The Lame Daoist Priest: Verse 542: The weird soul rule!, the fastest update of the latest chapters of the Taoist priest!


I quickly looked up! I saw the other party wearing a cartoon duck mask, and my face was solemn: “Who are you? Why do you want to wear a duck mask?”

“Damn it!” An angry voice came from under the duck mask: “Do you have a problem with your eyes? This is the duck’s mask? This is obviously the goose’s mask! I am the ultimate boss of the book! Xiao, Fei , Goose!”

Jason was shocked: “What? You are the most cheating author in the universe, Little Flying Goose? It was you who portrayed me into a mentally retarded, psychopathic, and bad breath monster beast? I’m fighting with you!” /

A scornful laugh came from under the mask of the big goose: “Hmph, haven’t you realized the gap between us? I have invincible rules! Author rules! Now I announce that the whole play is over, everyone Go to sleep…”)


End of the show? Of course it’s fake…just a joke.

Okay, that’s all for the joke, and the text starts below.



I didn’t have time to watch carefully, because the attack was about to hit me! I can only use space teleportation to escape quickly!

After I escaped, that terrifying rule attack directly hit the puppet! !

However… there was no explosion as imagined, and the puppet was not damaged at all! How is this going? When the rule hit, I had a very strong feeling that if I didn’t avoid it, I would definitely be seriously injured!

The rule gave me a familiar feeling, as if I had seen it somewhere…At this moment, Jason whispered: “I fuck! It’s the soul rule!”

Soul rules? Yes! I finally remembered where I have seen this kind of rule! It’s on “Edith”! It is precisely because this is the rule of the soul that the magical scene just appeared!

The puppet was hit but did not cause any damage, because the soul rule only attacks the soul and does not cause physical damage. And the puppet…I’m sorry, the puppet has no soul, so it is unharmed.

I looked up at the figure and found that it was not someone else, it was the strange old man! Hair and beard are white, eyes are hollow! How could he attack me suddenly? Last time I obviously used the name of “City Lord of Curse” to restrain him!

This guy must have been a super strong before his death, only a trace of remnant soul can have such a powerful attack power! The rules of the soul are very scary, and if you are not careful, you will be recruited. I don’t want to fight him. Moreover, his strength is terrifying, just a ray of remnant soul, I am afraid he has the strength of the pinnacle of the earth…

I am going to move out the title of “City Lord of Coors” to scare him: “This senior, don’t you remember me?”

“Of course I remember, you are bold and dare to deceive me.” The old man said with empty eyes: “Edith has investigated your details. You don’t know’Philomena’, let alone her queen. People.”

The lie has been exposed? I am not going to continue to pretend, and said with a smile: “Edith’s intelligence is not accurate enough, in fact, I have a relationship with the Lord of Kurth…’Edith’ has accepted your inheritance, right? No wonder She will have soul rules and reach the heavenly level in such a short time.”

“Your progress is not slow.”

“Thank you senior for the compliment.” I looked around and said faintly: “Senior’s underground world is really a good place. Few people can find it here. Even if they find it, they will be trapped in this place forever until death. Even if you do some secret activities here, you don’t have to be afraid of being discovered.”

The hollow eyes of the old man restored some color: “What did you find?”

I shrugged my shoulders: “I didn’t find anything, I just figured out one thing… Originally I was still wondering why Edith would have so many earth-level demon pills for the puppet to use as energy. It turns out she Behind you is a super master like you. According to my estimation, you should have been an exterminating master before you were alive, right? Dozens of earth-level demon pills are nothing to you.”

The old man’s eyes returned to hollow again: “Sometimes, knowing too much is not a good thing.”

I smiled: “You didn’t intend to let me go, did you?”

“Since you have discovered it, you can’t get out of here alive.”

I smiled and said: “In my opinion, you can only play out the strength of the top level? If so, then I don’t know who will die.”

“Wrong.” The old man said with empty eyes: “Even if I can only use the strength of the early stage, I can easily kill you. After all, my perception and combat experience are still there.”

“Are you sure you want to be an enemy of Reincarnation City? This is a felony!” I continued to scare him.

He is right. His combat experience must be very rich. Coupled with the weird soul rules, I really don’t want to do it with him…

“I’m just a ray of remnant soul. This is the last thing I did for my apprentice before I dissipated. After killing you two, and then killing all those people a hundred kilometers away, the secret is not It will leak.”

