Indestructible God King Chapter 72: The touch of the second brother

Dragon Island prison, cave room!

The king can use this magic shovel to dig the walls of the cave with sweat.

“It’s coming, it’s coming, I will be able to dig out soon!” Wang Ke digs expectantly in his eyes.

Not far away, Senior Brother Siriuszong’s mouth was bulging, and the true qi in his mouth was compressed. It should be sprayed out for a short time, otherwise the mouth would be hurt by the true qi.

Different from ordinary cultivators, other people’s true qi can be collected in dantian at any time, but because the second brothers are all banned by demons, they can’t take them back. How uncomfortable is that?

“I just want to beg for death, come here! What a closet there, it’s okay, it’s okay to dig it so deep!” The second brother was anxious.

But the demon in front of me has no thought of coming back.

Second brother: “………………!”

My mouth is sore that I can’t hold it anymore, what should I do? The second brother was in grief and indignation.

Is it so hard to die?

After all, he didn’t hold back, and a little bit of anger leaked from his mouth.


The soft voice echoed in the room, causing Wang Ke who was digging a hole to have a shovel. Wang Ke turned his head and stared at the second brother, and then he held his nose in disgust.

After all, it is the same fellow, it is not convenient to criticize, forget it, continue to dig tunnels.

Wang Ke ignored the second brother, but the second brother stared in shame. It was the real anger from my mouth just now. What do you mean by covering your nose?

Wang Ke continued to dig the tunnel, digging and digging, Wang Ke became more excited, because the change in soil quality indicated that he was not far from digging the tunnel.

Everything is developing for the better, that is, the second brother on the side is a bit too much, the previous “puff~”, Wang Ke has endured it, but you have made the sound of “puff” one after another, which is a bit too much. . Is it endless?

Although Wang Ke didn’t smell the peculiar smell, he couldn’t bear it psychologically. If it weren’t for seeing you as the second senior brother, I would have knocked you out a long time ago, what a great deal! Didn’t you see anyone else here? Is there any morality?

Wang Ke dug his head and dug the wall, the second brother was really angry, and it was about to leak! What’s so special, you can’t do it if you want to die sooner, why? Why are you not here?

Is this madness really going to be wasted?

No, no, this is my true qi from self-defeating. It can’t leak light. If you have less, let it be less. If it is less powerful, then less powerful. Demons, die!


This time the second brother, wrapped in blood with the remaining true energy, slammed it at Wang Ke, and in an instant, a blood arrow came straight at the back of Wang Ke’s head.

Wang Ke digs into the wall, he instinctively tightens, and he makes a backhand blow with the shovel in his hand without hesitation.


There was a muffled noise, and the whole room was shocked, and smoke and dust splashed everywhere.

Wang Ke’s eyes widened, so dangerous! The blood arrow just shook my hands numb. Who?

Wang Ke stared at the second brother? Is the second brother attacking himself? Isn’t he banned for cultivation? Can you still shoot? So powerful?

Wang didn’t know, it was because the second brother had leaked most of his true breath. If an ordinary evil demon walked in front of the second brother, the second brother would kill him even in the Golden Core Realm with a full blow!

Just now, the power has weakened countlessly, and after a certain distance, he failed to shoot Wang Ke.

“Evil demon, if it wasn’t for you to delay my time, I would have…, I hate, I wish I could die with you! Puff!” The second senior brother showed hatred.

“You…!” Wang Ke looked complicated.

Wang Ke guessed the probabilities, after all, he sighed slightly without blaming him, he collected the shovel and prepared to continue digging the tunnel.

“No, cough cough, no, you shovel? No, this method is wrong, it is the sword of the Sect Master, returning to the sword and looking at the moon? You, you, how can you return to the sword and looking at the moon? How can you?” Two Senior brother suddenly exclaimed.

Wang Ke’s face changed, and he immediately stepped forward, covering the second brother’s mouth.

“Uuuuuu!” The second senior brother stared at Wang Ke with wide eyes.

Wang Ke also had a depressed look. Just now, that resisting blood arrows was completely instinctive and used a bit of Master Wan Jian Jue’s swordsmanship. Is it special, who would have thought it would be seen in an instant?

Originally, I didn’t want to reveal my identity, but what should I do now? Is it possible to kill others?

“Second brother, forgive me, I couldn’t reveal my identity before, but I couldn’t help myself. I found out that demons had caught many people of the righteous way. I finally got in. These days, I’m walking on thin ice. Beware. I’m here to save you after being discovered by the demons! Don’t let me be exposed, otherwise, I will be dead!” Wang Ke whispered in the ear of the second senior.

