Power and Empire Chapter 1268: Luminous

  ” buried these corpses on the spot, and the army moved on. “The fat man’s sharp gaze, with a little surprise, swept over a dozen corpses that were shot like hedgehogs, and his eyebrows were slightly frowned.


   He did not expect that he would suddenly encounter the Black Forest rebels in the dense forest fifty miles away from Umuto, but the timeline of the middle of the night has passed, and he does not allow him much time to think about it. In any case, he must be at dawn I saw the camp of the Black Forest rebels before,


  ”Your Majesty, I think something is wrong!”


   Beside him, a sturdy-looking middle-aged general whispered worriedly, “These Black Forest soldiers brought hunting dogs with them, proving that these people ran into us. It was an accident. Their target It should be someone else, and they also fired a rocket into the air just now. It should be a signal for finding a certain target or asking for help. The ability to search here from the battlefield is enough to prove that the target they are searching for is very important. “


  ” Do you mean that Jaglins, the commander of the Second Cavalry Banner of the Southern Army, the Sukhs have failed? No way, although their total strength is not as good as the coalition forces, they also occupy a geographical advantage. If you guard Umuto , Should be able to support more than 5 days at least.” The fat man looked at him unexpectedly. This person is the commander of the Second Cavalry Banner of the Southern Army, Jaglins, who arrived this morning.


  ”If the Sukhs really rely on the ebony support of Jiancheng as his Majesty believed, they will be afraid that they will choose to take the initiative!” Jaglins said solemnly, “Your Majesty, don’t forget, now However, winter is the season when the Black Forest is extremely short of food, and there are very few animals in the forest. Because of the sudden incident, the Sukh people must be able to store insufficient food.


   In order to avoid the oasis outside the city where food can be provided, it will eventually become a part of the coalition forces. It is very likely that the Sukhs will take the initiative! And the most likely place to fight should be the Bianhe River Defense Line, the entrance to the Umutuo Oasis.


   The entrance is narrow and the river is rushing. For the Sukhs of Umutuo, it is a natural defensive line, but they forgot that it is the dry season and the entire river is empty. If you can detect the water depth in advance If it is, it is not impossible even to swim on foot! According to the superior strength of the coalition forces, they can easily defeat their obstacles, and then directly press down the Umu Tuo”


   “Biang River?” The fat man said the place name in a low voice with solemn expression, his eyes flashed with a cold light, and the condensed voice suddenly asked, “How far is the Biang River from us now?”


   “Less than ten miles!” Yaglins replied very positively. As the commander of a mobile cavalry unit, Yaglins needs to know in advance that those places are conducive to the cavalry fighting in the same area, and those may become The difficult ground makes it difficult for the cavalry to exercise mobility. Once the governor issues an order to enter the Black Forest, he will let his cavalry be the first to reach Umuto. For this reason, it is said that he has been able to close the map of the Black Forest area with his eyes closed. Draw it out


  ”So, the enemy’s camp is very close to us!”


   The fat man touched his chin carefully. He was not familiar with the environment of the Black Forest. However, as a Southern Army, Jaglins had already had a comprehensive understanding of the Black Forest, and he had also taken advantage of business opportunities to personally accompany him. The caravan traversed the entire Black Forest area. This time received an order from His Majesty Falcon to request a southern army general familiar with the Black Forest area to cooperate in the march. The Southern Governor Statunko first thought of him,


   The Second Cavalry Regiment of Yaglins. Generally speaking, it is a light cavalry group with about 7,000 people. Because it is the fastest cavalry unit, the Jaglins that received the order was the earliest The army united with Fatty,


   With the arrival of the Second Cavalry Standard Regiment and Riposti’s Third Infantry Regiment, Fatty can personally command more than 15,000 troops. Considering the limited time that the Sukhs can persist, After the fat man asked Statunko to send a two-way entry into the Black Forest battle plan, he brought 15,000 people to the Sukh area in advance, but he did not expect to encounter this accident on the way.