I sighed slightly: “It seems that you are determined to fight Samsara City, Jason, kill them!”

The old man looked at Jason with empty eyes: “You demon pill, I will accept it.”

“Damn it! I’m not his subordinate! Big brother, no, senior, listen to me…” Jason wanted to explain, but the old man didn’t give him a chance at all, and directly hit him with a soul rule!

Jason dodged and looked at me with murderous eyes: “Damn it! You pit me!”

I shrugged my shoulders: “You can’t blame me, I didn’t say that you are my subordinate, he guessed it by himself.”

“Damn it! Then don’t you come over and help me?!”

Holding my shoulders, I asked with a relaxed look: “This is your attitude towards asking for help?”

The old man’s offensive is very fierce! Jason could only dodge with his own speed, and was unable to fight back at all! The one who was beaten for a while is in jeopardy! Life is in danger at any time! He frantically asked: “Damn it! What do you want?”

I deliberately said slowly and slowly: “That’s it. Recently I want to form a new squadron. The whole team is full of repairers above the prefecture level, but no one joins it. This makes me a headache.”

“I join! I tm join!” Jason yelled frantically: “Come here and help me! I’m going to be killed!”

“Well, I will believe you once.” As soon as the voice fell, a dozen spatial channels appeared beside the old man in an instant! At the same time, Long Yan with a strong Yang Qi sprayed out from the space channel! It’s like a flamethrower! Force the old man back in an instant! !

Although he is a master, but now he is only in the state of soul. If he is hit by Dragon Flame head-on, he will definitely be seriously injured, so he has to hide!

Jason took a few breaths and looked at me angrily: “Cunning human!!”

I ignored him, but looked at the old man, smiled and asked: “Senior, how did I do that? Just restrain you?”

“Yes, you really have something strange.”

“Thank you senior for the compliment, the junior has a suggestion, it’s better not to fight again. I just want to take these three puppets, how about giving me personal affection as senior?”

The old man did not answer, but directly attacked me!

A look burst into his hollow eyes!

At this moment, I felt my soul was shocked! Floating motionless in the air!

At the same time, the old man’s body moved and grabbed my head! !

Jason shouted from the side: “Hurry up! He wants to grab your soul!”

At this critical moment, I finally came back to my senses! A wall of fire appeared in front of him out of thin air, spouting a lot of flames on the side of the old man! Strong Yang Qi is mixed in the flame! The old man had to avoid his edge and was repelled by me again!

Sure risk just now!

Is that ‘soul shock’? It is similar to my space imprisonment, both can have a short-term freeze effect! If the soul was caught just now, I would be dead! Without a body, I can at best display the strength of a fourth-level cultivator!

“Jason, don’t be stunned, go and deal with those three puppets!”

“Cut, you order me?” Jason said disdainfully: “I just agreed to join the squadron just anxiously. Do you really think I am yours?”

“If you don’t want to die, just do what I said.” After that, I stopped paying attention to him and looked at the line of fate of the old man!

I didn’t want to use the rules of fate! But the old man is too dangerous! If you hide again, you may pay a heavy price.

The fate of the old man flashed before my eyes, many, many…I don’t know how many years he lived! Very troublesome to read! Just when I was flipping through it, he attacked me again! An invisible shock wave hit me!

The soul rules are really weird enough, and they deserve to be called advanced rules. In addition, the old man has a lot of skills, but I just entered the prefecture level, and I was very passive.

Faced with the attack of the three puppets, Jason was also very embarrassed. He cried out crying: “Brother… Captain! Come and help me!”

“I don’t know who can help me!” I said while throwing a fireball.

The fireball is mixed with Yang Qi, I use the space rules to transmit it to the old man, and then it detonates instantly!

The old man has a lot of memory fragments. I have searched for so long, but I still haven’t gained the slightest gain. Instead, he wounded him with a fireball. Although his soul rules are weird, but my ‘space’ is also a high-level rule, and it is naturally impossible to evade the weirdness!

(Three changes today.)

(Official event: Tomorrow Xiaofeigo will be a guest in the Motie live broadcast room, the time is 10:30-11:30 noon, everyone is welcome to come by then, you can ask me questions, and I will answer them one by one. Tomorrow, Mo A link with red letters will appear at the top of the homepage of After clicking it, you can enter. Book friends are welcome to come and participate in the interaction. Finally, thank you for your continued support.)

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