My Simping System Chapter 132: Since I want to pursue stimulation (Part 1)

Since you want to pursue stimulation, follow through to the end.

There is a faint smile in Qi Xi’s bright and proud golden eyes, and the expression in her eyes seems to convey this.

Ye An couldn’t help but stared in a daze, and glanced down at the tea cup on the table.

If the cup of tea has not been drunk, then forget it; but it is obvious that there is only a little tea left in the cup, which has obviously been used by Qixi.

Ye An raises his head and looks at Qixi

——Is it really good to be so exciting?

——Of course, what are you still hesitating? Faster.

One look, both of them understand each other’s intentions.

Ye An did say that they made their relationship public in order to beat Ji Huang in the face. But now this situation is over-stimulating.

The white teacup made of porcelain is completely white without any blemishes, and there is a touch of red lipstick on the mouth of the cup. Maybe it’s lipstick? Is there a lipstick in the context of the fantasy world?

Ye An is a straight man and doesn’t understand this matter.

He tilted his head slightly and looked at everyone in the hall.

There was silence, all silent.

All those present here are fun people. After all, the love between the Son and the Empress…has nothing to do with them. On the contrary, they looked forward to Ji Huang’s reaction.

Sure enough, Ji Huang’s handsome face was extremely ugly at the moment. The brows were frowning tightly, and the sword eyebrows and eyelids were twisted tightly.


He couldn’t help it anymore, he slapped the armrest of the seat fiercely, stood up, and said: “Your Majesty, men and women are different, giving and receiving are not married, and this also violates the taboo rules established by the temple. “

“If Shengzi is thirsty and needs tea. I have a teacup, which has not been used yet, so I can present it to Shengzi.”

Everyone knows the law of taboos, but they didn’t say it clearly.

However, Ji Huang couldn’t help but jumped and pointed out this in public, which also made everyone look forward to the answers from the Empress and the Son.

At the moment, such a scene is even more exciting than the battle book.

“No, no…”

Ye An turned pale suddenly, waved his hands again and again, and said: “Today I am an outsider, and I am a guest at the Ji family. I am different from the Ji family. I can just use your Majesty’s teacup.”

The cup that Qixi had drunk…It’s so much better than the cup of Ji Huang, who is also a man! Why not say there are such good things?

Ji Huang’s complexion became more and more ugly.

He heard another meaning in Ye An’s words. What is an outsider? Ye An and Ji’s family are good outsiders.

But is your majesty today a wife?

Seeing Ye An slowly raising the teacup, even the angry Red Emperor became quiet. Only Ji Huang became more and more unable to sit still, making him look at his sweetheart and the other person’s love and affection face to face, and it was more uncomfortable than killing him.

“Holy Son, please consider carefully.”

Ji Huang said solemnly: “Your Majesty has already established a taboo rule. In the temple, you can’t talk about love privately, let alone this used teacup…!”

“Would Saint Son want to know the law and break the law and take the lead in rebellion?”

Ji Huang was anxious, and straightforwardly moved out of the temple’s taboo rules, even the word ‘treason’ was used.

This was for Ye An, but it was clearly aimed at Qixi.

This is a bad idea.

Because the makers of the law are Ye An’s people.

How do the referees and players play?

But again, this is a good strategy.

As long as Her Majesty has some shame, and some moods that don’t want to be read by everyone, then she will definitely cut off this farce by herself!

“Oh, the rule of taboo?”

Qixi’s eyes are calm and her voice is ethereal, “That rule has already been abolished.”


Ji Huang was taken aback immediately.

He pondered for a moment, his thoughts quickly searched for past memories, he didn’t know when this law was abolished!

After a while, to no avail, he couldn’t help asking: “Your Majesty, when was it abolished, I…”

Don’t wait for his whispered words to finish.

Qixi responded to him, “Just abolished.”

In an instant, there was an uproar.

The lord of Nanlin Palace, Jiang Yi, trembled slightly, and then spread out the folding fan, hiding his face and snickering.

Even if it’s the Empress of the Temple, the taboo rule doesn’t mean that you can change it. It’s too trivial. What’s the difference between it and the house?

But what is the current situation? Everyone didn’t know that maybe the empress was enough to spoil Ye An, or maybe Ji Huang had already annoyed the empress.

But all this is not important.

“Your Majesty, this…this is too hasty–“

Ji Huang stammered.

Qixi ignored him, turned her head slightly, and glanced at Ye An’s body.

Ye An held the white ceramic tea cup in his hand, staring at the faint red lipstick on the mouth of the cup.

So in the eyes of everyone.

He raised his teacup and drank it in one fell swoop. Although the tea was cold, it was as cool and refreshing as a spring in the mountains, echoing in his mouth. It seemed that there was a burst of invisible force pouring into the body, washing away the tiredness of the physical body, and then there was a stronger emotion.

Of course the most important thing is that in addition to the tea fragrance, he also tasted another light and soft fragrance. Needless to say, he naturally knows where it came from…

In front of everyone, hold the teacup used by Empress Qixi and drink it all in one go——

The stimulation is indeed the stimulation to the end.

Ye An took a long sigh of relief and slowly put down the teacup.

Seeing that Ji Huang’s face was completely dark, his eyes were sharp. He didn’t say anything, just sat back quietly.

The monstrous anger and bursts of sourness and jealousy that ignited in his heart almost filled Ji Huang’s entire consciousness, even if the Wannian glacier was difficult to melt!

The Lord of the Four Squares and the elders were in an uproar, snickering, without the stereotyped dignity that a superior person should have.

“Don’t be hasty.”

Qi Xi said lightly: “I wanted to abolish this rule, but things were busy recently and memorials were piled up, and I forgot it for a while. Thanks to Ji’s parents for reminding I just remembered this. So take this opportunity today to abolish this rule. Four hall masters, elders, what do you think?”

The two people who belonged to the temple on the side looked at each other.

After a while, they said in the same voice:

“No objections.”

Although Ji Huang relied on lavishly squandering Ji’s property, he bought a lot of people’s hearts. But in this situation, no one stood behind Ji Huang.

Qixi nodded lightly and said: “Okay, then it’s decided.”

This is just a short moment.

But for Ji Huang, it can be said that he lost money and lost his soldiers. He is the only one here who was injured alone.

“Then next…”

Qi Xi’s jade finger tapped on the armrest of the seat lightly, and calmly said: “It’s time for business today.”

This scene can only be said to be a dessert before the show, although in the eyes of many people it is more exciting than the show……

But Ji Huang’s previously dim and gloomy expression was undoubtedly swept away, and raging anger arose in the sword eyebrows and star eyes.

He can finally vent his anger!

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