   “If it is true as you have analyzed, it is very likely that the Black Forest Rebels have breached the Bian River!” The fat man’s voice stopped, and his expression was cautious. “And this time in the Black Forest Rebels, it is still There is a guy who has studied the tactics of the Sukh cavalry for a long time. If he deliberately set up an ambush, it is entirely possible to annihilate the Sukh cavalry on the Bian River.”


   “What your Majesty said, is the culprit behind the attack on the transport team?” Yaglins asked hesitantly


  ” used the attack on the transport team to attract the attention of the empire, and then used the Sukh tribe to attack and attacked the ebony in one fell swoop. It was really seamlessly arranged. “There was a trace of killing in the fat man’s eyes,


   He also only learned of the unexpected news. In the Battle of Umuto, Ferrantil, the descendant of the prophet who claimed to be the son of the sky, was defeated and arrested. The prison escaped. Although the Southern Governor-General Statunko has ordered a stern investigation of the matter, and has issued a search order throughout the southern part of Salander, and has also posted Ferrantil’s portrait everywhere, but nothing was found.


   The son of the sky seems to have evaporated from the world. Although Statunko once wanted the other party to enter the Black Forest, a blank area in the south, but taking into account the complicated situation in the Black Forest, he has always No search order was issued, but people were secretly sent to search in the forest. According to the information that came back, in the Black Forest, the most powerful punk tribe found a person with similar body and behavior, but he was always in a black robe. Cover, so I can’t be completely sure


   But as soon as he received the fat man’s order, Statunko immediately concluded that it was this person who attacked the convoy, because the news came back from the eyeliner of the punk tribe, just a few days ago, this The mysterious black-robed men took 300 punk warriors out, but fewer than 50 people came back, and everyone was injured. That night, the punk sent an order to advance to the entire Sukh army. The order, calculated from time, is exactly the time when the transport team was attacked.


  ” In fact, why are we guessing here, “The fat man stopped the horse and suddenly shouted to the guard cavalry behind him, “Ritatang, with your Kujit’s first tracking technique, you can be in this dense forest, Find what the other person is looking for? I want to know what these people are looking for!”


  ” Your majesty can rest assured, as long as there are traces, there is no chance of escaping my eyes. “As the response sounded, a cavalry captain of about 30 years old came out of the queue behind him, with a thick face on his face. With confidence, he respectfully saluted the fat man, and said, “But this dense forest is a bit big, and I need some scouts as a helper!”


   “This is not a problem!” Jaglins turned and rode to the front of the cavalry queue behind, shouting, “The first and second scout teams are out! Two teams of light cavalry with crossbows followed the orders and followed neatly. The back team will not come out


  ”From now on, this man’s order will be my order!” Jaglins pointed to Rita Tang and shouted, “Does everyone understand?”


  ”Accomplished” the scout cavalry responded neatly


  ”Thank you!” Redangta nodded to Yaglins with a sense of emotion, and issued an order “Everyone follow me,”


   Hundreds of light-armored scout cavalry who heard the order, like the wind, separated from both sides of the group, followed closely behind the guard cavalry captain, and dived into the dense forest covered by darkness in front of them.


  The armors on their bodies are very thin, and the horses are extremely fast, like a huge fan from the woods. The grass is as high as the horse’s belly, and it meets the position of the horse’s crotch, engraved with the maple red leaf emblem. The cavalry shield made a rustle,


   Facing the cold moonlight overhead, the huge search net quickly spread from the gap between the forest trees. The moonlight shone a cold halo on the black armor, and some frightened night birds flew into the air in horror. , Turned into countless black spots


  No one speaks, only dense horseshoes, stepping on the fluffy and dry leaves on the surface of the forest, making a low and crisp cracking sound, the whole night is dying, and the air is filled with a heavy atmosphere,


