Indestructible God King Chapter 169: Research Research

The Longmen Conference held once every ten years, in Shiwanda Mountain, going up to Xianmen, going up to Xianzhen, and going down to the mortal district is an extremely grand event.

Because on this day, the major immortal gates are recruiting disciples! It’s the day when the fairy seeker fishes over the dragon gate.

Why is it that the immortal gate recruits disciples mainly in the mortal district? Because there is no aura in the mortal area, mortals can practice martial arts without aura, and they are advancing by leaps and bounds in their youth. Doesn’t this mean that they are talented?

Most of the people in the big fairy towns missed the opportunity to be recruited into the fairy gate. Later, they got older and stepped into the innate! For this kind of people, Xianmen feels that although they have broken through the innate realm, they have average qualifications, and it is impossible to recruit them and waste resources.

The families of the immortal towns, some young descendants, who were nourished by spirit stones since childhood, and taught by their elders, are easy to stand out and have the opportunity to enter the fairy gate, but the fairy gates are not stupid, worrying that they use spirit stones The piled ones have insufficient stamina, so the assessment is more stringent.

Generally recruiting disciples, in fact, these months have all ended. It was as if Wang Ke’s five hundred young Jinyiwei had already been escorted back to their respective sects.

Another unusual recruitment method is today’s Longmen Conference.

Longmen Conference, no matter where you are, as long as you have reached the innate state under the age of 30, you can participate! This time, it’s not better than talent, but better than luck!

Whether it is the righteous way or the demon way immortal gate, they are extremely favored by the disciples who have the great luck way. Therefore, every ten years of the Longmen Conference, someone will come to recruit disciples, and it is also the only place where the demon sect and the right way can be calm for a short time. However, when encountering Universiade Dao disciples, they often fought.

Today is the day of the Longmen Conference.

The innate realm under the age of 30 from the three dynasties of the mortal area arrived at the Longmen Conference venue one after another. In a blink of an eye, Nuo Da’s venue has become crowded.

At this moment, righteous disciples and demon disciples in Longxian Town are watching and waiting from a distance.

Wang Ke is standing on the top terrace of the Rough Shenwang Building. Looking at the innate realm surrounded by crowds of people, they are scattered in all directions like visiting a market.

Zhang Zhengdao came in a hurry: “Wang Ke, why are you also at the Longmen Conference venue? You have all entered the fairy gate, and you want to compare luck with others?”

Wang Ke has a strange look on his face: “Do you think I want to come?”

“Why? Is anyone forcing you?” Zhang Zhengdao was taken aback.

“I will accompany the boss to take a look at the scenery here, but you also want to take care of it? You go! Or you won’t be able to leave after a while!” Wang Ke urged immediately.

“Pay the boss for watching the scenery? You won’t make money again, do you? Don’t bring me? I won’t go!” Zhang Zhengdao suddenly became anxious.

Wang Ke has to make a fortune every time he is abnormal. See you making a fortune alone? dream!

“Come for a fart, if you want to go, you go quickly?” Wang Ke scolded, staring.

“Fart, I won’t go! Do you want to make a fortune alone? Dreaming!” Zhang Zhengdao suddenly refused.

“He doesn’t want to go, don’t go!” A woman’s voice came from the next room.

“Who? Whose voice? Why, why is it a bit familiar?” Zhang Zhengdao asked in surprise.

“It’s the third hall of the Demon Cult, Zi Bufan!” Wang Ke said with a black face.

Zhang Zhengdao’s face changed, what? Zi Bufan? That’s right, the voice just now seemed to be Zi Bufan!

Did Zi Bufan want to kill the king when he was in Qingjing? Why are you here?

“Ah? Hahaha, hahaha, this weather seems to be raining, I have to go home to collect the quilt, Wang Ke, you play slowly, I will leave first!” Zhang Zhengdao smiled dryly. escape.


Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed, and Zhang Zhengdao’s buttocks exploded in a burst of skin and flesh.

“Ah!” Zhang Zhengdao screamed in pain.