The second brother’s eyes widened, and his whole body was shaking.

Someone came to save yourself? Someone came to save yourself? right way? The younger brother of the Sirius Sect? The second brother suddenly burst into tears. The second brother was not happy that he was rescued, but happy that the other brothers and apprentices were rescued.

Only the second elder brother knows how difficult it is to get into the Demon Cult. I didn’t dare to think about it before! I also understand how difficult this junior is in front of him.

“Brother, I’m sorry, let you be exposed!” The second senior brother was full of guilt.

“Second brother, you don’t need to say that, in order to survive on the righteous path, this is what I should do, I don’t regret it! I just don’t know the result, I don’t know if I can rescue you in the end, if I can’t, I will try my best Escape, go back to the Sirius Sect, bring back the map, and let the others from the Sirius Sect come to rescue you!” Wang Ke looked sad and compassionate.

Save people? Wang Keni Bodhisattva crosses the river and cannot protect himself. Where can he save people? It’s just to make it sound, so that you can easily escape from Shenlong Island by yourself without being betrayed by the second senior brother.

Ke Er Brother doesn’t know, Wang Ke’s spirit of sacrificing his life has deeply convinced him.

“Brother, I will cooperate with you in what you want to do! Don’t worry, even if I die, I won’t tell you who you are!” The second senior brother was moved.

“Okay, okay, thank you Brother II, Brother II, I think you still don’t commit suicide, there is always hope for living!” Wang Ke comforted.

“Okay, okay, it’s all about Junior Brother, all about Junior Brother!” The second Senior Brother’s tears filled his eyes with excitement.

Before on a hunger strike, there was no hope in sight. Now there is a glimmer of hope. The second brother naturally wants to live!

“So, then I don’t care about you, you don’t think you have seen me!” Wang Ke looked at the second brother expectantly.

“I understand, Junior Brother, you are walking on the wire rope, you are in danger on all sides, and lie in ambush on all sides. I will not add chaos to you, I don’t know anything, don’t worry!” The second senior nodded immediately.

“Thank you, then I will continue to dig tunnels. These demons seem to be calculating me. I can’t let them succeed!” Wang Ke explained.

“Okay, okay, brother, you’re busy with you! I don’t know you, you’re still a demon! I don’t know anything!” The second brother nodded immediately.

Wang Jian reassures the second brother and ignores other things. He quickly continues to dig holes.

“Your direction is connected to a cell, but the direction you are digging should be blocked by demons. You’d better dig a little to the left!” The second senior brother pointed.

“Oh? Good!” Wang Ke said unexpectedly.

Digged for an hour.


Finally, digging through there, Wang Ke suddenly saw a prison, a group of righteous prisoners in the prison, one by one stared at a big hole in the wall in astonishment.

What’s the situation?

A prisoner’s face suddenly changed: “There is the cave room where the second brother is. The second brother is on a hunger strike, begging to die. Could it be that the second brother is dead?”

Wang Ke got out of the big hole.

“Evil demon, you ate my brother, you ate my brother!” All the Sky Wolf Prisoners looked at Wang Ke with hatred.

“I’m not dead! Any one of you has a spirit stone, throw one for me!” The second senior brother’s voice came from the other side.

Prisoners: “………………!”

Are there hallucinations in our ears? Brother 2 is still alive? Didn’t he go on a hunger strike? Why do you need a spirit stone? This is impossible!

Lingstones, many prisoners still have them, because the demons want the prisoners to be fat and fat to draw blood, so they don’t skimp on the spirit stones and food.

“Is there anything to eat? Give it to me!” The Second Senior Brother yelled from the other side.

Prisoners: “………………!”

Wang Ke was too late to pay attention to the prisoners. Instead, he went to the fence of the prison, cut open the door lock with a flying sword, and walked out.

At this moment, on the square of the prison on Shenlong Island, the people in the chess and card room have stopped playing cards, and they are all around Wanshe Pond, pointing to the center of Wanshe Pond, as if they were watching something.

“Huh? What’s the situation?” Wang Ke walked over curiously.

“Look, look! Someone fell from the mountain and fell into the middle of Wan Snake Pond!”

“It seems to be a child? Whose child dropped out of Wanshe Pond? This is the end!”

“Still calling for help!”

“The voice is a bit like a son?”

“Fart, how could he fall out of Ten Thousand Snake Pond, who is the Son of God?”

