Rebirth of the Ultimate Rich Second Generation Chapter 839: Common topics (plus more 5)

Qin Wanshu naturally doesn’t care.

After hearing Lorraine’s explanation, of course she understood.

It’s not just her, Jiang Yan is also very understanding. Even Lan Lan, who has never been very talkative, knows this kind of complicated relationship between giants, and maybe occasionally depends on this strange way of communication. Maintain, so Lorraine is going to meet with that Pantene tonight, which didn’t make everyone uncomfortable.

Because for Lorraine, they all understand that Lorraine is a man who takes business seriously.

Naturally, he will not ruin his career because of some women’s affairs.

Of course, they also know very well that Pantene’s reputation in the capital is not very good. It seems to be a famous “little flower”? ——Anyway, the reputation is not good, and I don’t know who first came out about her style of life. Anyway, Pantene’s improper life style is no longer a secret.

But the interesting thing is…

Since the news spread, Pantene has never seen any man beside him. Except for her older brother Pan Jiajun, I have never seen a man who can stand beside him for more than a minute.

Among the rich, of course, those dudes who seek excitement are indispensable. These dudes are thinking, since this Pantene is just as rumored, she is a profuse woman, so why don’t I talk to her? What about it? Maybe you can catch the Pan family ride by the way. After you get married, you can still play with her. Should I play with mine?

There are many heirs of wealthy families who have this kind of thinking, but they all eat closed doors with Pantene without exception. The look in their eyes makes Pantene very uncomfortable. Strictly speaking, when Pantene saw the intentions in their hearts, her charming eyes immediately changed. It cannot be said to be contemptuous… Then she would be pity at all, and she looked at them with a clown look, so , Every man who communicated with Pantene with that idea was severely trampled by Pantene in his self-esteem.

This is a cold refusal, but it is more ironic than a straightforward refusal.

Of course, most of these men who ate closed doors from Pantene said to themselves angrily in private: “What do you pretend to be dignified?! A ** is a **, a female watch I still want to set up an archway, which is really boring!”

However, let these superficial playboys spend their entire lives, probably not understanding the mind of a woman like Pantene. Therefore, Pantene looked at them with that kind of pity, and there was nothing wrong with it. A man with this kind of thought would always be sad.

Pantene was ruined on the surface by the false reputation she created, but from an objective standpoint, the words of the lady of the Pan family…really, very good, very good. Her excellence is different from that of Han Xuan.

Han Xuan is a standard princess, looks, temperament, words and deeds, behavior, every detail is impeccable. And under these perfect internal and external conditions, she happened to still have a liver and gallbladder and potential that were no weaker than any man, which was beyond the reach of many women.

As for Pantene, it is different. As for her looks, temperament, words and deeds, and manners, she also has it. Compared with Han Xuan’s feeling of noble princess, she belongs to the style of enchanting queen, as for her courage and talent. On the one hand, she also has her own opinions on many things. At least, in terms of courage, it is already incomparable to many men.

So, leaving behind the rumors that Pantene deliberately corrupted her reputation, Pantene and Han Xuan, the two wealthy daughters, really formed a sharp contrast. In the wealthy daughter circle, there are both of them, and the others. The daughters seem to be overshadowed.

However, for such a woman, Lorraine didn’t care at all, and didn’t catch a cold at all. If Lorraine is the kind of person who cares about external rumors and criticism, it’s fine, but he just isn’t.

…… ……

Under this peculiar atmosphere, night fell quietly.

Tonight’s starry sky looks particularly brilliant, the bright night sky, from time to time shining with satin spots, making this beautiful and degraded metropolis appear more charming.

The place where Lorraine and Pantene met was a very stylish couple restaurant.

This restaurant is dedicated to those noble people who want to protect their **, and they operate in a unique style.

This restaurant is closed on cloudy days.

Open only when the weather is good.

Because the business address of this restaurant is on the rooftop of one of the tallest buildings in Beijing!

The night sky is clear, the music is melodious, the stars flash from time to time, and the elegant and polite waiters slowly shuttle through this stylish rooftop restaurant.

