Indestructible God King Chapter 751: Public opinion builds momentum

The capital of the ghoul dynasty, the capital of ghouls and gods! National Teacher’s House!


The ghoul country teacher walked out of the practice room, and at the door, a group of disciples were waiting.

“Master, are you out of the gate? Is your injury better?” a disciple asked curiously.

The ghoul national teacher turned his head and hushed: “I’m much better as a teacher. Three hundred catties of heaven supervise the pumice stone? Huh, **** Wang Ke! Has he been assassinated?”

“Uh!” The disciple looked complicated.

“What’s the matter? Didn’t you let your senior brother assassinate Wang Ke? He is the first assassin of the ghoul dynasty. He has excellent archery skills and has a hundred shots. He has never missed his hand, otherwise I would not accept him as a disciple. , Allow him to be a big brother, haven’t you done it yet?” The ghoul national teacher said solemnly.

“Big Brother is dead!” The disciple smiled bitterly.

“Dead? The assassination failed?” The ghoul national teacher’s expression changed.

“The news that Master received during the retreat was like this. At that time…!” The disciple described the things about the ghoul war general camp.

“I asked him to assassinate Wang Ke. What did he do to shoot Princess Youyue? What a pity, he is crazy!” The ghoul master scolded.

Although he and Princess Youyue are on the opposite side, you can assassinate Princess Youyue and give 10,000 courage to the ghoul national teacher. Princess Youyue is the daughter approved by the emperor, if she dies in the hands of her apprentice , Even the first **** of war can’t protect himself.

“Big Brother, before he died, he kept crying for injustice!” said the disciple.

“Humph!” The National Ghoul snorted coldly.

After all, he is his own apprentice, and speaking coldly in front of other disciples, it will eventually chill the hearts of other apprentices, and the ghoul national teacher can only endure it.

“Master, at this moment, King Zhao Wu has announced to the public that he will support Princess Youyue, the crown prince, to inherit the throne at all costs, and will soon arrive in the ghouls and gods!” said the disciple.

“What? King Zhao Wu wants to support Princess Youyue?” The national ghoul’s face changed.

“Yes, according to the words of the Zhao family faction, King Zhao Wu issued the order of the King Zhao Wu. All the people of the Zhao family faction, those who dare to slack off, chase! Some who dare to slander the princess, kill!” said the disciple.

The ghoul national teacher’s face was gloomy: “This King Zhao Wu is really determined? Damn Wang Ke, Master is right, as long as you give him a little chance, he will give you a big accident! How long did I retreat? He not only went to Snow Demon Mountain to steal the righteous prisoners, but also convinced King Zhao Wu? Wasn’t this King Zhao Wu a stubborn old stubborn? He ignored Princess Youyue when he exiled Princess Youyue, why? Just, why…!”

“Master, it’s okay to say everything else. The most troublesome people are the people of the Zhao family. They are now proclaiming that the princess will be the country and the people this time, and that the princess will inherit the will of the ghoul queen. It is their responsibility to protect the people. They also tampered with history!” said the disciple.

“Tampering with history?” The ghoul national teacher asked puzzledly.

“Yes, they said that the Queen Ghoul was a righteous person before, and the reason for her enchantment was that she encountered the common pressure of the four lotus emperors. At that time, the four lotus emperors sneaked into the ghoul dynasty together. The ghost dynasty was completely destroyed. In order to protect the ghouls, ghosts and gods, the ghoul queen was forced to agree to the devil, so that the four lotus people gave up and quietly retreated! The ghoul queen was only for the ghoul people to enter the devil. , The Queen Ghoul has never eaten or drank blood. She silently endured great grievances and did not want to embarrass the people, so she had to exile herself, wandering overseas, and the Queen Ghoul was gone, but Her will was passed on to Princess Youyue, and I hope Princess Youyue can continue to guard the ghoul dynasty on her behalf! Continue to guard the ghoul people! The ghoul people, never eat!” said the disciple.

The ghoul national teacher stared at the disciple: “Who made up this special? How could the ghoul queen be persecuted by the four lotus emperors and endure to humiliate the people before becoming the devil? This special is fart! The queen was a demon before she was founded. She has always been a demon! Who made it? Does anyone believe it?”

“Uh, it was the people of the Zhao Wu faction who promoted it to the outside world. The people at the bottom, thinking of the empress’s grace, believed that I was walking on the street today and saw people from the Zhao family faction telling this’secret’ in four teahouses. The traffickers and pawns shed tears as they listened to them. One by one, they were chanting about the Queen of the Ghoul. Several people slapped themselves and blamed themselves for misunderstanding the Queen. Many people went to the Imperial Palace and lived with the Queen. Wherever I went, I prayed and worshiped, and I am grateful to the empress for the grievances endured by the ghoul people! The whole city was in tears, all thinking about the queen’s goodness, and all thinking of Princess Youyue!” said the disciple.

“Fart, this is a story made up, why should they believe it? I understand, it is Wang Ke, such shameless praise, only Wang Ke can do it. It must be him, Te Niang’s, Master said That’s right, he really knows how to push his nose to the face. As soon as he persuaded King Zhao Wu, he used King Zhao Wu’s subordinates to build public opinion. This is so special, Master said that it’s right. This king is really not fuel efficient. Light!” The ghoul country teacher trembled all over.

“Master, you don’t know, and you don’t know why, the people just believed in this propaganda, and someone went to expose it and was beaten by the people!” said the disciple.

“What? The people believe it to this level?” The ghoul national teacher’s expression changed.

