all of them ran away from the pores and seven orifices. This kind of waste made Zhang Xiaofan feel very depressed.

But there is no other way.

The fire source power of 1000 only absorbed 420.

The fire source power he has now is estimated to be equivalent to one-tenth of a one-star warrior.

Try to mobilize the fire source power in the dantian to refine the excess earth source power in the film. Little by little, the refining was extremely difficult.

These earth-source powers are like residues, which cannot be absorbed by the body if they accumulate in the skin and are useless. On the contrary, the body becomes heavy.

Zhang Xiaofan tried many ways to deal with them, but failed.

Now try to use the fire power to refine them, and the effect is immediate and the effect is very good.

Zhang Xiaofan can clearly sense that the remaining earth power in the membrane is being refined a little bit. They are not excreted from the body, but absorbed by the skin membrane, which continuously strengthens the defense power of the skin membrane.

It has the same effect as the stone skin grass.

Or it can be considered that this is part of the remaining medicinal effect of the stone skin grass, which has not been absorbed before. Now after the second refining, they have completely absorbed them.

Just as Zhang Xiaofan was immersed in the wonderful practice, the sudden roar of Yuan wolf made Zhang Xiaofan awakened.

He hurried to the house immediately.

Since the enemy dared to come to kill him at home, if he didn’t succeed, he would definitely not give up.

I will come again by beheading all these enemies, can we avoid future troubles forever.

In this run, Zhang Xiaofan immediately felt the difference. That is really as light as a swallow. The weight is estimated to have lost at least two to three hundred catties.

His speed is also much faster than before.

Heavy-bearing practice for a while, it’s not all bad, he suddenly reduced the burden, he clearly felt that the speed and agility were greatly improved.

Quickly rushed to the outside of his old house, Yuan Wolf was already fighting the enemy.

It keeps roaring, biting, and plopping, but the enemy’s strength is very powerful. There are four circles of air on his body. This person is a four-star source warrior.

For such a strong person, the mount is actually a horse, which makes Zhang Xiaofan very puzzled.

The second-order source wolf already has multiple wounds on his body. However, the opponent didn’t hurt the killer, but seemed to have deliberately subdued it as a mount.

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