“Stop yelling, you have found Hall Master Zi Bufan, can I let you go?” Wang Ke said in a deep voice.

“What, what do you mean?” Zhang Zhengdao’s eyes widened.

“It means that Zi Bufan can’t let you go, unless you are dead!” Wang Ke explained.

Zhang Zhengdao’s eyes were black: “Palace Master Zi, I have nothing to do with Wang. You have a bad idea and a debtor, you can find him!”

“Shut up, Hall Master Zi doesn’t want to kill you now, don’t really annoy her!” Wang Ke whispered from the side.

Zhang Zhengdao suddenly covered his mouth, showing a look of horror.

“Wang Ke, Zi Bufan is here, don’t you say it earlier!” Zhang Zhengdao whispered to Wang Ke.

“I want you to go quickly. If you don’t go, blame me?” Wang Ke glared.

“Huh! What a shame, why are you so unlucky!” Zhang Zhengdao whispered in depression for a while.

Zhang Zhengdao is depressed, and Wang Ke is even more depressed.

“Hall Master Zi, I’ll give it to you Zhu, why are you still staring at me? I’m innocent. You want to find Zhu Hongyi! Why do you pull me here? “Wang Ke looked at the room not far away with a bitter expression.

This is the Longmen Conference venue. According to my original plan, the farther I can hide, the better. Who is coming to this whirlpool at this critical moment?

“Wang Ke, what happened to you in Longxian Town during this period of time, I have heard, you are quite mixed up?” Zi Bufan’s voice came from the side room.

“Huh? I just…!” Wang Ke’s face sank.

“Since you are so mixed up, please help me with a cover!” Zi Bufan’s voice came.

“Big brother, no, Hall Master Zi, you are a big man in the Nascent Soul Realm, I am a small innate realm, how can I have such a big face?” Wang Ke suddenly smiled bitterly.

You just plan to fight, what kind of shield do you pull me out? I’m going to be pierced by arrows!

“Huh, I haven’t settled the account with you about Qingjing’s affairs. Why should my grand nephew give up fighting for the world and give you the Wang family’s unification? Do you want me to count it with you?” Zi Bufan said coldly.

“Hall Master Purple, didn’t this matter have been settled back then? Hall Master Zhu Hongyi is a witness! A gentleman can’t chase after a word!” Wang Ke suddenly exclaimed.

“I’m a woman, not a gentleman, I will be held accountable if I want to be held accountable, but I won’t be held accountable if I don’t want to be held accountable! Who made Zhu Hongyi not come?” Zi Bufan said coldly.

Wang Ke: “…………!”

What’s the special point? I hit birds all day long, and sometimes I get pecked by birds!

I’m only in the Innate Realm, and others are in the Nascent Soul Stage, and the Nascent Soul Stage is shameless. What else can I do?

“Then, what do you want me to do?” Wang Ke said depressed.

“Stand here, that’s it! Next, you don’t need to do anything!” Zi Bufan said solemnly.

“What a great deal!” Wang Ke said depressed.

This vermilion bastard, he refused to come, let me come here, and I will wipe your **** for you, what a shame!

“What did you say?” Zi Bufan said coldly.

“Ah, I said, OK! Don’t worry, leave it to me!” Wang Ke said depressed.

“Hmm!” Zi Bufan responded with satisfaction.

Wang Ke looked depressed at the fairy-seekers downstairs, and sighed!

Zhang Zhengdao is gloating, and you have today.


Just as everyone is waiting.


At the Longmen Conference venue, a whirlwind suddenly blew out of thin air.

“Come!” Zhang Zhengdao’s eyes lit up.

I saw that bursts of golden gas appeared from the ground, soaring into the sky, like a whirlwind, quickly encircling the Longmen Conference venue.


More and more dragon qi emerged from the ground, soaring into the sky, and the dragon qi gathered, as if it turned into a dragon-shaped golden mist, and wandered in all directions of the venue. For a time, countless immortal seekers below became restless.

“Hurry up, dragon spirits, cover me, cover me!”

“Come at me, dragon spirits, come at me, let the gods take a look, come!”

