Harry Potter’s Book of Sin Chapter 1922: “We”

Speaking of which, these days, Mrs. Maxim was able to withstand the pressure brought by the resistance of the members of the Alliance, and the two people must be the most indispensable.

First, it is of course that Percy Weasley is always on the front line, instead of Hermione orderly commanding this Weymouth camp wizard team for field construction and defense; and the second is actually based on Blow The name of the Wah family, the old housekeeper of the German Brandt family, the most restless German brand in the league.

Since the Resistance Alliance settled in Brussels, the capital of Belgium, Hermione is responsible for frontline deployment and Mrs. Maxim is responsible for liaison and coordination. The two often leave. But the old butler stayed here all the time, becoming the only candidate to hold his foot in the “rear”.

And I have to say that the name of the Blois family is still very useful, as the family’s consistent external spokesperson-at least in the European magic world, no power will not sell him.

However, this disaster now has a bearing on the life and death of many people and forces. Under the threat of distress, each party has its own different minds.

The old butler can feel that the league has become increasingly unstable.

“Mr. Butler, the Brandt’s family had secretly contacted the Valdemar family in Denmark and the Vassar family in Switzerland last night—the Brandt’s family invited the young people of the other two families in the name of nephews. Wizard, went to their family to hold a small dinner, and the two consul generals of those two families also followed.”

“Well,” the old housekeeper who was standing at the window holding a teacup nodded, “Do you know what they talked about?”

“It’s not very clear,” the family wizard standing aside shook his head slightly. “The butler of Brandt’s house took the two consuls to a deeper room, where the protection is very tight-considering that there are It may be noticed that our people did not continue to follow up.”

“Very good,” the old butler said, “but you can go to Switzerland alone tonight and find Vassar’s house to test it. You know, this generation of Patriarch of the Vassar’s family never reaches out. A person with a clear enough mind, it is unlikely that he will agree to what the Brandt’s requirements are.”

“I see,” the wizard said suddenly, “then I will arrange it in advance.”

Seeing the old housekeeper nod slightly, he just jumped in for a while and turned into a brown fruit bat flapping its wings and quickly flew out of the window. Judging by the speed of his transformation, he is obviously a very good Animagus.

After the family wizard left, the old housekeeper took another sip of the black tea in the cup, and then couldn’t help but sigh slightly.

“Most of the people on the front line are struggling selflessly, but the people behind will only play with conspiracies…Miss Granger, in fact, you don’t need to hesitate, just follow your heart and do what you want to do. Now. The magic world has accumulated too much dirt over the years. At such a critical juncture, there is absolutely no need to hold one’s footsteps for them!”

Listening to this sigh of the old housekeeper, it seems that she still supports Hermione and the others for their rather irresponsible departure.

But think about it, just looking at the current resistance alliance, it seems that it lacks a decisive momentum from beginning to end. If it were peacetime, it might be understandable to disturb the muddy water, but now we are facing an unprecedented enemy who seems to destroy everything at any time!

Under such circumstances, many forces still act procrastinated and have ambiguous attitudes, and even some families are still secretly calculating their own careful thoughts.

Such alliances, to be honest, don’t do it.

Thinking of this, the old butler couldn’t help but sighed again, and then involuntarily whispered:

“I don’t know what happened to the owner and the young lady.”

However, before the voice was over, he suddenly heard a sound of footsteps in the corridor outside the room, and moved closer and closer.

“Tuk tuk tuk tuk.”

“Old housekeeper, are you there? This is Charlie Weasley.”

The second child of the Weasley family in England has been working in a dragon farm in Romania since graduating from Hogwarts. And nowadays, riding a very special Norwegian Ridgeback on the battlefield many times, the old steward of course knows very well.

“Please come in.”

While speaking in response, the old butler casually placed the teacup on the table beside him, and turned and walked towards the door.

“Sir, excuse me.”

Charlie opened the door, hurried in with Statham from outside, and brought the door back again.

“Why are you here in Belgium? Oh, and this young lady–” The old butler smiled kindly, and then greeted him, “Come on, sit down! Speak slowly when you have something to do. …Would you like a cup of tea?”

“This is Kate Statham, who has been living in the U.S. not long ago…oh, no more.” Charlie waved his hand quickly, “I just have a more urgent news, I need to discuss it with you— -Percy and I were bothered before, who should discuss this matter with whom is more appropriate, after deliberation, I still have to talk to the old gentleman.”

Originally, he wanted to introduce Statham by the way, but when he saw the old housekeeper, he was going to pour tea, so he couldn’t take care of it. However, he and Statham sat down at the afternoon tea table according to the old housekeeper’s words.

“Well, since it’s urgent, let’s talk about it!”

The old butler also sat down, then nodded and said.

“Okay…actually, it’s about Maca…and the owner and the young lady of your family.”

“About the Patriarch and Miss?”

As soon as Mr. Blois and Willie were mentioned, the expression of the old housekeeper finally became serious.

“What happened to them?”

“Oh~IndoMTL.com~ please don’t worry, Mr. Blois and Miss are okay.” Charlie waved his hand quickly, “The problem is only with Maca who is with them——”

The process of Charlie’s meeting with Maca is not complicated, or in other words, Maca didn’t actually say much to him. After talking about the specific experience with Percy, Charlie has completely straightened out the whole thing-well, at least on the surface it is correct.

After repeating what he had told Percy to the old housekeeper, he only hesitated somewhat:

“Sir, what do you think…what should we do?”

What the old housekeeper says are all elders. With Charlie’s personality, there is really no way to say anything demanding. So he could only use the word “us” vaguely, and then it all depends on whether the old butler sees the word as Charlie and Percy, or whether to add another old butler himself.


However, for the time being, what “us” is not “us” is a matter of fact. When it comes to the owner of the family, the old housekeeper is obviously hesitant at this time.

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