The Original Seeker Chapter 568: Loop

“I’m just for your good.” Xingju said, facing the questioning group of people, like his mother was teaching a child.


   No one has taught it the dignity of a strong man. It only knows that it should do everything it can to restore the lost hearts.


   “Don’t speak in that disgusting tone.”


   “The Source Seed is a dead end to the ruthless people. It can only stop here. I have no way to watch you continue and endanger the world.”


   “You don’t understand, hinder the way, never die!”


   “I never die!”


   “I never die!”




   Under the leadership of the first few people, the family’s army burst out with waves of roars, frantically telling their dissatisfaction.


  The violent sound made the surrounding air vibrate violently, setting off a hurricane that was not big or small.


   The sand and rocks under the people’s feet are walking around in the gusty wind. Under the blessing of this level of storm, ordinary stones have gained bullet-like power. If ordinary people are present, they may become thousands of bodies in a few seconds. Sore holes.


   It’s only a pity that the lower limit of the strength on the field is also a dragon-level warrior whose ordinary bullets are ineffective. The rubble hit them, except for the clanging impact, not even a few white seals are left.


  The trees in the distance were hit by the disaster. They were trembling and shivering. The debris that was also stirred up by the strong wind broke countless branches abruptly.




   These people who have been on top of the blood for thousands of years, after they learned the truth, they couldn’t bear the restriction of outsiders on their pursuit of greater power and longer life, even if it was in the name of love.


   Someone may have guessed the truth before, but due to the absolute difference in power, even if they have complaints in their hearts, they never dare to burst out in person as they do now.


  Because they know that the ancestors are the gods of the wild world, killing anyone who resists is a matter of thought, and struggling is meaningless.


   It wasn’t until someone told them in private that Xingju couldn’t take the initiative to harm any of them, that it was the first time he had a plan to “guard against the sky”.




   God-level bloodline warriors, as long as they are not directly thrown into the lair of evil spirits, no matter where they are exiled, they will not have their lives in danger.


   This time the evil spirits came out and confronted the family’s army in Cold Fallen City. It happened that even the only killing of Star Torch was eliminated, otherwise they would not dare to rebel openly.


   I have seen too many examples of fighting alone and being killed by evil spirits in hundreds of thousands of wars.




   “Birth, old age, sickness and death happily, becoming part of the golden age cycle, why are you still not satisfied?” Xingju looked at the aristocratic legion who was excited and wanted to compete with the gods.


  ”We are not the leeks that you harvest one after another! We are flesh and blood!”


  ”Planting in spring and harvesting in autumn, cyclically, that is the crop!”


  During the years of contact with the Ark, the natives of the wild world have learned a lot of things from the earth.


   “Leek? Did I take anything from you?” His doubts deepened.


   Star Torch also knows that the earth civilization behind the Ark has the concept of a plant and extension of leeks, but it didn’t want to understand how it would become a sickle for cutting leeks without any contribution from the family.


   “Freedom, future, hope!”


  ”…” My dear Comrade Ai cannot understand these terms in a human way.


   For it, everyone must have its own meaning and role. Take itself as an example. The only value of existence is to complete the tasks left by the creator and maintain the golden age forever.


   Others should play their roles in peace, reincarnation of life and death.


  Freedom is equivalent to the completion of the task. If you lose your existence value, you should destroy yourself in the next second.


   As for the future, the endless golden age is the best future. It is the best known solution. There should be no second answer at all.


   “A future without a future is not the future we want!” A rather slogan came from the army, and the sound caused several tornadoes.


   “Today’s wind is a bit noisy.” Facing the morale of the rebels, Star Torch stretched out a mountain-like transparent giant from the sky, gently smoothing the restless air.


   The shadow of the palms enveloped most of the soldiers. They all raised their heads to look up at Tian Qing’s hand, and the indignation that had just aroused disappeared instantly.


   A natural disaster comparable to a hurricane was so lightly appeased.




   “Master of the White Land, please fulfill your promise.” Duan Dehuai, who was almost unable to lift his head by the star torch power, pleaded with both hands in his fists towards the half sky filled with white light.


   “One in ten chance, have you decided?” asked a voice in the sky who didn’t know where it came from.


   “We have lived to the point where there is only hope left.” Several old god-level warriors stepped out.


   “As you wish.”


   “A great way to the sky, open!” An invisible wave spread, and thirteen lights fell from the sky like meteors, covering thirteen god-level figures.


   was trapped at the **** level for hundreds of years. Seeing my lifespan diminish day by day, the kind of despair repeatedly bites their hearts.


   breakthrough has become the only obsession of many old antiques.


   Most of their lives have been spent in cultivation. Except for the evil hunting war once every twenty years, almost all of the remaining time is devoted to cultivation.


   can’t move on, and it’s not much different from death.


   So even if it might cost my life for this, I have to bet that there is less than a tenth chance of success.




   “Impossible! You are a ruthless Taoist, how can you create a solution to Daohua!” Xingju didn’t expect It was originally an absolute dead end in its eyes, but it was actually run by someone already on the dead People walked out of their way.


   “Cultivation is going against the sky. My way is just to make death come later.” Bai Mo said lightly.




   “click, click,…”


  The four words “Going against the sky” from Bai Mo’s mouth seemed to have touched some secret mechanism, causing dozens of monsters and evil lords to suddenly jump out of the chaotic army.


   They use ten to make up the head, ten make up the left hand, ten make up the right hand, ten make up the left foot, ten make up the right foot, and ten make up the torso. They melt their bodies and build one The giant phantom standing up and down.


  ”Yuanwuchu?!” The moment the giant phantom appeared, Xingju had already recognized it. It was a phantom with the power of Yuanwuchu.


  Because of the original setting, Xingju has no feelings for his creator, or even extreme hatred.

  ) Book friends, hurry up and pay attention!

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