“Dragon Qi, don’t run, come around me!”




One by one the fairy seekers shouted excitedly.

At this moment, in all directions in Longxian Town, the disciples of the immortals are also staring.

“Everyone is watching. Dragon Qi only depends on the Great Fortune Daoists. These immortal seekers, as long as they have Dragon Qi attached to their bodies, they will immediately **** them. Don’t **** them from the Demon Sect!” Tie Liuyun roared.

“Second brother, don’t worry, we are staring!” All the Sirius Sect disciples shouted one after another.

It’s not just a disciple of the Heavenly Wolf Sect. All the disciples of the Immortal Sect of the Righteous Path are staring at them. They must be one step ahead and grab those who have the Dao of Great Fortune. Not only disciples of the Righteous Path, but also the disciples of the Demon Path are staring at them, and they usually take action anytime.

The entire Longmen Conference venue has become a whirlpool center.

Looking at the increasing dragon spirit, Wang Ke frowned in boredom and thought deeply.

“Why? Why do these dragon spirits pop up in this place every ten years? What’s the reason?” Wang Ke looked at Zhang Zhengdao curiously.

“You ask me, how do I know?” Zhang Zhengdao blinked.

Zhang Zhengdao seemed to know something, but he didn’t want to say it.

“The three dynasties suppressed the dragon veins? But it has never leaked like this! Isn’t there a seal? There is no seal in this place? The air leaks once every ten years? It’s still golden yellow. Could it be the earth’s discharge? Some dirty air?” Wang Ke looked at Zhang Zhengdao.

Zhang Zhengdao stared at Wang Ke.

“Foul air? Wang Ke, you have something to say? You mean, Dragon Qi is the same as your true Qi, it’s a fart? A fart from the earth?” Zhang Zhengdao said in astonishment.

How dare you think about it? What is your brain circuit?

“Isn’t it the same? What do you mean by dragon energy? The dragon veins, golden dragons, will explode! Isn’t it the filthy air expelled from the earth?” Wang Ke stared.

Zhang Zhengdao: “…………!”

With Wang Ke’s hypothesis, Zhang Zhengdao looked at the golden dragon qi in the sky again, and sure enough, they were all golden and brilliant, and they looked a bit like Wang Ke’s turbid innocent qi.

“Why? Why is it really a bit like it? If these dragon spirits are a fart from the earth, what part of the earth is the venue where we are?” Zhang Zhengdao’s eyes widened.

Think about it. Zhang Zhengdao had a nausea.


Suddenly, a dragon aura enveloped the surface of an immortal seeker.

“I have the dragon spirit into the body, I have the Dao of luck, I have the Dao of luck!” the man cried out in surprise.

Suddenly, some immortal disciples quickly rushed into the venue.

“Boy, follow me and be my disciple of Xiangcunzong!”

“Boy, come to my Sirius Sect!”

“The Taiyin Demon Sect is for you!”

“Jin Wuzong allows you to get started!”




A gust of golden dragon aura descended from the sky and enveloped the immortal seekers. For a time, one after another immortal disciples went out to invite the Great Fortune Daoists to enter the immortal gate. You vie for me.

Originally, a very good job fair.

At this moment, Zhang Zhengdao, looking at those golden seekers who were shrouded in dragon spirit, he kept nausea and nausea for a while.

A fairy seeker sucked the dragon gas in excitement, no matter whether it was useful or not, the excitement was overwhelming: “Hahaha, the dragon gas is coming, ah, ah, ah! It’s all coming to my mouth. !”

“Oh!” Zhang Zhengdao felt nauseous.

“What are you doing? Why are you vomiting?” Wang Ke stared curiously.

“Don’t blame you, it made me think, vomit~~!” Zhang Zhengdao saw another fairy seeker in the distance breathing the dragon gas desperately.

“You’re crazy, I’m just idle and bored, and I will study with you, you can also vomit? Don’t you have a heavy taste?” Wang Ke was surprised.

“Blam me? Oh~~~!” Zhang Zhengdao couldn’t stop vomiting.

ps: First!

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