Suddenly, the ghoul national teacher discovered that this is no longer as simple as public opinion building momentum. If this propaganda is confirmed by the people from the bottom of their hearts, wouldn’t your own layout be ruined?

“Yes, after all, it is not only us who can see the purpose of this public opinion, but other major factions have also seen it. Some people have spontaneously exposed this lie, but the people do not believe it at all and they are still yelling

‘How could the Zhao family lie to us? ’,

‘How good the queen was before, for us to endure humiliation and exile herself after being insulted, your hearts are blacked into maggots, and you dare to slander the queen? I fight with you! ’,

‘The princess upholds the queen’s will, risking her death to the Snow Devil Mountain to save people. She will die for a lifetime without even having her life. You shameless group, still slander the queen and the princess? If you have the ability, you should also go to the demons to save people? ’,

‘The queen was mutilated to save us. To save you, you wolves, you want to rob the queen’s family property and murder the princess. You are the courtiers and thieves! ’,

‘The princess enters the court, my family respects the princess! ’,

‘The princess is the true heir to the ghoul dynasty, and those are all chaos and thieves! “The disciple described the scenes on the street vividly.

The ghoul national teacher sucked in a cold breath.

“This, this, Princess Youyue hasn’t come yet [Pencil Novel], the public opinion has become like this?” A cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the National Ghoul Master.

“Yes, anyway, the Zhao family faction is constantly advocating Princess Youyue, using the Queen of Ghouls to save the people, and keeps talking about things of enduring humiliation, keep talking, and don’t know what to do, anyway, every day, everywhere. Said, these days, the whole ghouls and gods are going to be messed up!” said the disciple.

The ghoul national teacher’s face is extremely ugly: “This must be arranged by Wang Ke, this shameless Wang Ke, this shameless Wang Ke! The three of them become tigers, once they keep talking, even if they are fake It’s going to be real!”

“We can’t help it, the people’s emotions are mobilized, and no one can stop it!” The disciple smiled bitterly.

“What’s the attitude of the other factions? The Zhao family helped Wang Ke blow up the story he made up, and the other factions just ignored it?” The ghoul national teacher stared.

“The faction of King Qian Wu and King Sun Wu, nothing happened!” said the disciple.

“They? Humph! Where’s the kid from Yama Dynasty?” The ghoul national teacher said solemnly.

“They went to the street to talk, and they quarreled with people from the Zhao family faction. As a result, people from the Zhao family said, “You are a running dog from the Yama Dynasty, what qualifications do you have to care about my Ghoul Dynasty?” My ghoul queen, can you slander it?’ Then, the anger of the surrounding people was instantly ignited, and they immediately went up to beat them! Then, there was no more…!” said the disciple.

The ghoul national teacher had a black face: “It must be Wang Ke’s teachings. It must be Wang Ke’s teaching, Te Niang’s. Why is this king Zhao Wu being moved by Wang Ke? How can he cooperate with Wang Ke in this way What? Damn, **** thing!”

“Master, what can we do now?” The disciple asked worriedly.

“When will Princess You Yue arrive at the ghouls and gods?” the ghoul state teacher said solemnly.

“I don’t know, they are still on the road, they have been walking for almost a month! However, now they are getting closer and closer to the ghouls!” The disciple frowned.

“It’s been a month? Shouldn’t they have flying boats? Also, they are getting closer and closer to the ghouls and gods, how did you know? They will tell you the course of action?” .

“No, they are sending the righteous prisoners home!” said the disciple.

“Send the righteous prisoners home? Thirty-four thousand righteous prisoners home? Send? What do you mean? You mean, Wang Ke took Princess Youyue, one city by one city to send it personally?” Stared.

“Yes, this month, I stay in a large city every day. I arrive in the morning. People from the Zhao family will arrange a special reception square. The reception square gathers crowds of people to watch, and even people from nearby cities will come. During the ceremony, Princess Youyue and Wang Ke will give a speech at the ceremony, and they will threaten the major families in the city. No one is allowed to abuse the rescued righteous prisoners. Uh, Wang Ke said that these are not the righteous way. Prisoners are righteous heroes. They came back from suffering and suffering for other people. If anyone dares to look down, the princess will definitely be the master of them. Let the city lord watch these people and not let them be wronged! She also said in the speech, In the future, the princess will save more heroes to return!” said the disciple.

The ghoul national teacher suddenly numbed his scalp: “The ceremony of receiving the family? Did it publicize it in advance?”

“Yes, many days ago, people from the Zhao family faction had been promoting in various cities, and the princess would come in person! Therefore, many people have been looking forward to it!” said the disciple.

The ghoul national teacher’s face changed wildly: “This, this is to send the right way prisoners home, this is to buy people’s hearts, this is one city after another city is attacking the city! Special, this makes them Walk around, don’t all the hearts of the Ghoul Dynasty go to Princess Youyue? This **** it, this **** King Ke, you don’t play the cards according to common sense!”

“Master, what should I do now?” the disciple asked worriedly.

“What can I do? Princess Youyue hasn’t come to the ghouls and gods. The people of the ghoul dynasty are all about to be bought by him. What else can I do? Hurry up, send an invitation, please four If the people of the big factions come to our teacher’s house to gather, if you continue to do this with the king, they are still fighting for the world! When Princess Youyue arrives in the ghoul, will she directly ascend the throne as the emperor? Quick, take mine Please invite someone!” the ghoul national teacher roared.

“Yes!” A group of subordinates suddenly became busy.

PS: First!

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