   “Stop!” The Redenta at the front suddenly stopped the horse. He got down from above, squatted on the ground and pushed aside the woodland weeds, and soon found a bunch of messy traces in the grass, one of them The more frivolous footprints attracted his attention, and the few blood spots on the ground appeared dark red in the soil


  As a senior Kujit scout, Redangta knows very well that the prey being pursued is often extremely weak or injured, although the opponent is very good at covering up his whereabouts, and as much as possible He was looking for dense weeds to conceal the traces, but this did not escape his sharp and sophisticated eyes. In the freshness of the forest, the faint smell of blood was difficult to cover up, and Redenta’s nose was in the entire West Library. Kitts are all very famous. There are rumors that even if they are separated by 2 kilometers, they can sensitively distinguish the taste of male and female wolves


   Following the traces of discovery, the scout cavalry began to gather the range, and the big net closed. A few minutes later, the news of the target was soon sent back from the front.” Your Majesty, we found a fainted one 140 meters ahead. Woman”


   “Let’s see!” The fat man heard the report and his face was gloomy. He quickly urged his horse to run to the position where the scout was reporting. In front of a dense weed pile, the scouts formed a circle, Rui Tang After the tower saluted him, he carefully removed the weeds on the ground to cover,


   pointed to a figure inside and said, “It was her, and she passed out when she was discovered! There are blood stains on the ground, but it should not be fatal! It should be after excessive exercise, plus fatigue and hunger, so it is transient. ‘S fainting passed”


  Ritangta analyzed it professionally and said that he did not notice at all. His Majesty Falcon was cautiously squatting down and drawing the woman’s scattered red hair in the pile with his hands, and her eagle-eyed pupils shrank slightly.


   “It’s really Su Ke Lark!” By the moonlight, the beautiful face of the woman was reflected in the eyelids, the fat man took a breath of air, and his hands trembled slightly. The prediction was confirmed. The Black Forest coalition forces had already penetrated Su Ke. The defensive line of the clan, and severely damaged the proud cavalry of the Sukh clan, otherwise the Sukh Lark would not fall to the end of the hunt,


  ” Come, take her to the military doctor immediately!” The fat man stood up and shouted sternly, although this woman has met him several times, but he can’t just watch her die slowly. The scouts hurriedly Carry Sukh Lark onto a war horse,


   “Your Majesty, look now…” The Second Cavalry Banner Commander Jaglins asked cautiously. Even a fool can see that this woman and Your Majesty Falcon are a little confused. As for what the relationship is, it doesn’t matter, what matters is whether His Majesty Falcon will continue to march.


  ”Tell Riposti, the combat objective has changed, and the Bianhe River! Before dawn, I will launch an attack” The fat man took the reins of the war horse from the guard, turned on his horse, and said with a grim expression on his face


  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


   “Come on, let us toast the Ebony Tomorrow!” In the barracks on the river beach, the punk patriarch Punk Pasteur raised his wine glass to the patriarchs of all races who were sitting around the blazing bonfire. Exclaimed enthusiastically,


   is surrounded by carnival soldiers. In the day of the battle, although the coalition forces have paid 3,000 casualties, they have also wiped out the resistance of the Sukh people. What is now in front of everyone is nothing. The resistance ebony tuo, like a beauty who is about to be stripped naked, is about to face a group of mobs armed to the teeth, the morale of the coalition forces is greatly boosted, in some cases, the war has ended early


In the    camp, countless burning fires illuminate the sky, eclipsing the stars in the sky. The door of the largest camp in the middle of the camp is filled with red cuckoos that symbolize victory. In the huge camp, the lights are brightly lit, the voices are noisy, and the toasts of “Long live Pasteur” are mixed in the middle from time to time.


   The burning fire light illuminates the flushed faces of soldiers of all ethnic groups. The military band of the Talsi Military Academy is playing a melodious march. Several thick-voiced bass are singing along with the tune, winning the officer. Our bursts of applause. The atmosphere is full of enjoyment.


   “Cheers, for the black forest!” The emotionally muscular Patriarch Spears raised his glass and shouted loudly.