Every pair of dating men and women are elegant and sweet to share their thoughts with each other, coveted, delicious food, rich and mellow wine, floating in the refreshing night.

In this harmonious atmosphere, the atmosphere between a man and a woman feels very interesting.

Since the two people sat down here, they haven’t said anything, not a word, except for ordering.

They each ate their own, each drank their own, and they didn’t even have the most basic gesture of clinking glasses. In the eyes of others, maybe these are two couples who are awkward, but they are… A “date”.

The atmosphere is very subtle, but people will not pay too much attention to it. It is mainly the relationship between light. No one can see clearly the looks of this man and this woman.

But if someone sees clearly and recognizes these two people, it is estimated that they will immediately take out the phone and take this rare scene.

This man and woman are Lorraine and Pantene who are sitting together “dating” for “some reasons”.

The yingying candlelight flickered and gleamed, illuminating the delicate faces of both of them from time to time.

The handsome man and the enchanting beauty are a perfect match, but…the two of them kept their distance alive.

The two remained silent until… the band of this rooftop restaurant changed a song.

is ray; can”.

When Lorraine heard this song, Lorraine’s eyes suddenly lit up, Ray; Charles, was one of the singers he loved very much in his previous life and in this life, to be exact, a musician. While Lorraine liked his songs, he appreciated his legendary life even more. A soul singer who was blind at the age of seven and began to perform at the age of fifteen, and performed until his seventies until his death. , His life is worthy of admiration.

So, whenever I hear Ray; Charles’s song, Lorraine’s heart can’t help but sway. In fact, Lorraine is an extremely emotional person deep in his heart, but it can touch his emotional root There are few people who play the strings, but… certain works of art can easily open his heart.

Therefore, at this moment, Lorraine, following the rhythm of the music, gently lifted his fingers on the table and tapped gently.

And this scene happened to be seen by Pantene, who was sitting opposite.

Suddenly, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she said the first sentence of the two sitting here today, except for ordering.

“Mr. Luo, do you also like to listen to ray’s songs?”

This question does not have anything to do with the family position, so Lorraine didn’t need to care too much. He nodded immediately and opened his mouth to start a conversation with Pantene: “Yes, I like every song of his. .——There are so many singers in the world now, but how many can really reach the realm of ray?”

“Hehe, maybe it is precisely because he can’t see it, that’s why the music he created is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The world he sees is invisible to many healthy people. Dozens of them. In the darkness of the year, perhaps, he had already found a certain hidden color. When I was in the United States, I went to one of his concerts. Although he was very old at the time, he played happily. The piano, the way of smiling and singing happily, is always engraved in my mind.”

“Miss Pan was fortunate enough to attend Ray’s concert? I really envy… Unfortunately, when I started to really like Ray’s music, I found out that he had passed away…” Lorraine shook a little regretfully. Shaking his head, indeed, it is now 2009, and Ray; Charles died in 2004. That year, the world lost two artists that Lorraine most regretted: Leslie Cheung and Ray; Charles.

Lorraine is not a star-chaser, he just simply appreciates certain artists or literary figures.

Lorraine did not expect that he and Pantene could find a common language on these topics. In fact, it’s best for two people to talk about these seemingly unnutritious topics. Anyway, they have already met, and if you just talk a few words, it can be regarded as a closer relationship. As for what you talk about, it doesn’t matter. No harm is done.

“Hehe, I also contacted Ray himself through some channels, and took a picture with him, Mr. Low, you haven’t personally contacted Mr. Charles, so you won’t know… he is What a witty and wise artist.” Pantene is very happy to be able to find a common topic with Lorraine in this regard.

The two people are obviously not talking nonsense, they really found a common topic, and they resonated very much.

“Does Miss Pan want me to be jealous?” Lorraine smirked, then raised the glass and pursed his mouth, “Hehe, just remembered, we haven’t touched wine yet, um, think about it. Say goodbye… to the godfather of soul music.”

“Hehe, cheers.”

ps: The fourth update is here. The additional six chapters are updated. Three chapters have been completed and three chapters are still short. Now it is past four in the morning, and the body can’t hold it and needs to rest. Tomorrow, the left hand will continue to struggle~

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