“It’s over, no one dare to go down in the Ten Thousand Snake Pool. If you are bitten by the Ten Thousand Snakes, you will die?”

“It’s dead! The kid is dead!”




Amidst all the demons watching, they all sighed. After all, the Ten Thousand Snake Pool has a formation that not only traps countless snakes, but also suppresses the cultivation of the cultivators. Under the Nascent Soul Realm, they fall into it, like a mortal, that is, Even if the Golden Core Realm fell in, it would be bitten by ten thousand snakes just like a mortal.

So, who wants to go down? No one is willing to go down!

Wang Ke pushed aside the crowd, walked to the front, and looked into the distance curiously.

At the same time, the sky was getting bright.

In a hall on Shenlong Island. Tong An’an was holding a cup of true essence blood, as if waiting for something.

“Altar Master, don’t worry, Wang Ke at this moment guarantees that there is alibi, no one can help him prove that it has nothing to do with the death of the Son!” The Northern God of Gamblers excitedly said.

“Don’t make trouble again!” Tong An’an said solemnly.

“No, Wang Ke is enjoying the process of demonization at this moment. The cave room where he is located, the door is not only locked by me, but also blocked by the formation method. He can’t open the door, and as long as As soon as he touched the door, I was able to receive an alarm. There is no alarm until now, which means that he hasn’t even touched the doorknob. He is enjoying the prisoner. Haha, how does he know that we are counting him?” Bei The God of Gamblers smiled.

“Are you sure he won’t come out?”

“I’m sure, as long as he touches the doorknob, I know that he must have not come out at the moment!” The North Gambler believed himself.

“That’s good!” A flash of satisfaction flashed in Tong Anan’s eyes.

“By the way, is Shengzi masked over there?” The Northern God of Gamblers worried.

“Relax, on the side of the saint son, he has been blindfolded and thrown into the Wan Snake Pond! The saint son has a weak cultivation base, and if he falls into the Wan Snake Pond, it is a death! The masked cloth is made of special materials. It will soon melt away. At dawn, when the Son of God dies, everyone will know, and then…!” Tong An’an squinted.

“Then, the lord of the altar personally went to capture Wang Ke, not only let him spit out the money and true blood that he had won these days, but also made him bear the evidence of the murder of the holy son. When the time comes, the altar lord will avenge the holy son. The King of Swordsman!” The Northern God of Gamblers said excitedly.

“Hahahahaha!” Tong Anan laughed.

“The Saint Son was bitten to death by Ten Thousand Snakes in front of everyone, Ten Thousand Snake Pool, no one would save it. Saint Son is dead, and Wang Ke is dead too!” Smiled.



Dragon Island prison!

Zhu Fei and everyone early discovered that someone had fallen in the middle of the Ten Thousand Snake Pond, shouting for help, but no one had any intention of going to save him.

What’s the joke? This is Ten Thousand Snake Pond, do you want to go down? Whose child doesn’t take good care of himself, and is bitten by ten thousand snakes, deserves it.

Zhu Fei also watched for a while, then turned his head, Zhu Fei’s eyes widened and watched Wang Ke swaggering over.

Seeing Wang Ke coming, Zhu Nian feels uncomfortable. Is it cool?

It’s also in jail, why can you live so moisturized? Why am I so miserable?

Zhu Wei hid behind the crowd to prevent Wang Ke from discovering.

The Wang Ke seemed to be attracted by everyone’s onlookers. He pushed aside the crowd and went to the forefront.

Standing at the forefront, Wang Ke looked at the shouts in the distance, frowning in confusion.

“Huh? What’s the situation? Everyone is watching the excitement? Someone dropped off the Ten Thousand Snake Pool?” Wang Ke looked into the distance in surprise.

Wang didn’t know that behind him, there was a jealous and frantic Zhu Wei, who raised his foot ferociously.

“Go to hell!” Zhu Nian shouted in his heart.


Zhu Wei kicked Wang Ke down the Wan Snake Pond.


Wang Ke let out a scream, so he didn’t expect that he would be kicked down the Ten Thousand Snake Pool?

The demons? They count me? Is it Tong An’an? Is it the Northern God of Gamblers? They want me to die in the pool of ten thousand snakes?


Wang Ke fell into the Pond of Ten Thousand Snakes.

Zhu Fei hides in the crowd, revealing a hideous smile, finally, let this **** Wang Ke die, die!

“Yeah, someone jumped into the Ten Thousand Snake Pond to save the kid?” Someone suddenly yelled.

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