   “For the Black Forest!” The patriarchs of all races responded in unison, and they also raised their glasses and drank them, and everyone laughed together.


  ”Now, Patriarch Pasteur should be able to tell us, is the treasure of the prophet really in Emu Tuo?”


   Duan Tukas got up from his seat and asked as if he was drunk, and as soon as his words came out, the patriarchs around him calmed down, and everyone’s eyes swept away. Punk Patriarch, Punk Pasteur, who froze in the air with a glass of wine,


   Many of the patriarchs here went to the rumored treasure of the prophet. At the beginning, the prophet Ferran was exiled from the temple. It is said that the exile was the Black Forest, and the first generation of builders of Umto was also back then Several tribes who were exiled along with the prophet were built. From the perspective of various relationships, it is not groundless to say that Umutuo was the place where the great prophet Ferran was buried!


  ” It’s true!” Feeling everyone’s gaze, Punk Pasteur’s cunning face showed a smile very promptly, very bewilderingly. “You should remember that the sky teaches a few months ago. There is nothing to attack Umutuo and call it a holy place. Don’t forget, the Sky Cultists are fanatics of the Prophet Feilan. Umutuo is the last place where the prophet’s bones are buried. He told me, are there any of you? Isn’t the ancestor of the young man a vassal of the prophet? Everyone should be well aware of how terrible the power the prophet had at the beginning, and the direct descendant of the prophet Ferrandier, is in our barracks at this moment! Aside from this, only the hundreds of years of wealth in Wumutuo will be enough for us to survive this winter safely!”


  ” Ferrantil is also in our barracks, is this true!” Duan Tukas’s face changed, and he continued to ask, “I heard that there are reports of his arrests being posted everywhere now, if If we contain him, will it attract the attention of the Falcons? After all, with our strength, we still cannot really contend with the empire, just in case…”


   “Nothing” a slightly hoarse voice interrupted his speech, giving people an unpleasant feeling, “Although Falcon is powerful, he is not an omnipresent **** after all, as long as we advance fast enough Hurry, when they notice it, they have to admit the fact that they have been completed, unless the empire goes to war on the Black Forest. This possibility is too small. If the empire wants to go to war, it would have been opened long ago, and there will be waiting until now! It can be guaranteed that within ten days, the empire’s eyes will not see here!”


   “Why are you so sure!”


   Duane Newcastle’s voice stopped, his eyes shot at the mysterious black-robed man next to Punk Pasteur, because he was always covered by black robes~IndoMTL.com~The patriarchs didn’t know him. He’s not physically fit, but he knows that this is a strategic genius. This time the ambush of the Sukh cavalry and breaking the Bianhe defense line in one fell swoop was the arrangement of the black-robed man. Hearing this, the patriarchs felt The tension is also reduced a bit


   “Hehe, three days ago, an imperial transport team on the border was attacked. This should be enough to keep them busy for a while!” The black-robed man sneered at the corner of his mouth, and the complacency in it was clear. Reveal it


  ” is really a bold and effective plan! “After listening to the explanation of the black-robed men, the patriarchs shouted excitedly” Come, let us work harder and take down the ebony support tomorrow! The water of the Bianhe River slapped the warm pebbles on both sides, and the current scoured and collided, making a brisk sound of water, which also covered some abnormal sounds


  The moonlight floats down like water. In the darkness, the boundary between light and darkness lies in the forest not far from the riverbank. As a black line advances, it is divided into two dark sides. One side is the dense forest under the moonlight, and the branches swaying in the kind night wind form a dreamlike tranquil scene. On the other side of the forest, It is the black shadow that is gradually expanding, like a black cloud, gradually covering the sight of the moonlight, it is a dense black with a dense breath of suffocation,


  Occasionally, I can see a few deep and dark black reflections. If someone looks at it from a height at this moment, they will find a dense forest less than 100 meters away from the brightly lit camp. It is like an island and reef that is gradually being submerged by the black tide. (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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