The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 2734: Don’t fall behind (5)

During the scuffle, a white figure looked up suddenly, his almost crazy eyes locked on the beam of light.

“Hahaha! Protoss! Protoss awakened! Shen Yanxiao! You did not disappoint me! Haha! The strongest mixed blood, the strongest mixed blood !!” Ouyang Huanyu gave an extremely excited smile.

The holiness is so holy. No one but the Protoss can emit such a holy light.

The protoss blood of Shen Yanxiao finally awakens!

The dazzling light gradually faded from the shining light, and a figure was revealed from that light.

A long black hair flutters in the wind. On the beautiful face, those golden eyes are so bright!

“You all **** it. You … all **** it.” The golden eyes narrowed slightly, Shen Yanxiao’s hands slowly raised, and the powerful sacred power condensed on her hands.

When the sacred power exploded, all demons within a hundred meters of Shen Yanxiao were swept away!

A fusion of eight races!

existence that truly transcends God!

“In my name, open the door to the world for you!” Shen Yanxiao’s voice echoed around.

Honestly, the bleak sky of the barren land was torn fiercely, and a huge figure protruded from the rift.

Black dragon scales, red eyes.

Lord of the Fantasy, Deathwing!

After the beast tide, Deathwing once again comes to the bright continent!

This time, it is no longer attracted by the wailing of the child, it is led here by a powerful force, showing its power as the master of the fantasy world.

“I’ll be happy to help you.” The red eyes of Deathwing flickered slightly, the huge body flew out of the crack, and the huge dragon wings opened became huge shadows in the sun!

In the sky, all flying monsters have been attacked by Deathwing, and the anger of Deathwing has devoured countless monsters!

Satan, who is at war with Xiu, looks at the giant in the sky in amazement.

The last appearance of Death Wing was just an accident. He never expected that Shen Yanxiao could summon Death Wing again!

The awakening of Shen Yan Xiao’s bloodline completely merges the bloodlines of the eight major races in her body. Even if she does not need to change races, she can use the power of any race at will and fuse them together.

Now, even the superior **** is not her opponent!

In the sorrow of despair, Shen Yanxiao finally opened the last seal.

The power of absolute peak, let her know everything she can use in an instant!

Summoning Deathwing is just the beginning.

She will let the demons sacrifice her teachers and those lost heroes with blood.

After the death wings left, the rift between the fantasy world and the bright continent was not closed, and more and more fantasy beasts poured out of the rift, instantly covering the entire sky.

The wolves stared at the fantasy beasts densely in the sky.

Phantoms and Warcraft cooperate with each other, and almost half of the monsters in the sky will be destroyed in a very short time.

Standing behind Shen Yanxiao, the evil wolf couldn’t see Shen Yanxiao’s expression at all.

It’s just that he knows that the current lord is stronger than ever, and after that seemingly thin back, he feels truly unprecedented peace of mind.

Their lord seems to be incredibly powerful!

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